Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 11, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 09/11/2019 - 22:48

Dear Ones, you can embrace your light and still be diligent about your healing processes. And you don’t need to always be on high alert for what is wrong in order to do so.

If you are working with the surrender, faith, flow, trust model we call the Divine Combination, anything that needs healing, release, or your acknowledgment will come to the forefront to be dealt with. You can give it your loving attention and then recenter back into the light that you are.

The beautiful thing about this is that every single time you lovingly tend to your needs and then return home to the acknowledgment of your own beautiful light and innate wholeness, you expand your knowing of self which, in turn, supports the grand shift of consciousness on your planet.

This approach honours both your human self and your divine self which supports you in navigating to your highest potentials and experiences. It will not result in spiritual bypassing but rather in bypassing the fear and doubt that keep you in perpetual troubleshooting mode.

It allows you to be guided by an incredibly efficient system that is designed to naturally bring into your awareness anything you may need to address with the energetic support that comes with divine timing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Get Ready…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/10/2019 - 14:45

There is a reason for The Universe suggesting you rest your body and spirit, dear one; it is time to get ready for another upward push!  Over the next few weeks, you will be receiving quite a bit more information and tools to use as your Earth progresses to the next step of its evolution.  There is no need for extra preparation…the previous shifts have given you what you need. (Smiling) Take a deep breath and get ready to move forward.  As always, The Universe is beside you every step of the way. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 10, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/10/2019 - 14:45

Dear Ones, we understand that you are used to having clear ideas of where to go and what to do, and learning how to navigate in new energies can take some getting used to. Another way to understand it is to realize that 3D, or the old phase you are leaving is linear and constrained, while the new phase is non-linear and limitless.

It can feel daunting to realize that as pioneers there is no map. You are the ones who are creating new pathways and templates through your expanding into the new. And while this may feel foreign to you at first, please know that the true gift of this is that it is giving you the freedom you have been craving for so very long.

You get to try what feels best to you, rather than what others think you should do. You get to lead with your heart. You get to make empowered decisions one now moment at a time. You get to express yourself, joyfully, through your preferences. Your exploration and experiences are what have the most value, which releases you from attachment to outcome. Further, you get to shift into the discovery of what joyful, supported service feels like.

All these things are what your soul has been yearning for. These are the times you couldn’t wait for! Much of the anticipation you have been experiencing – that feeling that something big is about to happen – is your soul jumping up and down with joy and excitement for the opportunity to move fully into the new energies and to finally get to play, unencumbered, in the realm of endless potentials. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

MORE Rest…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/09/2019 - 21:45

Dearest one, please continue to be gentle with yourself.  This pause in the action has been made available for the specific purpose of allowing a realignment and recuperation of your whole self before the next phase begins.  The Universe understands the urgency at which you work but, no rest puts your physical/emotional/spiritual body in a stressed position that slows down any upcoming integration.  Rest, eat your favorite foods, watch/read things that bring joy into your life.  The upward path will begin again soon enough.  You are worthy and deserving of a breather…take it! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Monday September 9, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/09/2019 - 21:45

Most of you have been conditioned to live your lives on high alert, always on the lookout for what is wrong or not working. This has been passed down to you from other generations, where survival was threatened on a continual basis, and is the focus of those who fear victimization.

Dear Ones, one of the most prevalent aspects of the shift of consciousness you are part of is moving beyond victim consciousness into your authentic power. As such, your focus can also shift from what is wrong or threatening, into what is right and supportive.

What if, starting today, your focus shifted onto what is wonderful in your lives, onto what you love and appreciate about others, onto the things you can connect with in others?  What if you consciously started to celebrate the many blessings in your lives, the magic, the wonder, the support, the love that is all around you if you have eyes that choose to see it?

You can’t expect to receive what you desire if you only look at what you don’t want from a catalogue. Your focus is your blessing of continuation. It is how you give your energetic feedback to the universe and express your personal preferences. We highly suggest you start to celebrate all the wonderful things that are working for you right now and are reflections of your own mastery and empowered choices. To do so will expand your life into an even greater celebration of co-creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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