Daily Message ~ Friday August 26, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 08/26/2016 - 09:10

Joy is a high vibrating energy that is essential to you having a satisfying life experience. But for many of you joy seems elusive, or something that only happens sporadically throughout your lives. So how do you experience more joy?

Joy comes being fully present in the Now moment in alignment with Source energy. So this means allowing love to flow through you to another creates the experience of joy. Allowing yourself to fully receive love from another creates the experience of joy. Being of service brings joy. Surrendering to the flow of creation brings the experience of joy. Gratitude brings joy. Simply being still and allowing yourself to connect to the love of Source creates the experience of joy.

The feeling of joy has happened, for most of you, by stumbling into that magical combination of being fully present in the Now and in alignment with Source, through the catalyst of an external event – the birth of a child, experiencing sheer beauty on your planet, or a pure expression of love. But now that you understand what facilitates joy you can start to seek out that alignment consciously and start to infuse joy into your day to day life on a far more regular basis.

Divine Children of God

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 08/25/2016 - 19:19

God said:

You don't owe Me anything. You are My Divine Child. I ask that you not make recriminations to yourself. Be fine with yourself. Live your life. Whether you are attentive to Me or not, I love you as you are. My love for you does not hinge on what you say to Me, ask Me, or do for Me. I love. I cannot do anything less than love.

This is hard for you to believe that I love you just as you are. Dear Ones, you do not have to lay down your life for Me. You do not have to bow down to Me. You do not owe Me. By your very Being, you fulfill Me.

When you are happy, I am extra happy. When you are sad, I am not sad. In My existence, there can be no loss. I do not weep. I am well-content. I am happy, and I love across the board.

I do not say that you are all done now, the way a cake in the oven is done. In the deepest Truth, this is the case, yet this is not what you see while you perambulate and stumble around in the world. It is hard for you to be accepting of yourself. You see shadows on your surface the way you see shadows on the Moon. You see dinginess on yourself the way you may see gray on your windows.

Dear Ones, in this moment that seems to exist within Oneness, you are perfect. Of course, in terms of the world, you are still in the oven being cooked until you are fully transformed into pure gold. At the same time, you already are pure gold. You, in your perfection, are like the Americas before Christopher Columbus discovered them.

Your Part

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 08/25/2016 - 10:20

During every key point in your Earth’s history, there have been a few that have affected change in a huge way.  Some worked quietly behind the scenes, others put a face to whatever revolution was going on and still other risked life and limb for it.  Now, right now, is another such time on your Earth plane.  Whatever you choose to do during this time is up to you…..just know you are here to change the world. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Thursday August 25, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 08/25/2016 - 08:15

Dear Ones, you are looking at the world through filters, often created more by conditioning than truth or preference. What if you made the decision today to, instead of looking for what is wrong, start looking for what is oh, so right in your world? What if you went about your day looking for evidence of love?

You get to decide what you would like to grow through your attention. We recommend you choose something that can help you embrace the wonder, magic, and unconditional love that abounds for you, if only you have the eyes to see. ~Archangel Gabriel


For the Sake of Learning

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 08/24/2016 - 21:04

God said:

Learning is the point of learning. Education is not. Learning comes from inside. Education may be imposed. Learning arises from a sense of joy. It is joy to gain insights. Everyone loves it when a light goes on.

The intent of education may not go well with learning. No matter how well someone may score on a test, a high score does not mean that learning took place. Learning is what matters.

Learning is naturally joy. Teaching that leaves out the heart of the child is misplaced. Learning without joy is a hardship.

A system may look good on paper. It's someone's best guess as to what is a good way to learn, and one way may flourish for some, yet not all. Remember the child.

If learners do not have joy, perhaps the educators do, yet educators are not the reason for schools. Uppermost belongs the joy of learners. The rewards are to be interior to the learner. Each learner has a heart and soul and his own style or styles of learning.

Some teachers have the ability to make learning desirable for every learner. Hail to them.

Tell Me, what one-year old does not want to reach out and learn? Why is it that at some point a learner may begin to slouch? Where did the joy of learning go? To what gain?

Making learners learn what someone says they must learn does not always amount to learning. There is more than the mind that takes place in learning. There is more than grouping children together for economy in learning. There is heart and soul to learning. And, yes, I will say love.

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