To awaken is to know who You are.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/01/2019 - 22:49

As a large part of humanity – those who are aware that they are on a spiritual path leading to their awakening – waits expectantly for the awakening to happen, much is occurring worldwide that is very unsettling for nearly everyone, and very painful for those who are living in war zones or in areas in which the planet herself or the weather is causing damage and disruption on a large scale.  This is all in preparation for the awakening, because much negativity – resentment, hatred, bitterness, anger, and negative judgment – that humanity has been clinging to, has to be seen, acknowledged, and released in order for you to awaken.

Those strongly held feelings and opinions most definitely affect not only those who live in areas where they are endemic, intensifying them, but also people all across the world, and the planet herself.  Therefore it is essential that you all open your hearts, even more fully than you already have done, to allow Love to flow through you far more freely to those who are living in fear and thereby shutting It out of their lives.  Your intent to share and extend your Love to all on Earth, regardless of the apparent differences between you – whether of race, color, or ethnicity, of religious or political beliefs, or any other differences – is the most effective thing you can do to assist in the awakening process.

With Purpose

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/01/2019 - 22:48

Walking your path with purpose is not always an easy task.  There may be disruptions and disturbances, trials and tribulations.  But, there is also love and joy, happiness and amazing experiences.  It is all about where you choose to put your focus.  The Universe, as ever, supports you every step of the way.  The rest is up to you. (Smiling) ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday December 1, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/01/2019 - 22:48

Acceptance is the most healing aspect you can offer, both for yourself and others, because unconditional love cannot be experienced without it. If you are feeling discomfort and can’t seem to put your finger on why, this exercise can be be a powerful tool to shift yourself into your own healing acceptance.  Simply sit quietly and affirm the following:

I accept all of me. All the pieces that have been shunned by myself or by others. All the pieces that have acted out because they were in pain. All the parts that believed in separation or made choices based on fear. All the parts of me that were too afraid to shine but desperately wanted to. Right down to the farthest hidden reaches of your soul, welcome all your aspects back Home into your own loving embrace and see how good it feels to move back into the wholeness of you.

Do you see? It is your own resistance to yourself that causes the greatest discomfort in your life, and it is your own love and acceptance you’ve been yearning for all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Only One You

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/30/2019 - 22:38

It is time to start moving, shaking and shifting again, dear one!  The Universe knows you may be tired and fed up but also know that you have the power and fortitude to keep going.  Move as quickly or as slowly as you choose.  Stop and take a look at the sights and sounds surrounding you if the mood strikes. And, as always, be gentle with yourself. (Smiling) There is only one you and you are amazing! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Saturday November 30, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/30/2019 - 22:38

Do you allow yourself to feel fully alive with excitement or do you immediately temper it when you feel it? So many of you have been conditioned to avoid the full expression of your feelings, which has in turn resulted in you settling for having much less than the full experience that is possible for you. In fact, in many cases it has caused you to sit back and judge an experience rather than fully live it.

Dear Ones, any act of judgment is choosing separation. Any act of acceptance is choosing inclusion. Love yourself enough to be present, to fully explore potentials, and allow the unfoldment to reveal the richness of what is available for you. It is by embracing that expansion you will fall deeply in love with the wonder that is your life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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