Steve Beckow

AAM Confirms: The “Containment” Started Last Monday, June 25, 2012

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 11:35

AAM Confirms: The “Containment” Started Last Monday, June 25, 2012

2012 July 2
Posted by Steve Beckow
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ FYI~ Steve through AA Michael is sharing that Micah, One of Our Earth Allies, is not a credible source although from Our Information he is credible and is right on with the information we have been recieving. There is also menation of the evacuations not occurring, although it does not matter as when this time arrives everyone will be well informed of the changes Love The Earth Allies

OK, we’ve finished the pre-record of An Hour with an Angel and it’s historic.


What I’m going to try to do here is to give you as much detail as I can remember; then I will go back into the recording and draw out some additional details.  I’m speaking from memory and it won’t be as satisfactory as quoting AAM so I ask you not to take my own recall as a true and accurate version of what he said, but as breaking news.

Archangel Michael on Three Days of Darkness, What Occurs at Ascension, Etc.

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 10:30

Archangel Michael on Three Days of Darkness, What Occurs at Ascension, Etc.

2012 July 2
Posted by Steve Beckow

 On Monday, July 2, 2012, I’ll be asking Archangel Michael to comment on Drunvalo’s notion of a pole shift and three days of darkness. (1) I do so because it has become a topic of discussion lately and some people have made important decisions in light of it.


I have posted on the subject before, (2) and have suggested that there is no support among the Company of Heaven for the idea, even if it does appear in certain native traditions.

But I do intend to question Archangel Michael about it on the radio show because of the renewed interest in the matter.  We did have a discussion of it on August 1, 2011. I post an extract from that discussion below.


Attempted Assassination of Top Wilcock Informant

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 09:17

Attempted Assassination of Top Wilcock Informant

by Steve Beckow

As Stephen will probably be discussing, we’re not going to chronicle each action in the mass arrests. Stephen will be reporting Cobra’s use of what appears to be coded messages. There is much else that’s happening that is doubtless material to an understanding of the whole. But it just isn’t possible to cover it all.


The special contribution of sites like ours is to offer and analyze the galactic ans related contributions to the discussion. Matthew’s latest will be out any day. I personally am more oriented to hearing what the Company of Light says, rather than the extensive traffic of the Earth allies.


That having been said, David Wilcock issued an update describing how “one of our most influential and high-ranking insiders was attacked by a very sophisticated bio-weapon last week.” last week.   He describes the attack here:


Investigations, Resignations … and Now Arrests

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 08:39


Investigations, Resignations … and Now Arrests

2012 July 2
 by Steve Beckow

It’s going to be a delicate operation to bring you news of the arrests, which SaLuSa says have now begun, without tipping people over into over-reacting. But we’ll endeavor to do it.


Here is a recent video on the mass arrests being imminent. It gives you a sense of many of the people who rallied in the last few months (and longer) to get the word out and assist this process to be brought to completion.




Steve Beckow ~ Mass Arrests Will Be Happening Around The World, Not Just In The US ~ 29 June 2012

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/29/2012 - 07:50

Steve Beckow ~ Mass Arrests Will Be Happening Around The World, Not Just In The US ~ 29 June 2012

America, yes, but elsewhere too

A reader from Brazil has asked whether the mass arrests will take place around the world or only in the United States.  The spokespeople for the galactics are explicit in stating that they’ll take place around the world. Let’s look at some of their statements.


Wanderer of the Skies, for instance, said in March of 2012 that the changes would embrace all governments and the media and will be discussed more openly as the dead hand of the Illuminati is removed.


“Many exciting things are now planned in the days and weeks ahead. As changes continue with your world governments and your media, with emphasis on your financial institutions, you will see more and more a willingness to openly discuss what has, until now, been the 800 pound gorilla in the room. You will hear statements as politicians and media personality begin to openly talk about the Illuminati and their role in your world and what must be done to take back the world for your people.” (1)


The Mass Arrests Will Remove the Cabal Completely

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 06/27/2012 - 08:30



The Mass Arrests Will Remove the Cabal Completely (Repost)

2012 June 27
Posted by Steve Beckow

We’ll be reposting some articles over the next few days to communicate background information on the mass arrests. We have no definite idea when they’ll be happening, but as Archangel Michael said June 25, 2012 on An Hour with an Angel, we’ve passed the tipping point and the boulder is rolling downhill.  Events surrounding Agenda 21 and the arrival of troops in St. Louis seem to suggest events may be moving ahead quickly.


April 19, 2012

On April 16, the Huffington Post featured a story on CISPA (the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act), which raised fears that the cabal was trying anew to censor the Internet. (1)

Accountability in Full Swing ~Steve Beckow

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 06/26/2012 - 13:46

Accountability in Full Swing (Repost)

2012 June 26
Posted by Steve Beckow

We’ll be reposting some articles over the next few days to communicate background information on the mass arrests.

We have no definite idea when they’ll be happening, but as Archangel Michael said yesterday on An Hour with an Angel, we’ve passed the tipping point and the boulder is rolling downhill.  Events surrounding Agenda 21 and the arrival of troops in St. Louis seem to suggest events may be moving ahead quickly.

March 6, 2012


The Company of Heaven has asked us as lightworkers to give full publicity to the fall of the cabal, which is happening at the present time, so here is a brief review of what has taken place in the last two weeks.


Steve Beckow ~ The Pace Of Change Will Cause Our Heads To Spin ~ 26 June 2012

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 06/26/2012 - 08:57

Steve Beckow ~ The Pace Of Change Will Cause Our Heads To Spin ~ 26 June 2012

One thing the galactics commonly say is that, when change begins, it will occur very rapidly. That’s one reason why we here have been expanding now and getting our new teams underway and through their early days – because we know change is just around the corner.


Let’s look for a moment at what SaLuSa and Wanderer of the Skies, the two galactic sources who’ve commented on this topic, have had to say about the pace of change.

SaLuSa said in January:


“Various desired changes are moving along together, and we can see that there may well be a quick series of revelations that will carry you forward very quickly. It will be sensational to many people and cause shock to those who are unprepared, but through our allies we shall ensure that the necessity for them is understood.” (1)


He warned us on February 20 that “the changes are going to be so far reaching, and happen so quickly that you will need to keep awake in case you miss something.” (2)


Backgrounder from SaLuSa on the Progress of the Cabal Round~Up

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 06/25/2012 - 12:15

Backgrounder from SaLuSa on the Progress of the Cabal Round~Up

Drake, Dragon Lady and Geoff West are coordinating their efforts to provide news coverage should the mass arrests happen today or any day following.


The G20 deliberations on Agenda 21 and the existence of troops in St. Louis have raised thoughts that the Earth allies and the Company of Heaven may respond by initiating the round-up of the cabal.

We are presently taping An Hour with an Angel. Archangel Michael has asked to appear first and the discussion will probably revolve around the achievement of peace on the planet with the mass arrests being the major initiative.


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