The manuscript of survival ~ part 70 Today is an important day indeed

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 07:44

The manuscript of survival ~ part 70


Today is an important day indeed, as it will mark the passage into a new realm for so many of you. Let us explain. Together, you have made it possible for us to speed up the incoming doses of energy, as you have all been willing to absorb so much of the foregone ones at such a rapid rate. This was by no means evident, and we do salute you all for this achievement. In other words, it is yet again time to step up the incoming doses, and in effect bombard you with so much new information, it will indeed take some time for you all to assimilate. We hear the groans of discomfort already, and rightly so, as these energies can and will make their mark on your physical bodies.



Submitted by Lia on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 07:02


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012

Listen to this message on YouTube

Dear One, 
this is the time of Silence, the preciousness of the Golden Silence in which only Love exists, or say: Love Is Silence, the Stillness which unfolds like pink rose petals with a fragrance and tenderness that is not of this world.

~ A Vision for a Beautiful New World by Mathew Hart~ WOW

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 06:47

~A Vision for a Beautiful New World by Mathew Hart~

2012 January 7
~Commentary through Pat Donworth~


I recently received a message from Mathew Hart, in which he tells me about a vision/message he received on December 31. Events quickly snowballed surrounded this vision/message and he has created not only a video of the message, but others have joined him to sponsor a worldwide meditation based on the message.

It’s a wonderful story and I’ll let Mathew tell you in his own words below.


The worldwide event is called “Vision for a Beautiful New World” and will take place on January 21, 2012, at 6 PM Spain, 7 PM Jerusalem, 9 AM California (adjust for your time zone).

~All your issues are coming up with an intensity that very few have experienced~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 06:28

~All your issues are coming up with an intensity that very few have experienced~


Many are feeling very stressed and enervated as the issues that they need to address and release in order for them to awaken demand their attention.  Your awakening is guaranteed, and the moment when it will happen is approaching very rapidly.  Consequently, the issues that attach you to the illusion have to be dealt with.  You know this deep within yourselves, and so they are being driven up into your awareness to enable you to acknowledge and release them.


Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Renee: The Heiros Game

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 06:16

Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Renee: The Heiros Game

2012 January 8



The New Relationship Paradigm


“The term hieros gamos is used generally to refer to the sacred marriage between two divinities, or between a human being and Mother/Father God, or between two human beings (under certain special conditions); the ultimate alchemy of forces which harmonize polar opposites.


Dear Family,

1~8~11~ Space Weather Update ~ Expanding Sunspot and the Sun Dragon~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 06:02



EXPANDING SUNSPOT: Sunspot 1393 is growing rapidly, more than tripling in area since Friday. So far, however, the active region has not produced any strong flares. Solar activity remains low.


GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY: Forecasters said a CME might deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 7th, and indeed it might have. There was no sharp change in the solar wind speed signaling a CME's passage. There was, however, a surge in ground currents in northern Norway during the late hours of Jan. 7th. Rob Stammes recorded the disturbance from his laboratory in Lofoten. Ground currents often herald auroras, and true to form the skies turned vivid green:



"We witnessed a brief but beautiful outburst of auroras," says photographer Bjørn Jørgensen of Sommaroy, Norway. "Even the sea has turned green from the color of the auroras."


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