On Emotions…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/24/2018 - 14:13

Sometimes, when you look around you all you see is rainbows and unicorns, positive affirmations and good thoughts; all appears to be light and happy.  Makes you think, does it not?

The majority of the time, there are emotions and a lot of them.  Some are dark and dank, others are bright and airy, but they are all emotions you are meant to experience.  In sidestepping the not so good ones, you are denying an important part of your growth.  When a negative emotion comes up, it is time to learn!  Do no wish it away or cover it with glitter.  It is what it is.  Find the source and release it to The Universe to be transformed.  When it is truly taken care of then you know you are moving in the right direction. ~ Creator



Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/24/2018 - 14:12

God said:

I was going to ask you what is on your mind. Then I thought better of it. Hmm. Let me refresh My question.

Beloveds, what would you like to have on your mind right now?

The arrival of your own True Love?

A chance meeting?

To find a hidden treasure?

Daily Message ~ Saturday March 24, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/24/2018 - 09:49

Dear Ones, do you have trouble accepting love because you fear it will come with strings attached? The core of this fear is that you will be beholden to another or be enslaved. This is based on the old model of conditional love which is a model of using love to control another. These are old energies which are looking to be released.

Understand that if you have these fears they are old experiences/energies that are looking for healing. The core of this is the idea that love means giving your power away. As power is a major theme on your planet right now, all the ways that power has been abused, misused, or misrepresented are up for review. This is a wonderful thing!

When you love with an attachment to what another may or may not do, you are still attempting to find success within a conditional love model. The love you seek exists on an entirely different vibrational layer.

Love, the unconditional love you know in your heart truly exists and is what you wish to experience, is an expression of self. It is love without attachment to outcome because you understand that the joy is in the giving of it, in the allowing of it to flow to you and through you. You know that love in its purest form is expansive, healing, supportive, and freeing.

Daily Message ~ Friday March 23, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/23/2018 - 10:45

Dear Ones, the people who push your energetic buttons are the very ones who are showing up to help you master your boundaries and get clear about what energy is in resonance with you or not. As the empowered leader of your own life expression, you are absolutely within your rights to say no to anything that is not empowering, uplifting, supportive, or honouring you and your sovereignty.

Just as a good parent will step in to keep their child protected from anything that isn’t appropriate, you get to do the same thing for yourself, as your own loving parent, guide, and best friend. Your own safe and nurturing environment is essential for your continued growth and expansion. The more someone activates you the more you are looking for your own love, protection, and guidance in that area of your life.

You don’t have to get upset or stay focused on what is unwanted. The fastest way to redirect is to simply say no thank you and move along. Much like the algorithms that are used on your internet to keep track of your preferences, your focus is what keeps something active in your reality. Being able to stay in a place of balance and move on past what doesn’t resonate or support you in being your best self without pushing against it is what keeps you refining your own sacred space. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Waiting For You

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/23/2018 - 10:44

There will be times where you may feel alone, odd, weird, out of place and certainly not where you are supposed to be.   You may wonder where all the like-minded people are and when they will show up in your life.  Do not be dismayed, dear child…you have never been nor are you ever alone!  Following your chosen path may be lonely at times but, remember to take time to look for the bright spots, the  people around you that bring a little more life to the room whenever they appear.  It is time to begin allowing The Universe to let them show up and be there for you when you need it most.  Walking the solitary path is the ‘old way’…your spiritual family is waiting for you! ~ Creator


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