Visionkeeper ~ Creativity Will Save Us ~ 3 April 2012

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 04/03/2012 - 10:07

Visionkeeper ~ Creativity Will Save Us ~ 3 April 2012



I was answering another blog post yesterday morning where it was being discussed about where we are going next in the ever-increasing data filled world. I said the answer was not in collecting more data but in creativity. I believe our data mining days are over. Data was needed to keep control of everything, to know everything. We are no longer that world or that way of thinking. That is what we are leaving behind as we enter into the new world. There is no longer a need to control or dominate, what will be needed are minds that can think outside the box and create a new way of being in the world. Our minds will have their own capacity to know everything needed, which will be far less than now, as we are coming full circle and heading back to a world of simplicity and caring and meaning. All we will need to know about  is love.


Mastery ~ Movement ~ Monumental Acceleration: Fast Tracking!

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 04/03/2012 - 10:02

Mastery ~ Movement ~ Monumental Acceleration: Fast Tracking!


GLR~ Lisa Gawlas



Before I start this sharing, I want to share something so significant that it really does humble me.  It is so easy to question ourselves within, and trust me, I do too very much.  In the moment of any great experience, I know it as true.  Later, as time and the moment spread apart… the brain kicks in and says… really?  You really think you did something that incredible.  Ahhhh the human!


Our hypnosis event had a similar effect on me.  12 people (myself and 11 other super charged ladies…smile) got together on a shared phone call and created and amplified the magnetic grid of attraction thru out all the multi-verses.  The Guardians even told me that other Beings on other planets are also participating… and trust me, in the moment, I knew it was true.  And then hours passed… and I had hoped it was true.


I am always so grateful for  On their site for April 2nd’s date, they had this amazing story to tell:

Blossom Goodchild ~ 3 April 2012 Live In this Moment of Now~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 04/03/2012 - 09:56

Blossom Goodchild ~ 3 April 2012 Live In this Moment of Now~


Hello there. Me here. I have a question in mind, which I may have asked before. It is to do with all the discrepancies between different channellings and different information that is offered to us. I Know you have said ‘to follow your hearts Truth’ but can you explain why it is that there is such vast differences? Each of the people bringing these messages through seem to be of good intention, and coming from their heart so why is this?  It causes great alarm for many. Can you enlighten us on this matter if you would be so kind?


What we would choose to offer regarding such discrepancies is that some of which is passed on is misinterpreted through force of will. In other words there maybe those who appear to be willing to bring forth Truth and yet those energies that are relaying a message to an Earthly soul have not the best intentions at heart.


~Space Weather Update~ INCOMING CME~ Wind Speed 321

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 04/03/2012 - 09:44

INCOMING CME: A magnetic filament connected to sunspot AR1450 erupted on April 2nd, hurling a faint CME in the direction of Earth. A weak impact is expected sometime on April 4th. NOAA forecasters estimate a ~25% chance of polar geomagnetic storms when the cloud arrives. Aurora alerts: text, phone.


CATCH THE CONJUNCTION! When the sun sets tonight, go outside and look west. The planet Venus is in conjunction with the Pleiades star cluster. This only happened once every eight years, so don't miss it!


Last night in Puławy, Poland, photographer Kamila Mazurkiewicz was determined to catch the meeting:

"Venus and the Pleiades were like diamonds in the sky," says Mazurkiewicz. "It was a beautiful sight."


Your every rise in consciousness raises all else. ~ Michael Through Ron Head

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 04/03/2012 - 09:41

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We see our messages spread across your internet to almost one hundred countries and on many internet sites.  To all those who are helping to spread the messages from this and other channels, we say thank you and send our intentions for your highest good.  By these actions and intentions is your higher consciousness born.  Every person reached spreads the light to those around him.  We know you know this and that this is the reason for your actions.

Some continue to warn of impending disasters, and we so wish they would find and overcome the personal fears that are causing them to do this.  We ask that you reach inside, or up, whatever works for you, and find the light and love that is there for you, stronger now than ever before.  All of the light of your Creator, your Source, is being focused on you, to you, now by myriad beings.  All of Creation wants your success, even your “bad guys”, did they but know it.


As If By Magic

Submitted by SophiaLove on Tue, 04/03/2012 - 09:08

As we go forward in each day, we find ourselves interacting, and although there has been no conscious prior thought about conflict, conflict emerges.  This is not the case of deep seated hatred or even anger; it is the case of two beings sort of bumping into each other.


As this evolution of consciousness moves along, each of us will find an inner definition – the lines are clearer for us.  We are moving from polarity towards unity and we are not yet practiced at it.  We are accustomed to thinking “you vs. me”, “us and them”, “I’ll do this for you”, and “do it yourself, it’s not my problem”.  The concept of “what is good for one is good for all” has not quite entered and assimilated into our day to day.


It is part of the reason we chose to experience this very physical third dimensional transformation.  It is not that you want to enslave anyone; the scale of polarity thinking is not ramped up that intensely for you.  Yet, your thinking still falls somewhere along the continuum of “you owe me” or “I owe you” or “this is required”; rather than “we are from the same human family, occupying the same physical space and sharing the same physical needs with the resultant effect”.


This switch in thinking is a challenge.  We’ve been taught to do things because we were expected to rather than because we are actually helping ourselves when we do.  We each have a different focus, yet we are one.  I may notice it’s time to plant the flowers while you realize the steps need repair.  Both efforts improve and enhance the home and the neighborhood.


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