Seek Truth

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/18/2016 - 18:20

God said:

We come back again and again to your not taking life so seriously. There is no end to life. There is nothing that stops life or even pauses it except as your thoughts prevail.

You announce life to yourself. You see life as a matter of life and death. You say so.

You see emergencies. You see urgency. You see hurry, hurry. You gasp: "Heaven help us."

You see provocation. You may slur over blessings, so caught up are you in slights and injuries of life as you perceive them hastily right off the bat on Earth.

If you could look back on life – not that I am telling you to do so – likely you would remove 90% of those incidents you named Dire Casualties and move them into the category of Lesser Incidents. You would. You know you would.

You assail yourself with your thoughts, accusations really.

You tense yourself. You waylay yourself. You put your dukes up as a ready measure.

You are an alarmist. You alarm yourself. You are ready to cry "Wolf" at the drop of a hat. You are fraught with danger. You hang out with danger. You would like to get out of the way if only you knew where the safety zone were.

You string yourself up. You pull the rope. You ring the bell.

You do choose flight or fight any day of the week.

You are your own marauder.

You are the Call to Arms you hear.

If You Choose

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/18/2016 - 10:15

During this particular time of change it is important for you to begin the sorting process.  Thoughts, actions, physical relationships and emotions are being brought to the surface and shown to you in an effort to help you recognize what you will keep and what you will let go.  For the majority of them, no conscious awareness is needed….some will just fade away.
Remember….this gift of only challenging if you choose it to be. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Saturday June 18, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/18/2016 - 08:10

There is incredible healing available to you from nature. The sun has healing properties that you have just barely begun to scratch the surface of. For your general well-being we recommend ten minutes of sun on bare skin daily. The ground itself is wonderful for clearing and transmuting energies. Simply lie on the ground and connect with Mother Earth, asking her to cleanse you and also to gift you some of her balance and wisdom.

Walking in woods near moving water is particularly healing for the lungs. Breathe in deeply and feel the healing filling up your lungs and then spreading wellness through your entire body. Salt water is tremendously cleansing physically, emotionally, and energetically. These amazing healing tools have the added benefit of adjusting your brain chemistry, helping you feel happy and positive. They also move you into greater resonance with the planet which helps you shift with the changing energies much easier.

What if you live in a place where you don’t have access to nature? You are not out of luck! You can simply meditate and send your soul to places on the planet that offer these things and absorb the energy that way. Or, if you prefer, you can create a special healing space in your meditation that contains all the supportive elements you desire. Again we tell you that you are always provided with what you need, and it is often the most simple fixes that are most effective. All you need to do is to remember to use them with your intention and an open heart. ~Archangel Gabriel

You Are a Dancer of Light

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/17/2016 - 21:40

God said:

You're not waiting for the world to inspire you, are you? Better that you inspire yourself, and so inspire the world.

This is not a performance I speak of. You are a cheerleader, yet you don't twirl a silver baton. Greater than a cheerleader, it so happens that you are a Being of Consciousness.

When you light a candle, the light from your candle shines on all. Furthermore, because of you, others have the ability to light their candles from yours. The light you bring to the world is multiplied hand over fist. Your consciousness lights up the world. Consciousness lives!

Do not hide from this lighting up any longer.

Beloveds, you are not on parade. You are not a production. You are the Real Thing. You are a Light Bearer. You are a World-Brightener. You are the Light of the World that was announced so long ago. Be it.

You don't need horns and trumpets. When you are lit, the room lights up. Your light serves. Your light isn't privately owned. It is impossible not to share your light. Get out there and share it.

If I am Light, it is you who are shining My light.

You are not to hide it. You are to spark the world. You are the light switch of the Universe. Your Being reflects My Light.

Take a deep breath. Be comfortable with lighting up the world. It is inevitable that you will do this. It is automatic. You are Divine Light, and so you shine.

This is everyone's destiny. This is your destiny. Your light is going on all over the world. Spectacular!

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