Lisa Gawlas

You Are Either Making Life Happen, or Letting Life Happen.

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/03/2013 - 08:37


brain treadmill

I have got to laugh at the back-flow of my own karmic energy.  All of a sudden, I am on the receiving end of the reschedule zone with something I want very much… my new teeth!!  I was supposed to go for my first fitting last Wednesday, then the office manager calls me that very morning (her name just happens to be Lisa as well) to say my teeth didn’t come in so don’t make the hours drive.  We rescheduled for 3:30 pm yesterday.  I get a message when I woke up yesterday that all the dentists have a conference call to attend at the time of my appointment can I come in earlier.  We get it set for 2:30, I completely rearrange my own appointment schedule, well at least the second half of the day, only to be called yet again to say, only half my teeth came in (lower partials arrived, top didn’t) so we have once again rescheduled til next Tuesday.  I could feel the angst in Lisa’s voice as she told me about the most recent rescheduling news. What could I do but laugh, I took her call as I was rescheduling a wonderful and understanding lady as we spoke.  In the strangest of ways, it all felt weirdly good.  I knew I was standing in my own back flow of karma, but I was also standing in the very energy flow of life itself.

Sine Waves, ET Connections and The Power of Thought!

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 08:02


power of thought


Something interesting and wildly/wonderfully strange is beginning to be shown through so many of us.  Yes, this sharing is still going to be the rest of the story I started yesterday, but done differently.  I am going to start with the new of yesterday and work my way backwards to connect it all to where I left off the day before.

I had 6 people on my calendar yesterday, I read efficiently for the first 4, completely crashed in the middle of my 5th and didn’t even dare try to poke my nose into the higher light for the 6th.  It was as if all the readings I had done yesterday were in a sort of parenthesis formation.  Every one of the readings was revealing the very same importance, solar flares that are getting ready to come in and fire up the area that was being shown.  Granted, every one was vastly different in their appearance, but yet, every one was prepared for incoming solar flares that had such an electrical purpose to their connections.

The Deep Inner Tsunami and the Field of Change!

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 04/27/2013 - 11:04

Tsunami Energy Map


What an interesting 3 day ride thru this full moon eclipse cycle!  For me, it started the day before the full moon… the pull inward.  I suppose, really, spirit gave me a warning shot in meditation the day before that (tuesday) but, I really assumed (my bad!) they were showing me the solar eclipse energy.  Let me back up…

My day of readings on Tuesday showed two of the four beautiful souls I was reading for was already body deep in the eclipse energies.  One made of the familiar blue, violet and black energy that I relate to earth workers and this first lunar eclipse and the next one was a young man sporting the yellow and white energy I relate to a sun/soul worker and the solar eclipse.

It is funny how we can see what is happening and not really see what is happening at all, if I did really “get it” I wouldn’t have been so surprised that what my meditation showed me had nothing to do with our perception of “time.”

The Bounty of Life Reflected Thru New Choices, New Energy.

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 04/23/2013 - 09:28

bounty of life


I do believe, we as a collective, hit the G spot of LIFE and we are now resting (or buzzing) in the afterglow!!  (smile)  For as long as I have been seeing the eclipse energies, they have always appeared equal to each other, different, but the same width and height on the field of Life, until yesterday.  But, I’ll get to that in a moment.

My first lady showed up, suitcases packed, heading off into a new direction that not only took her off her center path, but looping out to the edges of the eclipses.  I realized there is something much bigger to seeing people show up on what I will call the farther ends of the eclipses than those who are heading straight into the middle and it all seems to come down to choices.  Putting real energy into the choices of change.

This lady owns a home in Texas and has made the choice to go house sit for someone her in New Mexico for several months, the choice itself is disguised by the need to return to her acupuncturist that is in Santa Fe.  She felt the need to see him again, the moment she wondered how she can do that, she got a call to house sit.  Doncha just love when life falls together in your lap!!

Even Life Has Orgasms!!

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 04/22/2013 - 08:25


Boy oh boy, if yesterday wasn’t just an interestingly odd day in my ongoing crazy world.  First, I received 3 phone calls in the middle of the night, the first two, I didn’t hear at all, the third one, coming in at 1:31 am, I did hear and woke up for.  I was worried it was one of my kids so I woke up and looked at my cell to see who was calling.  It was from a number I didn’t know, a local number no less.  I realized as I looked at the phone that this same number tried calling at 11:31 pm as well.  A completely separate  but still local number tried calling me at 11:43 pm.  I ignored them all.  I realized my phone was still plugged into the charge and it was 100% charged, I unplugged it and tossed and turned for well over an hour trying to get back to sleep.  Sleep just wasn’t happening so I turned the TV on just to give me back ground noise to fall asleep to.  I don’t think the TV was on a whole 5 minutes when I climbed back into sleep.

When I finally woke up at 7:30 am, my TV was completely off.  I ignored that as a weird fluke.  I went to my coffee pot, heated up the left over cup of coffee from the day before and created a fresh pot of coffee, grabbed my cell phone and sat at the computer pissed cuz I woke up so late, but also grateful I didn’t feel sleep deprived at all, I actually felt good and not even a wee bit groggy.

Exchanging With Our Multidimensional Selves In Our Dream Time

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 04/19/2013 - 08:41

Lisa Gawlas ~

multidimensional selfI find it simply amazing how much can be triggered by a reading, by a conversation and by a simple desire to experience that too.  I had a wonderful reading with a man yesterday whose imagery and understanding not only took me by surprise, but got me all kinds of excited within as well!!  Little did I realize just how much his reading affected me!!

He unfolded with this billowing energy coming in from wayyyyyy across the future timeline.  So far out in the distance of time that I could not see its origination point, but I kept using the example of 2025.  So, he had an aspect of himself alive and doing his thing in the year 2025 and sending a massive amount of energy back to the person I was reading for in this monumentous time in our collective lives.

The Pure Seed Energy of the New Moon and the Fusion of the Eclipses!! WOW!!

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 04/17/2013 - 07:19


feminine masculine as one

I think yesterday was the first time I have been able to see and understand clearly what exactly happened during my energy upgrade the last few days.  For as long as I can remember, I could never really discern what happened after days of feeling like energetic crap, we just trust something higher came of it all.

My first reading of the day shined a light on something exciting.  I could see what looked like an incoming solar flare of energy permeating her entire left field, her physical life structure.  I was slightly confused by what I was seeing and feeling, yet the energy and communication from that energy was without a question from a solar release of the sun that was forth coming.

I had already checked before her reading and there was no information about even a possibility of new flares.  But yet, I was certain of what I was seeing.  It wasn’t until after we hung up and I went back and looked at did I get really excited inside.  They updated their website to say:

Choice Points and the Intense Magnetic Force Field Leading Into May!

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 04/13/2013 - 08:16


magnetic field


Man oh man, if we aren’t getting pushed and shoved and pelted from every single direction!  We have the new moon at our back pushing us forward.  We have the energies of the triple eclipse already releasing their energy in what I call a back-flow to our present.  We have the sun slamming us from above with its codes and fire energy.  For me, this feels very much like entering the front lines in readings and coming out with battle scars!  By the time I was done with the last reading yesterday, I had such an all around headache starting from the base of my head at my neck circulating all the way around the front to my forehead.  Because of its constant and circular movement, I knew I spent just a wee bit too long in the field of intense light and no amount of ibuprofen helped.

Our spiritual energy is being expanded like never before, and the forces of nature are pushing us into life, like never before.

Lisa Gawlas ~ Doorways, Outhouses, New Soul Code Activations And April 11th!!

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 04/09/2013 - 10:49

9 April 2013

outhouseI find spirit’s sudden switch in focus interesting and telling.  For the first quarter of this year, the focus has been on you, your light body and how everything is changing and the various tools now available to you (even if those tools seem a bit cryptic, there is always a reason for their presentation.)  Now the focus has completely switched to things being presented to you in physical life, alignments coming up designed to take you out of the “straight and steady” and much deeper, much more actively into Life itself.

I have to really pay attention to the symbolism’s being used as well.  Doorways have become pretty relevant these last couple days.  Then my last reading of the day yesterday just threw me for a loop.  She didn’t have a doorway, she had what looked (to me) like an outhouse!  A very small building with a pitched roof, colored in the now familiar deep orange (something that serves to expand your self of Self in this new world,) that showed up just off her center path on the left (physical) side.  No matter what I tried to do, spirit would not let me inside to explore the bigger details of what this means.  Altho they (spirit) wouldn’t give her exact details about what this little side trip of life was exactly, they did give her a time frame and I really feel, all of us something to be very aware of.

Ready ~ Set ~ Go!!!

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 04/08/2013 - 07:46

unconditional love

Do you ever take the moment to feel just how excited Life is to have you in it?  How excited the air feels for the privileged of surrounding you, the dirt and rocks for the joy of supporting your footsteps.  YOU are so very precious to Life itself and it wants more than anything to support your deepest heart desires and really gets excited when you allow yourself to follow your hearts desires.  If you can feel that and trust that, there is nothing in all this world you cannot do or get done!!

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