Rise Above

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 03/13/2018 - 09:00

Stay in the flow, dear one.  There may be things that attempt to pull you away, but it is imperative that you continue to work with the energy that is coming in now.  Distractions, fear, gossip, hate and destruction…all aimed at drawing your attention from where you need to be in this moment.  When you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed, stop and counts your breaths, focus on, feel the Unconditional Love of The Universe moving through you and know you are loved, acknowledged and supported.  This is an amazing time, do not allow yourself to be drug down by the mundane and unimportant.  Know you can and will rise above! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Monday March 12, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/12/2018 - 10:33

Dear Ones, can you truly accept that you are part of a universe that is for you and adores you? Can you trust that any rerouting or delays that happen are always for your highest good? Can you believe that you are loved and guided always? The more you can move into your own unshakeable faith and trust that you are a divine and beloved part of the whole, the more you will infuse your life with the energies of peace, grace, ease and serenity. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Embrace Anticipation

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/12/2018 - 08:00

During this time of change, you may have things you were counting on suddenly dissipate into the ether.  The direction in which you were planning to move is now gone and another pathway has appeared.  The door is open, but you cannot quite see what is there…yet. (Smiling) My darling, it is OK to express your disappointment of what was to be, just make sure it is properly released.  It is OK to feel a bit of trepidation for what is come…that is perfectly right and human, just make sure this does not develop into a fear.  That will stop your growth.  Instead, embrace anticipation!  The Universe has some amazing and wonderful gifts in store for you! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Sunday March 11, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/11/2018 - 14:48

Most people, at some stage of their enlightenment journey, need to examine their boundaries with others in order to support and move through their own healing processes. This is a vital part of stepping into your authentic power.

What we wish for people to know is there is not one static point in any of your evolution. You are creatures of flow, who are supported by flow, and part of a universe that works with ebb and flow. Your entire planet, your moon phases, your own body, all work with ebb and flow. So looking for one unmoveable point for anything is working against the natural rhythm of both you and the universe around you. It is, in effect, trying to use resistance as a healing tool, which will simply not be effective.

We urge you to release anything that is inflexible in your dealing with yourself and others. There will be times where others need more assistance and in order to be the loving being of service you are, you will wish to reach out and help until they can stand on their own again. There will be times when others need space and time and that is how you integrate and grow.

There will be times when you will need more connection and help, and other times when you will need solitude, as well. There may be times that you need to move someone way out to the edges of your inner circle if they are not safe for you, but if they heal and evolve you may wish to revisit that, too.


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/11/2018 - 11:00

Today may be going one of two ways for you; a huge slow down or a speeding up of time.  Even though you know time is relative, whichever you are experiencing is custom made to clear what you need to clear before the next ‘jump’.  If you are a thinker, you may need a bit more time.  For those of you on the fast mode, most has already been cleared and you are ready to roll. (Smiling) Remember, there is no right or wrong…just your pace.
Just like in the movies, we are preparing for a hyper-space!  Take some time today to care for your body, your heart and your soul.  All components must be in peak operation condition for optimum experiences!  Ready….set…go! ~ Creator


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