Steve Beckow

The Essence of Our Work

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 09/01/2012 - 10:15
by Steve Beckow


Everyone who’s here – galactics, celestials, starseeds, walk-ins, ascended masters, etc. – is here to help people to ascend.


Atmos of Sirius tells us that this resolve is at the center of the Divine Plan: “It was and still is the Divine Plan to help as many souls as possible to move back into the higher dimensions through Ascension.” (1)


SaLuSa expresses the common resolve of all here: “We wish as many of you as possible to find your way home.” (2) And he adds: “Our presence and that of the many other Beings from Higher dimensions are here to ensure that the end times fulfill everyone’s promise.”  (3)


Flood of Information will Cause Mass Awakening When Media Control Ends

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 08/28/2012 - 09:26

by Steve Beckow

Control of the mainstream media appears to persist. When control of the media is overcome, we can expect a flood of information that will result in a great mass awakening.


Jesus through John Smallman tells us that the media remains under the control of those whose interests lie in dominating us.


“[The] media is owned and controlled by those who would control you, and it is obviously not in their interests to inform you of what is truly occurring. Nevertheless, they no longer have a stranglehold on the dissemination of information, and the truth is coming out despite their best efforts to contain it.” (1)

SaLuSa tells us that “the media is aware of what is happening but hold back for fear of the consequences. That will change in short time, as we must have an informed public before we can consider open contact.” (2)


The Pleiadian High Council through Wes Annac tell us that the reasons for media suppression of the news are often invented out of thin air.

Sharing as a Sacred Activity

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 08/19/2012 - 11:37
2012 August 19
Posted by Steve Beckow

A lot of my life recently has been about what I call “sharing.” Many people may think I mean “giving” by that, but that’s not what I mean. Sharing is the process of sharing ourselves, making ourselves known to another in important ways, conveying our truth of the moment to another.


I know that people have their eyes on the skies at the moment. But I’ve been given a different assignment  and that involves going inwards and sharing what I see. It’s coupled with a second assignment, which all of us have, which involves clearing and a process of clearing also often involves sharing.


Sharing is for me an eternally-interesting process because it brings king and commoner together, on the same level. Your share is as important to you as my share is to me. And your truth is as valid as my truth.  Sharing our truths is the great leveller. Everyone is equal in their share.


This Celebration of Bliss

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 09:13

2012 August 15

 by Steve Beckow

In less than a week’s time, we’ll arrive at Aug. 21, 2012, just four short months (and passing more swiftly each day, apparently), 120 days, from the date popularly agreed-upon as the day of our shift to a higher vibration.


I personally am withdrawing more and more energy and attention from anything that holds me to this Third Dimension, with its separative and dualistic ways of perceiving, valuing and doing.


Previously if a person wanted to ascend from one dimension to another, the “initiate” had to pass through many tests and trials.


If you read the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi, (1) you’ll watch the young Jesus pass through a series of rigorous initiations before being accepted as a master. If you read St. Germain’s The Most Holy Trinosophia, (2) you’ll be offered a glimpse of the trials St. Germain needed to pass through to become the same.


Ashtar: Acknowledgement of Our Presence Need not Take Months … Only Minutes

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 08/14/2012 - 15:03

2012 August 14

by Steve Beckow

Ashtar explained to us on Aug. 13 the various coalitions that make up the galactic presence around the Earth at the moment, the plans for the decloaking of large motherships in the night sky, the containment of world leaders and its impact on global society, politics, and finances, how the galactics go about deliberating on issues like secrecy, and many other matters that assist us to know how our star brothers and sisters work with us and what they are doing on our behalf at the present time.

Definitely a very informative interview. Thanks to Ellen for a record turnaround.


An Hour with an Angel with Ashtar, August 13, 2012

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Steve Beckow of the 2012 Scenario. I’m Graham Dewyea.

This Ascension Will See the Whole Universe Lifted Up

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 08/14/2012 - 09:13

2012 August 14

 by Steve Beckow

Galactic conception of Ascension: The caterpillar becomes a butterfly


One of the matters that confuses people from time to time is the question of what is ascending. Is it only the Earth or are more areas of the galaxy and universe involved?


SaLuSa tells us that Ascension “applies to the whole Universe.” (1)  The changes, he says, “are affecting … not just your solar system, but Universe and Galaxy.” (2)  On another occasion, he says, “the whole Universe … is being lifted up into the higher realms.”  (3) Like us, he says, the galactics are “part of the Great Plan…. All is uplifting into the higher vibrations, and it is a magnificent event and occasion for great celebrations.” (4)


Dream Boldly by Steve Beckow

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 08/12/2012 - 11:16

Supposing God appeared to you and said, “I will give you abundance, health, youth, longevity, bliss and anything else you want – if you only ask me, open, and receive.” What would you say?

No? Probably not.


You’d probably say, as I would: “Thank you very much, Lord.  I do in fact ask you. I open and I will receive. Bring the whole shooting match on!”


But isn’t that exactly the situation we’re in? The Divine Plan holds out to us abundance from NESARA (whenever it gets here!), abundance on the Fifth Dimension, an absence of disease, a return of lost limbs, the return of our youth, a long life, the bliss of Ascension, and anything we want from replicators before Dec. 21 and by our own wishes after. And all we have to do is to ask to ascend, open ourselves to these wonderful vibrations, and then receive them and assimilate them.

What more could we ask for?


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