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Many of you are waiting for a change. Waiting for something mighty to shift that will bring manifestations to light, for the ‘love of your life’ to knock on your door, for an opportunity to express, feel, love or participate. You may even be waiting for permission and wondering why all that you want/wish for has not appeared yet.
Take a moment and think; what is the operative word?
The Universe has provided everything you need to grow, learn, manifest and love but, still you wait. The truth of the matter; action is a necessary piece of the picture! If you are unable to move outside your comfort zone, unwilling to take a chance because you might fail, then it is best to stay put. It is time to release your fear and step into your dreams. In truth, failure does not exist…there are only attempts at success. (Smiling) So, dearest one, what are you waiting for? ~ Creator
Peace is a powerfully stabilizing energy. The more you can find your way into a place of peace, the more you serve not only yourselves, but others and your planet as well. But what if you cannot find the space of peace you crave?
Peace comes from the combination of faith and trust, acceptance and allowing. If you seek peace and find it elusive, focus on the development of its foundational elements. Deepen your faith through prayer or meditation. Nurture your trust by working with surrender and flow long enough to see how loved and supported you truly are by a universe that adores you.
By deepening your faith and trust, acceptance and allowing come next in the unfoldment. You accept that all things have purpose for you. You become willing to receive and to embrace the wisdom of universal timing. Further, you trust that the incredibly intelligent and loving system that is serving you serves others as well.
Peace comes not only from an alignment with Source but also from recognizing yourself as a beloved part of all that is. If you can’t get there directly, use the foundational stepping stones of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, which opens the elements of acceptance and allowing, which will naturally lead you into the sense of peace you desire. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
There will be many times that you may fail to do or say the ‘right’ thing. The Universe wants you to know that, with the current energy of the past coming up to be released, failures are not failures…just attempts at success.
Think back on the times you may have chosen a direction that was not in your best interest; was it internal (or external) pressure from others or were you running an ‘old program’ as a means of self-protection? Regardless of the circumstances, The Universe will always give you another attempt at success. The key to any of these scenarios is…you!
Allowing yourself to acknowledge mistakes, learn from them and move on is one of the greatest gifts you have been given. So, darling child, it is time to take a deep breath and move forward. The only one truly keeping score is you and it is time to be done with it. ~ Creator
We wish to remind you that the greatest changes are always made one small step at a time. It is the accumulation of energy that comes from those consistent efforts that allows new vistas and possibilities to open to you. Taking it one now moment at a time lets you choose the best match to the energies you are in at any given time, which supports empowered forward movement. You don’t have to have all the answers when you begin, Dear Ones, because that is exactly what the unfoldment is for. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
A gentle reminder; the path you travel is yours. You get to choose what stays and what goes. Others may give their opinions, provide unsolicited advice, they may even criticize your personal decisions, using shame/guilt as a means of deterring you. Please do not take this personally, dear one! If you are guided by your heart and soul, with pure intent, pure thought and pure love from The Universe, you will always be moving in the direction that is best for you. As always, you are lovingly supported on your journey. ~ Creator
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