Beyond the World of Appearances

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 07/24/2016 - 21:21

God said:

Come right in. Come over here to Me.

When We come down to it, I am what there is. We could also say that you, the so-called you, are all that there is as well. Call it you, I, We – take your pick – the One of Us is the Totality.

The world isn't really out there. Oh, yes, it seems to be. It certainly does. You can touch it; you can hear it; you can be boondoggled by it. You can break it; you can put it together; you can love it; you can be outraged by it.

You can make anything of the extant world you like. You can prove it; reprove it; edit it; undo it; rewrite your script all over. You can also go beyond the world of appearances.

Here is where I come in. Here is the True Reality. Inside Us isn't exactly the right expression. There is no exact right expression. We do the best We can. We attempt. Yet even language is not real. We palaver. We make sounds and shapes of sounds and combinations of sounds that We name language. We also call languages tongues while our tongues swivel and shake.

Of course, language goes beyond sounds and shapes. Some languages are called guttural. There is an affiliation between sounds and your guts – guts meaning where your world truth lies. You spill your guts out, it is said, when you tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Do you see how one word changes another, or amplifies it, or crosses it out. Out with it!

Think, Create, Act

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 07/24/2016 - 10:15

Reflections and ripples of other lives flow into yours, they are not yours. You do not exist in the same world as in investment banker, a crop-duster or a mother in India.  Yet some of you choose to take on the beliefs of everyone else because it is safer, more comfortable and there is less self-responsibility involved.  If you are focusing on others, there is never a reason to focus on yourself and your own inner work.   What you are doing and how you are living is no one else’s “fault”.  You think, you create, you provide action….own it! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday July 24, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 07/24/2016 - 09:15

If there is an issue that you are struggling with, or see others struggling with, and feel like there is nothing you can do, please know prayer is a powerful tool to use. You see, prayer shows your intention, surrender, and faith. Those three working together are a profound combination. So offer up your prayers, Dear Ones – prayers for your own healing and evolution, prayers for others, and prayers for your beloved planet. Then let your actions match your intentions, and you will be paving the path for outcomes for the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel

The Kingdom You Were Born To

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 07/23/2016 - 21:21

God said:

Ego enters in when there is a deep-seated lack of self-worth. Lack of self-worth is the plague of the world.

Ego picks up details and tries to magnify itself in the world. It is fine for you to have joy where you have joy. It is one thing to have joy from a new car. It is another thing to have your ego blown up by the purchase of a new car, and now regard self-important as King because you drive a new car. A new car has nothing to do with your inborn self-worth. Enjoy the ride, yet do not mix it up with your God-given sense of self-worth.

Have no car in the world, or have ten valuable cars, your self-worth is not touched a whit.

The self-worth of My children is great, yet how many really know this. You could be the most beautiful woman in the world or the handsomest man, the richest, the most famous, the wisest, the most efficient and so on, yet all these matters have nothing to do with the Kingdom you were born to.

Self-worth is not revealed by status in the world.

Your self-worth is not proven in outside terms.

I have declared your self-worth. Your presence here on Earth establishes your self-worth. If you need additives from the outside world to bolster your sense of self-worth, ego has persuaded you, inveigled you, deceived you, masterminded you, pulled a switcheroo.

Let me make it clear that it is fine to desire whatever you desire in life and to gain it. Yet whatever you gain in the material world does not attest to your self-worth. Is this clear?

Daily Message ~ Saturday July 23, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 07/23/2016 - 09:05

Dear Ones, love is a flow. Sometimes others will need a little more love and support to get through something. Sometimes you will need a little more love and tenderness, yourself. There is an ebb and flow, a time to give, and a time to receive. Embracing the totality of the rhythm of love creates balance, and nurturing, for all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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