Steve Beckow

New Paradigm No Mystery

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/03/2012 - 11:39

New Paradigm No Mystery

2012 June 3
 by GLR~ Steve Beckow

I used to say that the new paradigm remained a mystery to me. And then one day, one of my guides, I’m sure, socked me right between the eyes and it was no mystery any more.


How could the new paradigm be anything other than the divine qualities? Such a thing could not be.

We’ve been left to our own devices for millennia to arrive at a workable paradigm and we’ve only produced greed, separativeness, us against them, service to self, and submissiveness.

It’s time to admit we failed and accept the help of God-sent teachers. It’s time to cop to what the new paradigm could only be and that’s the qualities of the Divine.


Those are such things as love, compassion, humility, balance, joy, harmony, peace and so on. How could it be any other way? Honestly?


Archangel Michael on Bill Brockbrader and Disagreement Among Lightworkers

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 05/29/2012 - 11:52

Archangel Michael on Bill Brockbrader and Disagreement Among Lightworkers

2012 May 29
Posted by Steve Beckow

Archangel Michael returns this week to discuss Bill Brockbrader’s case and the current disagreements among lightworkers. He looks at the contributions of lightworkers who rely on channeled information, versus lightworkers who rely on insider and whistleblower testimony, and reviews what channeled sources say will be happening in the near future.  Jesus joins us briefly to discuss the importance of forgiveness as we head into the mass arrests.


An Hour with an Angel, May 28, 2012, with Archangel Michael


Nova Earth Divine

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 05/29/2012 - 10:15

Nova Earth Divine


2012 May 29
 by GLR~ Steve Beckow


At one point I’d have thought imagining the new paradigm would be a difficult process.

And now it seems a relatively simple matter. Can it be the rising energies?

I’m willing to bet that the new paradigm is the same as the divine qualities.

Love, peace, unity, harmony, bliss, joy, co-operation, compassion – does it not make sense that this would be the new paradigm?

According to this line of speculation,  the old paradigm would have been hate, war, separation, aggressiveness, hurt, sorrow, competition and no mercy. That sounds accurate, according to all we read.


Protesters Hug Police in Blockupy Frankfurt

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 05/26/2012 - 11:18

Protesters Hug Police in Blockupy Frankfurt

2012 May 26
Thanks to Steve Beckow

Steve: Here’s a sight you probably thought you’d never see. Not since the Sixties perhaps. Police and protesters in Frankfurt, Germany, hugging. Thanks to Janis.


From Blockupy Frankfurt. May 19, 2012.

The German police took off their helmets and escorted the Blockupy Frankfurt protest. Police are escorting, not participating. Reports of an estimated 20,000+ protesters took to the streets. Nice to see their faces…. masks off and their humanity coming through…

“German police officers escort an anti-capitalism protest march with some 20,000 people in Frankfurt, Germany, Saturday, May 19, 2012.


Here’s a second story on the protest.

Allen Atkinson: Riding This Beautiful Blue Ball into the Next Grand Adventure

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 05/26/2012 - 11:13

Allen Atkinson: Riding This Beautiful Blue Ball into the Next Grand Adventure

2012 May 26
Commentary by Steve Beckow

Steve" There are so many of you out there who are excellent writers and your skills are needed. Here is Allen Atkinson responding to the article “Here for the Duration,” over on the 2012 Scenario discussion group.  Allen, why not start a blog?  Begin giving us the benefit of your keen mind in commentary on the times. Same for so many of you out there. Your services are welcomed and needed.


Allen is reporting that he too feels a sense of completion and that he has been lightening his load for some time. It was interesting to hear from him and others that the sense of completion that I feel is more general than I thought.  I have since seen others of the Company of Heaven discuss it as well.


The way Allen puts his preparations for Ascension is really inspiring.


~Here for the Duration~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/24/2012 - 10:09

Here for the Duration

2012 May 24
 by GLR~ Steve Beckow

“Many of you have, so to say, already reached the end of the road now, and you will intuitively know that is so. Your final period on Earth will be well in your control, and it will pass quite easily as you experience an inner peace.


“It comes from knowing that you have achieved your goals and have been able to break your bonds with the earthly links that no longer serve you. Indeed, for those who have not yet fully cleansed themselves of such links, the longer they go on the less you will find that they hold any attraction for you.” (SaLuSa, May 23, 2012.)

How interesting it is to read these lines from SaLuSa yesterday, given the sense of completion that I’ve been experiencing and the sense of having accomplished my goals….


The Transition is a Great Awakening and a Prelude to Ascension ~ Part 5

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 10:55

The Transition is a Great Awakening and a Prelude to Ascension ~ Part 5

2012 May 22
 by GLR~ Steve Beckow

Saul's channel, John Smallman


On April 30, 2012, I asked Archangel Michael if the Transition was what John Smallman’s Saul had been discussing for so long. He said, “Yes, this is exactly what Saul has been referring to.” (1)

Let’s therefore listen to what Saul has said about this time.

Saul appears to be discussing the Great Awakening as far back as May 2010,  which is as far as my accounting goes. He tells us:

“Humanity’s move into full consciousness … is programmed to occur quite soon. …


A Second Look at Jaden Smith’s Disclosure

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 15:22

A Second Look at Jaden Smith’s Disclosure

2012 May 21
 By GLR~ Steve Beckow

OK, let’s back up a minute.


Jaden Smith asks President Obama if aliens exist. The news report puts it this way:


Smith tells BBC Radio 1 host Chris Moyles, “The night before Jaden had said to me, ‘Dad, I gotta ask the president about the aliens,’ and I’m like, ‘Dude, no, it’s not cool. It’s embarrassing. Do not ask the president!’ So we get into the situation room and Jaden gets the look in his eyes and he leans over to me and asks, ‘Dad, What’s my punishment?’

The Transition is a Great Awakening and a Prelude to Ascension ~ Part 4

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 13:07

The Transition is a Great Awakening and a Prelude to Ascension ~ Part 4

2012 May 21
Posted by Steve Beckow
Commentary From The Galactic Free Press~ This is Excellent, except Steve amongst Many has Not Come to the Realization that we are actually Here In Physical Form. As a He and a She, One Male and One Female. Happy they could feel the Energy though~ And He was Correct. Since Our Event Yesterday, Alot has Shifted~ Love Mother and Father God

Not only Archangel Michael, but also the Divine Mother, Lao Tzu, SaLuSa, Saul, Jesus, and a number of other sources have said this month will see a wonderful opening in  consciousness. Archangel Michael called it “the Transition” and said it was a prelude to Ascension. Let’s look at the Divine Mother’s discussion of it today.


We’re All on the Same Side

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 05/19/2012 - 11:17

We’re All on the Same Side

2012 May 18
by GLR~Steve Beckow

The tomato doesn't argue with the broccoli

I’ve just been listening to Geoff West deliver the Cosmic Vision News over on Blogtalkradio.


And I was following his assessment of the current head-banging between Drake and Bill Brockbrader, which Cobra has also commented on. As I was doing so I was also considering some things that a new commentator, SaS, (1) was saying and what Geoff himself was saying and … it hit me.


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