The ancient Maya believed the formation of the universe is engendered by nine waves as represented by the nine steps of the ancient pyramids. According to Carl Calleman we enter into the ninth and final wave on March 9th 2011 . This period of the 9th energetic wave is also referred to as the time of universal consciousness. This time will challenge our understanding of separation consciousness and competitive mindsets and how it relates to duality and the 3D matrix. We are being asked to reexamine our understanding of competition and clear the blockages that keep us from accessing unity consciousness and a supportive and cooperative environment.
We see competition as a healthy way to keep an edge in our individual and separate consciousness based on the ego’s need to survive. We identify with the ever illusive scale of winner /looser, and the ego’s need to be numeral uno. The corporate model and our competitive based institutions support this energy, keeping us constantly battling each other for ever dwindling resources and opportunity. We struggle and fight and are completely exhausted at the end of the day from the illusion of this rat race and still we have gotten nowhere.