Mike Quinsey

Channeled messages from SaLuSa and others.


Submitted by Lia on Fri, 11/23/2012 - 08:36


To launch world peace all warring has to stop, and if necessary we have the means to ensure that it does. There is absolutely no place for such low vibrations in the New Age. It is in fact somewhat easier to achieve success now, as the rising levels of consciousness are resulting in more souls rejecting anything to do with war. Even some of those hardened veterans are ready to change track and see the virtues of working for peace. They are beginning to see that their calling to protect their homeland, has been insidiously used for ulterior motives. When such people start to awaken to the truth, you know that the Illuminati is rapidly losing its power and control over the armed forces. They are indeed a spent force to what they were, and will not be allowed back.

SaLuSa ~ 11/21/2012 The Light is Beaming On the Planet

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 11/21/2012 - 15:25

You have a saying “that time waits for no man” and it is so, as those who are still slumbering are leaving themselves much to understand. It starts with those who do not believe that there is a God, yet blame God for what takes place in the world. We wish that they could see that everyone has been given freewill, and with it you have created exactly what you are experiencing. It would be easy for us to intervene, but in so doing we would take away your chance to see what your actions have brought about. Many still talk of extracting justice as they call it by attacking and destroying another group. They are seemingly unaware or deliberately overlooking the anger and hatred it causes. How many wars does it take for Man to realise that they are non-productive in achieving peace or a lasting settlement. The lesson never seems to be learnt that peace comes with accepting that you are all One, and living in harmony and love for all life.


SaLuSa ~ November 19, 2012

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 11/19/2012 - 09:35


To think that after preparing yourselves over some years in readiness for Ascension, that time is virtually upon you. Suddenly what you have dreamt of has approached near enough for you to get a feel of what it is like to experience the higher energies. Once experienced it is never forgotten as it is an ecstatic feeling of utter joy and happiness, peace and contentment. Imagine being in that state of bliss as normal from one day to another, and free of the lower emotions. It is your true way of living and why those of you who are ready will move out of duality. Some of you have always felt that something was missing from your lives, and now you have found out what it is.

We realise that these changes are creeping up on people that still have no idea what is coming. They may still suddenly awaken as the energies are causing a stirring within, and a new level of consciousness. The question is whether they are able to throw off the lower energies, that will otherwise impede their progress. For some the transition is asking too much because they have become reliant upon them in their everyday life. It is not easy to convey the advantages gained by lifting yourselves up, and yet they will always be remembered. Words are sometimes inadequate to describe life when it is based upon the harmony and balance that the higher energies bring to you. It is all bound together by what you call “love” which permeates the whole Universe, and in essence it is all there is.

Mike Quinsey ~ SaLuSa 16~November~2012 Great Upturn on the Light

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 11/16/2012 - 07:50


We notice a great upturn in the amount of Light upon the Earth, and that is to your credit and dedication to have brought so much to it. To some the energies are proving to be too powerful and disorientating. However, as they learn what is actually taking place, they may be able to flow with the energies and experience a higher degree of consciousness. They may otherwise experience feelings of impending change, without being able to determine what is happening. Whatever happens to them be assured that like everyone else, they will take something positive away with them. As we have often stated, every experience is of value to you where your evolution is concerned.



SALUSA ~ NOVEMBER 14, 2012 Love and Peace are Growing

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 11/14/2012 - 08:24


The love and peace being established on Earth is growing exponentially, and as each day now passes it is encompassing the whole world. To a greater or lesser degree every soul is being affected by it, and some find it more easy to take into their being than others. So each soul is given the same opportunity for growth into the Light, and to take part in Ascension. However, knowledge of the Ascension process is not necessary to be assured of rising up with it. There are many, many souls that are kind, loving and compassionate who are also ready for such an upliftment. In fact they may have quite a different view of the future, but that does not matter as they will soon adapt to the coming changes.

SaLuSa: November 12, 2012 11~11 Intense Light Has Hit The Planet

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 11/12/2012 - 09:53

SaLuSa: November 12, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey


 Commentary from Andrew Eardley: SaLuSa continues today to look at the near future leading up to, and following Ascension. The opening of the 11/11 portal has allowed much Light to pass through resulting in the raising of both personal and planetary vibrations. He reminds us that nothing is more important than our preparations for Ascension, and that all we need – and more – will be available to us.

He tells us that our present marriages or partnerships will no longer be constrained by 3D vows and we will be free to continue with these – or not – as we choose. In the higher dimensions the love of other souls is an exchange of energy, however we can “join” energies at an even higher level and such a union is far beyond our previous experiences.

SaLuSa: November 9, 2012

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 11/09/2012 - 08:51

SaLuSa: November 9, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey



Andrew: Today SaLuSa looks at the plans for the next few months following the re-election of President Obama, who has been briefed on his role by the Galactics and knows what is expected of him. The real start of the removal of the top Illuminati is about to commence, followed by a general clear-out of the lower levels of the dark Ones.

We are asked not to let up in our efforts to spread the Light to expand Man’s collective consciousness, though it will not be long before the Galactics can openly communicate with us. SaLuSa points out that that they are appearing more often at gatherings of Light spreaders, as experienced at the Sedona Conference.

In future, our elected Leaders will be highly spiritually evolved, rule by consent, and their decisions will be based upon love and bring joy. Life in future will be ecstatic and, with our own powers of creation, we will have all we desire and will want for nothing. SaLuSa asks us to rest easy and enjoy what is about to take place.

SaLuSa 7-November-2012

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 11/07/2012 - 10:12

The excitement grows in anticipation of the coming weeks, as the first real step towards Ascension looms near as Obama holds his position in the lead in the Presidential Election. Much is depending on the result, but the people have not been fooled by the antics of the opposition. They recognize in Obama his earnest desire to work for the people, and see his achievements in spite of the attempts to deny them. The tide has turned as people awaken to the truth and are now more intuitive when selecting their leader. There is also a strong feeling that it is time for far reaching changes, that lead you into the New Age.

Mike Quinsey ~ SaLuSa 5~November~2012

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 11/05/2012 - 08:13

SaLuSa  5-November-2012


Dear Ones what a grand assembly of people took place in Sedona, with the coming of the 2012 Scenario Conference. With no hesitation hundreds took off to meet for 3 days, to listen to speakers well known for their dedication to spreading the Light. They were treated to a feast that brought out the love and Light of all concerned, and created a focus for it that spread out all around. It remains as a beacon that calls out to other souls, and signals the intent of raising the vibrations even higher than they were before. It also increases the chance of the first City of Light emerging very shortly. Those dear souls who were involved are true Lightworkers who answered the call to join arms, and bring Ascension to the notice of more people than before.


SaLuSa: Meet Us Without Fear

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 11/01/2012 - 09:51

SaLuSa: Meet Us Without Fear


At the end of his speech in Sedona on Wednesday at 4:00 p.m., Mike Quinsey gave an impromptu message from SaLuSa. Mike did not give it as SaLuSa speaking directly, but as Mike reporting what SaLuSa was saying to him.


Thank you, dear ones, for coming to Sedona. I’m speaking for SaLuSa who wants to say that they’re more than grateful for people coming to Sedona. You’ve created much more light than previously which will go around the Earth and help to speed up evolution around the planet.

The forces on the motherships and other craft are so near to us now. They’re monitoring everything that goes on around the Earth. The consciousness levels have never been as high as they are now and when they reach critical mass there’ll be an explosion of light on the Earth.

They want us not to make the extraterrestrials superior in any way. They come as equals and when they come we’ll have a great celebration. They’ll continue to be with us after Ascension. They want us to become part of their plans for the future and they have a lot to offer us and will lift us into the higher levels they have described.

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