Mike Quinsey

Channeled messages from SaLuSa and others.


Submitted by Lia on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 08:24


SaLuSa  2-July-2012


ISS Star Trails 6 - NASA JSC - site

The really exciting times have arrived as you are getting confirmation of the arrests that have started taking place. Your rights are such that you have the authority to remove those who have committed acts of treason against you. These are clearly very necessary steps to allow important changes to take place that will move you on to the next phase in the plan. There is no way that the actions can be ignored much longer, and our allies are looking for sources that are keen to cover what is happening. Certainly with an announcement that is intended to set peoples minds at rest, we expect the media to pick up on it. There will soon come a point when the news can no longer be hidden or ignored, and we know that there will be a mixed reception to it. However, we expect President Obama to address the world, to re-assure people that the actions are positive and in everyone's interests to restore world peace. It will go worldwide and beyond any attempts of the dark Ones to gag it.

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 2 July 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 04:21


Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 2 July 2012

The really exciting times have arrived as you are getting confirmation of the arrests that have started taking place. Your rights are such that you have the authority to remove those who have committed acts of treason against you. These are clearly very necessary steps to allow important changes to take place that will move you on to the next phase in the plan. There is no way that the actions can be ignored much longer, and our allies are looking for sources that are keen to cover what is happening. Certainly with an announcement that is intended to set peoples minds at rest, we expect the media to pick up on it. There will soon come a point when the news can no longer be hidden or ignored, and we know that there will be a mixed reception to it. However, we expect President Obama to address the world, to re-assure people that the actions are positive and in everyone’s interests to restore world peace. It will go worldwide and beyond any attempts of the dark Ones to gag it.

SaLuSa 29~June~2012 The Final Days of the Cabal Have Arrived~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/29/2012 - 08:01

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 22 June

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 06/22/2012 - 00:57


Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 22 June

Some people who do not understand our technology are feeling that the time for action is “now or never”, believing that there will be insufficient time left to carry out all the changes necessary before Ascension. We must re-iterate that for us time is not such a crucial factor, and we are able to adjust to whatever time scale we are allowed. Our current plan is to start the action within a matter of days and not weeks, but nevertheless there is no question of it “never” going ahead. However, as you have learnt there is a line drawn from which we must get started even if it means becoming more directly involved. All along we have tried to encourage your participation in the preparations for Ascension and that has not changed, but we will move into action when given the authority. You will know when action is imminent as our allies intend to give a public announcement beforehand.

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 20 June 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 06/20/2012 - 04:03


Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 20 June 2012

You are getting so near to some real action that will leave you in no doubt that you are about to witness the beginning of the end of the dark Ones. It is all arranged and cannot be held up much longer. Even so you will be surprised at what is about to occur, and astonished that an operation of such size has been mounted. The planning has been meticulous to ensure that the arrests are as far as possible carried out in the least possible time. Be assured that the evidence of criminal actions by each individual has been carefully documented, and is sufficient to uphold the charges that will be made.

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 15 June 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 06/15/2012 - 01:45


Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 15 June 2012

We still continue to work hard with our allies to overcome the last obstacles that stand in our way. Once removed, announcements can be made to prime you ready for a series of actions to take out those who have controlled your lives through criminal intent. Many involved are names familiar to you, indeed in many cases very well known including others totally unknown. Once the key figures are removed, it will be the green light for our allies to mount a large scale arrest of those of whom we have sufficient evidence to prove their guilt. They will be treated fairly and given proper trials where they can be represented. The judges will be selected for their honesty and integrity and experience in applying the Law correctly and as was intended.

SaLuSa – 6/13/2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 06/13/2012 - 04:39


All around you changes are occurring and are a sure sign that the impulses for change are getting stronger, and so it will continue all the way to Ascension. The good news is that the outcome has been well anticipated by us, and we have taken all necessary action to ensure that you ascend. Our main responsibility has been to assist our allies to remove the dark Ones. It is proceeding well and is splitting the ranks of the Illuminati, who are becoming disorganized. It will act as a restraint upon them where they may have any remaining ambition to empower their plans to disrupt your progress.

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 11 June 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 06/11/2012 - 00:30


Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 11 June 2012

The time has arrived for positive thinking and acceptance of events as they are expected to work out with no preconception as to how they should be. You know that Ascension will come regardless of how our plans for you work out, so just allow for their manifestation knowing that all is well. Matters are so near to coming out that you will be taken by surprise as to how quickly they will happen. We would rather that you focus upon the positive events, than spending time and energy concerning yourselves with what will happen to the dark Ones. Their fates are sealed and justice will be seen to be done.

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