Walk Like an Angel

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/15/2017 - 20:51

God said:

What if I were to tell you that, on My Behalf, you can let go of holding on and begin to allow yourself to be akin to an angel? No longer are you to exult in disharmony. No longer are you to feel beleaguered and find arguments to extend even internally with yourself at great length. Have you thought that arguing and finding fault enhance the world and the Word of God?

You have the wherewithal to please and be pleased rather than to be displeased.

Bestow harmony. Harmony is a blessing. What is all this fuss you have made about how so-called others in the world treat you? Must you go around feeling put upon? What if you would expend greater Good Will and make Good Will shine on Earth?


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/15/2017 - 13:00

The time you have on your Earth plane seems to be long, but, from the Universe’s perspective…it is very short.  There are many sources telling you that each moment is precious, lovely and should not be wasted.  However, when you are in a challenging situation, time will appear to move at a snail’s pace.
It is important for you to realize, dear one, that the slow times are put in place for your benefit…to give you time to process and learn.  Each minute, regardless of the negative/positive aspect is a gift.  Learning well from the negative will release the need to bring in similar situations.  Embrace and love each one! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Friday December 15, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/15/2017 - 11:01

Many of you are in troubleshooting mode with yourselves on a continuous basis. You look for ways you are not good enough, for what needs improvement, for what is wrong with you. We understand that you perceive this as being diligent, but it is having an opposite effect on you than what you are intending.

If your desire is to be more loving, let’s say, we suggest you start to notice all the ways you demonstrate being loving throughout your day. We will give you a hint – it is far more than you think! Your kind words, your intentions, a soothing touch, a simple act of service, holding the door for another, recycling, feeding an animal, are all examples of how you embody love every day. And there are so many more!

Dear Ones, if you are in troubleshooting mode all the time you will always find more trouble to shoot. Look for the ways you embody what you wish to experience more of and celebrate the wonder that it already exists within you! If it doesn’t already, celebrate that you wish to experience it, for that is also success and grow that experience from there.

Your focus expands and gives a blessing of continuation to what you place it on. Isn’t it time to acknowledge, accept, and grow the many, many things that are so beautifully and divinely right with you? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

You are each exactly where you are meant to be in every moment.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/14/2017 - 23:38

Humanity’s progress toward awakening has amazed all of us here in the spiritual realms.  Despite all the chaos and confusion that is arising worldwide, the awakening process is now proceeding extremely rapidly.  All the bits and pieces, all the strings and connections, all the pieces of the puzzle are in fact coming beautifully into alignment, and your moment of mass awakening is very close.  Many of you have heard this kind of message before and are wondering as you read if this will be yet another non-event.  I assure you that it will not.  There have been issues previously because time is fluid and flexible, even though to humans it appears to flow in a most regular and constant line and at a constant speed, and that is the speed to which you have become accustomed and to which you have regulated your metabolisms.  But it is not that simple, time, as part of the illusion, is quite variable even though it does not appear to you that that can be so.  Those time issues have now been resolved and your awakening process is proceeding beautifully.

I See You Beautiful

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/14/2017 - 18:30

God said:

You don’t have to be wrapped up in circumstances. Pretty much circumstances are how you rate yourself in terms of the world. I see you Beautiful. The world and I, as you know by now, don’t see you in the same way.

The world may have taught you that this and that matter. You don’t have to be a certain way for Me. Not at all. I do not demand that you live on a so-called better area of town. I don’t require where you live at all. I do not recognize homeless or palace or mansion or hovel. I don’t require a certain wardrobe of you or education. You don’t need to have a new car to be loved by Me. I am Light and Love. I see with My Eyes and not those of the arbitrary world. I rate you. I rate you not by appearances or anything at all. I Love.

Daily Message ~ Thursday December 14, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/14/2017 - 18:29

Never underestimate the power of your little acts of love and kindness, for your choice in every moment is casting your energetic vote of what you would like to see more of in the world.

This does not mean that you must be perfect all the time! Don’t put that pressure on yourself. There will be days where you will be out of sorts and will not be showing up as your highest self. But the more you evolve, through your awareness and intention and beingness, the more you will show up as love and kindness, and just like any other vote, the majority of your choices is what wins.

So rest easy, Dear Ones, for it is the accumulation of each naturally occurring higher vibrational declaration of self that is driving, and will continue to drive, the profound shift that is occurring on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel though Shelley Young

Remembering Compassion

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/14/2017 - 10:00

During this time, it is important to remember your compassion…….for everyone!  The “large stones being thrown” are affecting, and will continue to affect, the mass consciousness for a great while.  The ripples of current events and thought patterns will continue to spread for far longer than any of you will be alive. Stay focused on/keep breathing in love, stay centered in your heart and know that positive change will come from challenging moments. ~ Creator


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