Heavenletters Can Lead to New Realms

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/29/2018 - 09:14

God said:

Beloved, when I say you are My One and Only – Myself – you may discover yourself quite happy to be One of a throng.

Well-done! Be content that the bond of One equals God Almighty and the Soul of Human Beings. This is Oneness in its Highest! Oneness is supreme enough for all of Eternity.

Do you begin to feel the strength and freeingness that Oneness is? Within the Oneness of One, Oneness bursts wide open. Did you think that Oneness might be confining? Oneness does not convey the idea of being sent to your room and being told to stay there. Nor does Oneness suggest that you go to a cave. Coming from Me, Oneness looks more like this:

“Hello, My Friend, I hug you Who Art Myself, and I say to you Who art Myself – Come, Myself, expand with Me. There are no boundaries in Oneness. There is full expansion and no limits. None. Oneness is a great place to be with Me, and, don’t forget what a great place Oneness is for Me to be with you. We do not have to tell the One of Us apart from the other."

The Ancestors

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/28/2018 - 10:49

There is an amazing thing going on in this moment; the ancestors of your Earth plane have moved closer to support and love you through the changes you are going through now.  Each one of those that loved you unconditionally while they were with you are reaching across the veil to offer their assistance in your growth and learning.  The wisdom and knowledge of the ages is available and at your fingertips.  Ask and it is yours! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Thursday June 28, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/28/2018 - 07:48

As you continue to move forward on your enlightenment journey, you will be called to deepen your faith and trust. These are essential elements for co-creation and getting more adept at staying open to the possibilities and potentials that exist just beyond what you can see. While you will continue to develop more skill and comfort in navigating with surrender, faith, and trust, there will be times when you start to doubt, particularly when something is very important to you, or feels bigger than what you normally think you can manifest.

This is why we strongly advocate journalling your successes. Write down when you have experienced the magic and wonder of being beautifully guided into potentials you couldn’t have imagined. Chronicle the signs and synchronicities that let you know you are moving with a universe that adores you.

Why this is such a powerful practice is that it is an act of love from your present, aligned self for any time that might occur where your future self is experiencing fear or doubt. Do you see? This is you assuming the role of your own guide, lovingly putting supports in place for yourself, in the event you might require them. This is you taking steps to assure your continued alignment and success, in the most empowered way possible. You could even consider it a love letter from your knowing self to offer encouragement in case your forgetting self ever needs it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Many-Splendored You!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/28/2018 - 07:45

God said:

Beloved, yes, there are times in life when you do well to stand up front and take the podium. This isn’t the picture you had of yourself. You may have appeared to yourself and to others like mild-mannered Clark Kent and not at all like Superman. You don’t have to be Superman, yet you may have to come into your own even when independence isn’t your favorite thing.

How I see you, however, is, of course, closer to the truth of you. Will you grant Me this? If I say you are powerful, even all powerful, will you think about what I say?


Submitted by AstroEyes on Wed, 06/27/2018 - 21:04


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

We have been through a lot over these last several months…..both within our own lives and also throughout the World.  The energies have been strong and a bit chaotic….and at times a little frightening (stay out of the Fear!).   The World seems to be in a bit of a mess right now…..and it can be a challenge to see the light at the end of the tunnel…….but we know it is there.  With this extremely powerful Capricorn Full Moon…..it feels (Cancer Sun…part of the full Moon) like we are at a point where the Universe is asking….do you want to Evolve?  Or do you want to give up and re-do it next incarnation?  

Revving Up…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 06/27/2018 - 08:49

Can you feel it?  Like an older vehicle revving its engine, with low bass reverberating through the air, the energy is ramping up to a whole new level.  This may be overwhelming and exciting at the same time so, it is important to ‘keep your wits about you’.  Allow The Universe to show you how this new shift will best fit with your current paradigm.  There is no need to rush, dear one, take your time…everything has been arranged to be in your highest and best for the highest and best. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 27, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 06/27/2018 - 08:49

When you stay in the flow with faith and trust, it is much like patiently bobbing in the ocean on your surf board waiting for the right wave. Before you know it, all the elements will come together to orchestrate the perfect wave that will come up behind you and sweep you forward in the most powerful and effective way to facilitate accelerated, supported forward movement and land you on the shore of your ideal circumstances and wildest dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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