Daily Message ~ Thursday February 15, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/15/2018 - 21:21

Do you keep yourselves from thriving due to some feeling of guilt, shame, or regret? We love you for your tender hearts and for the fact that you have discovered that something was not your true energetic match. But keeping yourselves tethered to such old energy cannot help you do what you really wish to do, which is to move forward in a more authentic and empowered way.

If you have made what you consider to be a mistake, the fact that you have already discovered it was not your highest choice is enough to ensure that you will not do it again. You now have clarity and a greater sense of direction moving forward.

The greatest way to move beyond your regrets is not to continue to punish yourself, which would be consciously choosing to stay in energies that do not allow growth or expansion, it is to use it as motivation to expand into a more conscious and empowered version of you.

And that, Dear Ones, is making a positive out of what you consider a negative, by not only guiding yourself with newfound wisdom but also being a wonderful example of the best way to make amends – by fully understanding a situation and allowing it to guide you into the person you truly wish to be. By doing so, you can find the gift and the purpose in every one of your experiences. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

You Can Be The Cure

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/15/2018 - 09:00

Another opportunity for the collective ‘here we go again’ is approaching.  Are you ready for it?  The Universe could repeat the stay-grounded/stay-peaceful/stay-calm litany, but you already know all of this.  Instead…
Manifest!  There are things you have been putting off because they felt too big. Time as you know it is folding in on itself and the opportunities for instantaneous gifts are greater than ever.
Be mindful!  Take time to step back and look at the thoughts you are generating.  Like a pebble in a pond, each and every thought creates a ripple that goes out into The Universe and returns to you.  You choose what you create/co-create.
Be kind!  Your actions during the next step in this shift will determine how the remainder of your year will unfold.  Kindness to yourself and others is of utmost importance.  Allow this to be your guiding light as you move forward.
Finally, release the need to be drawn into the ‘madness’ that is transpiring around you in this moment.  Imagine your society, your world as the human body with an illness.  A fever is generated as a natural defense to heal, not harm.  Sometimes, the fever must rise before it can trigger the elements of health from within.  Allow your light to be the ‘medicine’ your world needs.
As always, during this somewhat challenging process, you are loved, supported and cherished beyond your wildest imagination.  Go forth with a bright heart and all will be well. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 14, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/14/2018 - 11:51

On this day where the focus is on love, you may feel celebration for the love that you have, you may feel a heightened awareness of what you perceive as the absence of love in your life, or you may be sitting in a space of judgment waiting to see if someone will show you what you consider to be an appropriate display of love for you. What if you treated Valentine’s Day much the same way you do Thanksgiving? What if the basis of the day could be simply gratitude with no expectation?

“But Gabriel”, you may say. “I don’t have love in my life right now. How can I practice gratitude for what I don’t have?” Please understand that every single symbol of love you see, whether it is in a store, on television, or online, is clear evidence from the universe that love is not only making its way to you, love is responding to your essence! You would not see any of it if it were not so.

For every rose, every heart, every lover’s kiss you may see, it is showing you that you are a vibrational match to love and how close it is drawing to you. Be open to the energy of love that surrounds you, grateful for the signs that it is all around you, and through that gratitude you will be open to both the giving and receiving of love. You will be celebrating its presence rather than absence. You will use the day to move into even greater vibrational alignment with it.

To Brew Tea, Let It Steep

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/14/2018 - 11:50

God said:

There is value in doing somersaults. Of course, there is value in everything you do and become one way or another. Furthermore, I want to say that in addition to value in doing somersaults on a mat, there is also indeterminable value in doing mental pictures of yourself performing somersaults.

Something more goes on than at what may first appear to you.

Creation In Progress

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/14/2018 - 08:00

Many of you are noticing massive changes in your lives.  It is as if timelines are collapsing into one another.  Things you did not believe possible are happening and you may be experiencing things you know you have gone through before.  Please do not be alarmed at this “condensing of space”.  Just like a super-nova, new things are being created every moment.  What, at first, appears to be destructive will open pathways, ways of thinking and amazing opportunities you never knew could exist.  Embrace this shift and know The Universe always works with you in the highest and best way. ~ Creator


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