The way Home is through quiet time spent at the holy altar within yourselves.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/25/2017 - 09:33

The changes now occurring on Earth are amazing, and they are due to people like you – those reading and listening to blogs like this – intending every day as you awaken to be loving and accepting in every interaction, in every situation, and releasing all judgmental thoughts without engaging with them.

As you are being consistently reminded: There is ONLY Love!  And you, the Light bearers, Light workers, Starseeds, and those of you who have seemingly only recently embarked on your spiritual paths, have now realized that and are constantly doing your utmost to live that divine Truth.  Of course, you have all been on your spiritual paths since you incarnated for your present human life, it’s just that some of you are only just becoming aware of that.  Despite your seeming unawareness you have in fact been following that path all your lives, it’s just that you had lessons to learn, core issues to heal and release, or contractual obligations to fulfill before you were ready for awareness of your spiritual destiny to arise within you.

Daily Message ~ Saturday February 25, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/25/2017 - 09:29

Dear Ones, remember, the ebb and flow of energies serves you. The universe, as well as your soul, always has a plan. How things are unfolding for you is always making the best use of the energies. Trust and know that there is always purpose and planning going on far beyond what you could possibly imagine, and it is all designed to serve you. Learning to dance with the natural rhythms of the universe will allow you to embrace all of it with grace and ease and appreciation. ~Archangel Gabriel

Fix ‘Er Up

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/25/2017 - 07:00

As challenging as it may seem at times, it is time to fix your attitude.  You can gloss over the rough parts, smile though the painful and laugh through the terrible.  The chances of things staying exactly as they are will not change unless you choose.  Most often, these actions come from a lack of forgiveness of self… start there, my love.  Even if, in that moment, you do not truly feel it, give yourself a chance.  You are worthy and deserving of a new start. ~ Creator

Clay Sculptured into a Work of Art

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/24/2017 - 21:42

God said:

Once upon a time, when you rubbed Aladdin's Lamp and had only three wishes, you made a wish that all your future wishes would also come true.

Now that you have gained more experience and more wisdom, more of your wishes concern the world at large. Now you would wish that everyone in the world find his or her True Love, not only you. Now you would wish that there would be good food enough for all on Earth, not just for you and your family, and you would wish for peace and love on Earth for all without end, no longer only for your personal peace and love and so on.

You also might have wished that you live forever, is that not so?

Of course, the Truth is that you do live forever. Everyone lives forever. Infinity is on a grander scale than the physical. The physical is a certain format of you, the Spectacular Soul that you are. The physical is an outfit you put on for this time around. Even the outfit, the body you wear, keeps changing even as We speak.

This is not to be bemoaned. Roses can bloom on your cheeks. Once you were lame, and now you can walk. There are many many welcome changes. Did your heart sink at first when I mentioned changes? Even changes you don't want have meaning for you. What you call death is one of those meaningful changes.

Shakespeare said: "Parting is such sweet sorrow." That is true only so far as it goes.

The deeper Truth is that there is no parting, and there never was. Oneness means Oneness.

Daily Message ~ Friday February 24, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/24/2017 - 10:59

If you have an area of your life that you just can't seem to shift no matter how hard you try, maybe it is time to release the struggle. Maybe it is time to surrender it to Source and allow your team to resolve it for you. Maybe it is time to simply give it to God with the acceptance that you have done everything you can do from your end.

Surrender and acceptance are likely the only two things left that you have not tried. At this point, since you can't seem to budge the situation no matter how hard you try, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. By giving it up to your higher self, the angels, your guides, your entire team of helpers, you open the door to all of the solutions you cannot see from your vantage point and move into the realm of endless potential and possibility.

Trust and allow yourselves to be led, Dear Ones, for that is our speciality and lets us experience our greatest joy and purpose which is serving you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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