Another Wave…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 04/24/2020 - 21:56

It is time again to prepare for another intense wave of energy approaching your Earth.  The Universe knows that some of the changes going on right now may be overwhelming but, you will be able to weather this well. (Smiling) One of the most important skills you can use is your ability to integrate the information being provided and use it in your everyday life.  If you find yourself having a challenging time, ask for help.  There has never been any shame in it and knowing others are experiencing the same things will assist you in assimilating it more quickly.  And, as always, The Universe is by your side every step of the way. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Friday April 24, 2020

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 04/24/2020 - 21:56

If any of your relationships are struggling, the fastest way to shift it is to practice appreciation.

Remember the first flush of love? It is the deep appreciation you felt for the other that created the connection and space for love to expand and grow. It is not the love that fades over time, it is the appreciation.

Judgment perpetuates separation. Appreciation nurtures connection and supports the flow of both the giving and receiving of love. And the most wonderful thing happens. When a person feels appreciated, they want to give you their best, and they shine in their most beautiful light.

So if you are finding yourself in a difficult phase in your relationship with another, stop and take the time to acknowledge the strengths and positive attributes of that person. To do so is choosing to shift into an expansive and accepting energy that will support everyone in showing up as their highest version of self. Simply put, it is deciding to use your focus to water the flowers instead of the weeds. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 04/23/2020 - 23:24

Take a few moments today and think about what you have learned, how you have changed and what you have been manifesting for yourself and others.  Since every thought and action has a vibration, what have you chosen to add to your world?  You have been given an amazing opportunity to affect the consciousness of the Earth!  The ripples of it will continue moving and eventually come back to you.  With that in mind, The Universe is asking you to continue staying as positive and loving as possible during this challenging time and know that all will be well. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Thursday April 23, 2020

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 04/23/2020 - 23:23

One of the greatest discoveries of the times you are currently in is people realizing the actions of one, when combined with others of like intention, can indeed create profound change. Most people until recent times did not fully realize how quickly their actions and intentions could accumulate to assist the whole. They felt they, as individuals, did not have as much impact as they truly do. Experiencing the quantifiable effects of the each person’s efforts lending to the whole is a profound discovery, for until now it was only a concept. This new truth will open up a world of new possibilities and potentials, all starting with the indisputable power of one. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 04/22/2020 - 22:05

Kindness is not reserved only for those who treat you kindly. Compassion is not given to only those that show it to you. Unconditional Love is not kept in store, given to only those you feel are deserving of it. The Universe gives these things freely to all humans regardless of who they are or where they live.

As you move forward into a changed world, it may be worth your while to release any of these beliefs, starting with yourself. Each of you is worthy and deserving of kindness, compassion, and Unconditional Love. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 22, 2020

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 04/22/2020 - 22:04

We have spoken about how your focus is your blessing of continuation. Affirmations are a wonderful way of changing course by creating new intentions which connect you to new timelines. A wonderful, simple affirmation you can use to begin to transform any area of your life is to simply declare, “I have a joyful relationship with….”

For example, you can choose “I have a joyful relationship with money.” You don’t have to know all the steps to get there, you simply need to open the door to that potential and allow the unfoldment that can occur now that you have chosen that new path of possibility.

If you try the affirmation and feel a great deal of resistance coming up in reaction to it, that is a wonderful gift! It is an opportunity to explore how you have been holding yourself separate from that experience. Feel into what is in conflict with your new choice. Is it fear? Is it an old belief system that you can now create beyond? There is much information available for you in your reactions. Tend to what needs your love and guidance, while staying committed to the new direction that is calling to you.

You are powerful creators, Dear Ones, and it all begins with empowered choices to flow yourselves forward in new ways that match who you are and where you wish to go. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Submitted by AstroEyes on Wed, 04/22/2020 - 17:34

        AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

What a Magical day it is today….not only is it a New Moon in Taurus but it is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day! Earth Day is not just for one day…it is to bring into our consciousness that now is the time period to bring the Earth, her beauty and energies into your life on a daily basis for next several months!! But take time today, this evening and the following days to sit and "be" with the Earth in quiet. Feel Her vibration, Her energy.....listen to what you hear and what you might "see" and "feel.” She has wisdom beyond belief. Honor her today and the days that follow while enjoying her beauty......She is Magical!

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