Your human death is but a transition back into full conscious awareness.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/12/2018 - 12:42

Humanity’s awakening process has accelerated enormously since we last communed.  Even on the mainstream news programs it is apparent that something untoward is happening, and it is being experienced worldwide.  Despite the naysayers’ misgivings and skepticism humanity is waking up!  Within the concept of time, which is ever-present in your daily lives, there is a divinely planned series of events occurring that is leading you forward to your inevitable awakening into experiencing the Reality that is God/Source/Love.

You are all, and this means all without ANY exceptions, divine beings, divine creations, forever and eternally One with all sentient life – and there is only sentient life – and with the Source of that fully aware consciousness.  It has always been thus, and it always will be.  There was just a brief moment – seemingly endless eons of time ago as you think of it – when an unreal dream state apparently, and only momentarily, enveloped the absolutely stunningly beautiful Being that God created like unto Himself.

Something Extraordinary

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/12/2018 - 12:41

A lot of you are asking, “Well, what now?  Where do I go?  How do I get there?  What can I expect?”  As you know, The Universe is always sending you signs as to whether you are going in the right direction.  It is just a matter of quieting yourself enough to hear/see/feel them. (Smiling)  You have been working hard on some very challenging aspects of yourself and you deserve praise (and a pat on the back) for it.  There is, however, more to come.  This is not meant to disappoint you or negate the work you have already put toward your goals but, to give you a helping hand when you need it.  Some aspects of being human can be a life-long process of upward mobility and others are learned and stored away for future reference.  Both are valuable in their own way.  Today, you are being asked  to remember that when you get discouraged or feel as if you cannot do one more thing, there is a hidden well of strength within to draw from if you so choose; it gives The Universe the opportunity to change the same old thing into something extraordinary just for you! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Friday October 12, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/12/2018 - 12:40

Being willing to receive is an essential aspect of manifestation. When you don’t accept help you don’t just deny yourself, you deny others the joy of being of service. You also restrict the universe’s ability to serve you.  Being open to accepting help in the myriad of ways it can arrive, is moving yourself out of separation and into the flow of abundance and support that has always been there for you. It is your birthright as a beloved part of the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

From the Fullness of My Heart, You Are My Beloved

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/12/2018 - 12:40

God said:

Beloved, from the bottom of My heart, or, more accurately to say – from the fullness of My heart – you are My Beloved.

My heart bursts aflame with full-range love for you. There is nothing I can do to minimize My love for you, and there is nothing you can do about it either. Love it is, and there it is, two Hearts magnetized into One. You have no say about it. There is no putting aside the flames of My love for you. I am full of love for you. Anticipate My arrival around the corner.

Take Your Time

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/11/2018 - 13:34

Infinite choices are before you.  Some you have expected, some you had an inkling were coming and still others have caught you totally by surprise.  Being faced with so many options may be overwhelming and it can be tempting to choose the easiest, most comfortably path but, The Universe is asking you to assess all of them before you step forward.  It may not always be simple, but some of the more challenging ones may bring growth you never knew you would experience.  Take your time, my love, there is always plenty of that (Smiling) and know you are fully support and loved for whatever you choose. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Thursday October 11, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/11/2018 - 13:34

Dear Ones, coming through a corridor of transformation such as you have experienced over the past several months is much like being a rock in a tumbler. It’s very intense when you are in it and it can be difficult to get your bearings or have a true sense of what things will look like when you are done. But when you emerge, you are beautifully polished like never before. Your rough edges are removed, and you feel smoother and more comfortable.

This will be reflected in how you feel about your personal wounds, issues, and challenges that you have been working on healing for so very long. You will find you think of them less, and when you do they will simply not have the energetic charge they once did. They are no longer driving your experience, but rather, a part of your past.

These changes will be subtle.  In fact, you may not even notice at first. But as you move forward, you will start to move into an awareness that the roughness of the past is dissipated, replaced with the true beauty of your beingness shining through. It is always a blessed time when you realize the fruits of your labour and fully recognize and embrace your new energetic state. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

When Oneness Dawns

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/11/2018 - 13:34

God said:

Beloved, when I speak, would you like to sit in? Even when you don’t grasp what exactly I’m saying, you gain something by listening even casually. Together, We make leaps forward. You don’t have to look for a set plan or accomplishment. Together, We, you and I as One, shall rise simply in the East the same way the morning sun does. It is natural.

Together, you and I, We don’t set out with a grand plan. We do not plan. We do not make a big splash. We are not setting out to break any records. We sit together. We don’t ask for more than to be together with Our hearts beating in One thump.

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