
Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 05/22/2018 - 10:03

Take a deep breath, dear ones, the next wave is on its way.  Unlike the others, there is nothing special you need to do, no effort involved and, hopefully, no rough-housing. (Smiling) This new arrival is about receiving; being capable of it, being comfortable with it and allowing The Universe to provide whatever you need.  Part of the reason you may have had a challenging time with it in the past is because there was always something to pay back, some expectation attached or thing you needed to do in return.  This is all about being thankful and grateful for the experience.  Are you ready? ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 22, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 05/22/2018 - 08:24

Dear Ones, the more you embody your big beautiful souls, the more you will be drawn to living big beautiful lives. Not only is it safe to start living your highest intentions and soul expressions, it is time, for the energies you are in right now are what you couldn’t wait to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Love Is Like the Scent of a Hyacinth Announcing Spring

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 05/22/2018 - 08:23

God said:

Beloved, from one heart to another, love is on the wing. Silently bidden, love is passed on, as if stirring in the breeze. Love is called for, and love is exchanged, newly burst as it may be – love stirring, love happening, love recurring as if new, newly distributed from Heaven, as if love were something new when love has always been as newly bidden as the Sun each day.

Truly, there is nothing to fear because there is only Love.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 14:07

As humanity continues to grow in wisdom and maturity, and it has always been in the process of doing this, changes of an amazing nature will continue to occur.  You chose to build the illusory world of separation in order to experience aloneness, abandonment, and loss of meaning and purpose in your lives so that you could then evolve spiritually and return from that experiential state to the Source from which you have never been separated.  This endless journey back to Source is your life purpose and gives it meaning.  It is endless because time is endless . . . until you choose to be aware that time is illusory, that there is only the ever-present now in which all of creation has its permanent and endless existence at One with Source, Love, Mother/Father/God.

Time is a tool that you use so that you can evolve in meaningful steps that suit each of you individually.  There is only the One, but that One expanded and extended Itself in Love that gives and shares and extends Itself limitlessly. Everyone who is conscious, sentient, alive – and everything in form in the visible universe, from rocks to humans, has some consciousness – is evolving spiritually and purposefully!  But because you chose to be unaware of your permanent and unbreakable connection to Source, to Love, you are struggling with a sense of insignificance, inadequacy, and often intense worthlessness because in physical form you are so insignificantly small compared to the vastness of the universe around you.

Your True Path

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 13:53

There will be times when your integrity and honesty may be called into question.  It can be very hurtful to be judged in this way, especially when you have put forth so much effort working on this particular area of your life.  If this happens, it is best to take a step back and breathe, allow The Universe to show you the infinite picture of what is really going on, then ask yourself these questions;

Are they truly judging me or are they expressing personal pain?

Is this a projection of their belief system?

Is this really something you need to take note of and change within yourself?

Has the person been on the receiving end of a projection before?

Be open to and willing to receive the answers and work on yourself if necessary.  An honest and blunt dialogue between yourself and The Universe as well as a willingness to learn will always keep you on your true path. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Monday May 21, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 13:53

If you could see what a diminisher of experience doubt is, you would very quickly commit to breaking that habit. It robs you of the peace that comes from acceptance. It makes you unable to see the beauty of each Now moment. And it results in missing the wonder that comes from embracing the process of unfoldment.

The antidote to doubt is trust. Nurture and grow your trust, Dear Ones, not just in the universe but in yourself as an empowered co-creator, and you will find yourself expanding and creating from a place of joy and presence like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

You Are a Hardy Flower

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 13:52

God said:

Beloved, what if you would stop seeing life as it appears to you possibly as an outright challenge? Life isn’t meant to be seen as a duel you are offered. Life is meant to be, if not a piece of cake, at least a peace-offering – certainly not a boxing match in Madison Square Garden.

What if you didn't put on your boxing gloves in readiness? What if you could see a new offer in life – not as a confrontation, yet more like a handshake or a step toward progress? If you would, if you did – wow, how differently you might treat life! Do you see this?

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