If You Don’t Like What Life Gives You…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 05/02/2017 - 21:25

God said:

Why are there so many complaints in the world? Why do you complain so much? Of course, from your point of view, you are justified. Life has not all been as you thought it would be and is supposed to be. I understand this, yet it is not your place to fuss about Life. Complaint breeds complaint.

Complaining is looking at Life from the outside in. Let’s face it: Complaining reveals quite a lack of gratitude. Complaining may have become a way of Life as if you believe that complaining is a virtue.

You may come across as haughty while you perpetuate yourself as a victim. You can’t be haughty and a victim at the same time. This just isn’t a good practice. It is like practicing poor posture. Of course, bad habits creep up on you. You can also accrue good habits of greeting Life. This is up to you. Who else would your Life be up to?

You are not an innocent victim of Life. You play a part. You play a role. If you don’t like what Life gives you, change your stance in the world.

There is a world, and there is a God, and there is you. By and large, your Life is what you make of it. There is no virtue in complaining, for, then, you become defeated and, in some lackadaisical sense, even proud of your malaise. How badly you are treated. When you complain that you are unjustly treated, you treat yourself unjustly. You wallow in mistreatment. No one confines you. If you are confined, it might be you would rather stay as you are than change half an inch.

Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 2, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 05/02/2017 - 09:58

Your enlightenment process is a process of self awareness and self responsibility. It is through turning your focus within and discovering your divine essence and capability that you are able to step out of victim consciousness into your authentic power. It is a glorious journey of coming Home to yourself, and from there, moving forward as a creator and servant to all. ~Archangel Gabriel



Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 05/02/2017 - 09:00

How many times have you told yourself, “I am not special.  I have nothing to offer.  I could be a much better person if only….”?  My beautiful one, it is time to remember something very important…you are special!  Your coming to your Earth plane was not an arbitrary act on the part of The Universe.  Your arrival and life to date was meticulously planned and executed because of what you have to offer your world in this turbulent time!  Even if you do not understand exactly what it is in this moment; know that the answers will be coming shortly.
Take some time today to grasp the knowledge that you are needed, you are beautiful, you are unique, you are participating in very important work and you are loved! ~ Creator


Walk on Rose Petals

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/01/2017 - 21:46

God said:

Now that We have taken care of your disposition toward the world, what’s next?

Good cheer covers a lot of ground. It covers the ground you and others walk on with rose petals.

Now that you don’t have to be the star of the show, you can spend more time considering others now and assisting them. It’s fine to live a walk-on part and not be the the lead star. It would be great, in the production of life that is so filled with applicants for a starring role, to have one with a walk-on part who doesn’t have to have the accolades due a star.

To think: To have one performer who doesn’t have to have the applause. To think: To have one performer who doesn’t mind applauding for someone else. One performer who doesn’t mind cooking for the crowd. One performer who doesn’t have to be filled with accolades, who can, instead, give them, fill up others’ plates and be glad to.

It is better not to think that you get the left-overs. And if you might get the leftovers, does that indicate unworthiness? It might indicate how worthwhile you are.

Is there an expression: “He who eats last eats best?”

If there is not such an expression, then I just made it up. First or last, no matter. Be glad to be part of the crowd. You don’t have to ride in a limousine. You don’t really want that on your tombstone, do you? “Rode around in a limousine,” when you could have instead:

“Served others as himself.”

“Paved a path for others.”

“Led the way from the rear.”

“Forgot about his ego.”

Daily Message ~ Monday May 1, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/01/2017 - 10:52

Dear Ones, if you attempt to make someone be wrong for something, and it is a choice that their soul needs to experience, they will ultimately need to disappoint or detach from you, even if it causes them great distress to do so, because the soul’s desires must always be honoured.

If you are against a choice someone is making, it is because it is a choice that would not work well for you on your individual path. It is an experience you do not need to have, or a theme you have already mastered. This does not mean that the experience would not have value for the other person!

Human beings learn from experience. Just as others do not know what your soul agenda is, you do not know what another soul is seeking to learn and integrate. If someone is making a choice, it is because the experience itself holds value for them. It will bring them clarity, growth, or expansion. Each individual person has their own soul to-do list, and is fully capable as the leader of their own life expression.

Being a person who holds the space of encouragement, acceptance, support, and seeing others as masterful in their own right, makes you become a safe resource in the other’s life. It preserves your connection with others and is an expression of unconditional love.

Because you have not been judgmental, the person will always feel able to seek out your wisdom or advice should they decide they need it. You give the gift of freedom of self expression rather than fear of judgment, and can be a loving constant in other’s lives. ~Archangel Gabriel


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/01/2017 - 09:00

Today is a new day, the first day of your duties as a light-bringer and love-warrior of Creator.  This is not something to fear, but to embrace!  Rejoice with your brothers and sisters standing beside you because with them, you are many, you are strong and making changes in your Universe!  BEHOLD, you are the light of a thousand of your suns! ~ Creator


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