
Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/23/2019 - 22:44

Imagine you are a file clerk.  It is your ‘job’ to move the files from your desk to the appropriate locations in the room.  Are you picturing this?  Good!  Now, imagine how you will move those files from point A to point B.  Do you sit at the desk and will them to move to the proper locations or do you get up and start filing?  Manifestation works the same way. (Smiling)

You can sit in one spot, doing nothing, seeing no one and hope those manifestations come to pass or…you can get up from behind that desk and get to work.  You have the power and ability to bring what you want into your life.  The difference between those who receive and those who do not is action!  Dearest child, they are your manifestations, The Universe is guiding you on how to achieve, and you know how to accomplish it.  What are you waiting for? ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Saturday March 23, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/23/2019 - 22:43

A great many human beings are in the process of exploring healthy boundaries. Many of you have been raised in situations where boundaries were not honoured and in your desire to correct that have gone to the extreme in the other direction, where your boundaries have become quite rigid.

Your boundaries do not need to be on either end of the spectrum, Dear Ones!  The vast majority of situations find balance somewhere between the extremes, where you can use your wisdom and competency to make decisions based on the reality of each now moment.

From a space of balance and inclusion, look for solutions in the middle, that can honour the needs of everyone involved. When you truly embrace your energetic sovereignty, you will see that no one can invade your space without your express permission, and from there you will feel much safer to move into a flow of connection that is empowering for everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Clearing A Path…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/22/2019 - 20:42

It has been said before and bears repeating; it is imperative that you take responsibility for your own thoughts and actions.  Allowing others to take the ‘rap’ for you may hinder your growth and, most certainly, your learning.  In fully owning every part of you, you are saying to The Universe, “Yes, I am human and will make mistakes but, I am always willing to move toward a better me.”  Transparency clears your path and makes this forward movement easier than you ever expected.  Learning and expressing truth, to yourself and others, is a monumental step toward peace. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Friday March 22, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/22/2019 - 20:42

We often talk of the importance of meditation in helping you stay balanced and to assist you with moving with the energies with the greatest amount of grace and ease possible. We would like to speak about some of the most common reasons people avoid meditation and how to address them.

The first reason people don’t meditate is because they think they don’t have enough time.  Dear Ones, even ten minutes is more than enough to add great benefit to your daily life. Your meditation process doesn’t have to be fancy or lengthy.  Simply sitting and stilling yourself with an intention to connect is really all that is required.

Some people give up their meditation practice because they feel nothing is happening. Even if it seems that nothing is occurring, it is a completely restorative practice. Your energy is adjusting. You are moving into greater and greater connection with your guides and inner wisdom. You are recharging your batteries. And you are putting action to your intentions, which is always powerful, indeed.

Many people, because they are exhausted, fall asleep while meditating. If this is a problem for you, we urge you to try to meditate earlier in the day and to do so sitting up.  This will immediately solve that problem. You could easily meditate during your lunch break at work, or even when you are taking a bathroom break. Any intended connection is hugely beneficial to you.  Incorporate it into what you already do in order to create space for it.

The Call

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/21/2019 - 22:11

The call to your higher purpose has been sent out.  In this new beginning, you are being invited to participate more than you ever have.  The Universe is asking you to step up and claim your birthright, to use your new-found power for good and to work toward the time where all humans on your Earth plane can give and receive Unconditional Love freely.  The time of peace is at hand! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Thursday March 21, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/21/2019 - 22:11

Many of you have old conditioning that believes that easy is not good and that efforting is noble and somehow makes you more worthy.  Why that kind of thinking makes it much more difficult to get where you wish to be, is because it is encouraging you to take a path that is not energetically supported. More often than not it is not making good use of your energy and time which leads to unnecessary frustration and exhaustion.

The path of grace and ease is not about being lazy, Dear Ones, it is about using your wisdom to move with what the universe is supporting for you, and that is the very essence of co-creation. It is recognizing that your worthiness is your birthright and there is nothing you need to do to earn it. It is learning to flow with a universe that adores you and allowing your highest self to take the lead. It is finally, finally, accepting that you are a beloved and equal partner in the dance of creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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