Heroes of Infinity

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 04/26/2016 - 22:03

God said:

Look, no one can see ahead of time all the questions that you might ask before you take a leap into living life. 

You learn as you grow. You grow as you learn. You move forward, one step at a time. This is how you walk, one foot after the other. A pattern evolves and comes to light. This is Life – the Surprise of a Lifetime. 

You walk in a mist, as it were. You may have no idea where you are or how far you have come. You may think you trudge when you are actually flying as free as a bird. 

Life does not come to you prepackaged. Life is not all neat and wrapped up as you might like it to be. Life has a thousand ways – a million ways – a billion ways – to find its way to you and hand you a message. 

Life is always barreling on its way to you, seemingly like the childhood game of Tiddlywinks where you flip little discs into a cup -- and there you are – your Life made up of little circles reaching you. These little circles become the building blocks of your Life in the World. What a Fantastic world you are in!

Look, Tiddlywinks come in all colors, and all colors enter your Life and take their place. Life may seem incidental, accidental or coincidental, yet Life is not hit or miss. Life is indeed purposeful. Life is always leading you somewhere even as you may not have a clue to where Life is leading you or what your next step will be, yet your next step is right here before you. Take your chances. 

Life may seem more like a chess game to you, and you may hear Life say to you: "Checkmate!"

Daily Message ~ Tuesday April 26, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 04/26/2016 - 07:20

Many of you are in the process of big change – change in your service, change in your location, change in your love life, change in your relationship to self. The reason for this is because the energies are now to the point where they can open new potentials, that will allow you to discover possibilities you have not been aware of. On a soul level, many of you are agreeing to new service contracts, as well, that will take you in new exciting directions and expressions of self.

Dear Ones, we understand it can be disconcerting to feel deep, profound change and not have any idea of where you are going just yet. That is where your trust and faith come in. You are well prepared for this! You have learned how to surrender and flow, and how to move with the universe in a far more empowered way.

Be open. Remember that the universe can bring to you results far beyond what you could imagine for yourself. Continue to explore yourself, your truth, and what brings you joy. Use your gifts and the endless supports that are available to you. Embrace the magic of the unfoldment that you have both co-created and earned, as you continue to so beautifully drive the shift on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel


Fear and Time Do a Dance Together

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 04/25/2016 - 20:50

God said:

Fear not. How can you be buoyant in love when you fear? When you fear, you see shadows all over. Shadows are only shadows. They are not real. You fear shadows. The shadows don't hurt you. 

Your radical acceptance of fear hurts you. Fear makes you take a stand for shadows. You bow down to shadows.

Fear is a concept you have bought into. Fear is a response. It is a reaction. It is not a brave act that your heart trembles as if there were no tomorrow. It does not behoove you to re-enact fear, to give it yet another face, and keep fear's face alive. 

Well, in Truth, there is no tomorrow and no yesterday. Time is a temporary-seeming pause in the Structure of the Universe. It is an aberration. Fear cannot exist except in the Illusory Passage of Time. Fear and time do a dance together. They are partners. They are fearsome partners. They enact drudgery together. Fear and time become a movie feature in your life. 

It is not really that fear and time catch up to you. It really is that you stop for them. Fear and time take you for a ride in their rickety carriage, and you don't know how to get off. You fear an unknown abyss, and, so, you hold onto the abyss you see now as if it were really and truly real. 

Imagine, you decide that holding onto nothing is a form of courage. What you are really doing is hanging out with the concept of fear pressed into an alarm of danger, as if Life on Earth consists of more danger than Love, as if Life is meant to be filled with shards. It is not.

Daily Message ~ Monday April 25, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 04/25/2016 - 15:25

We love that you are all so caring, so diligent, as you continue to move forward on your paths. You are so mindful! We understand that some energetic shifts can seem difficult to integrate and navigate, but please do not allow that to make your journey unnecessarily heavy or arduous by focusing on the challenges and forgetting about the many blessings that have come from your efforts. Your gratitude and attention to the magic that abounds and the wonderful progress that has been made is exactly what will put the “light” back in enlightenment. ~Archangel Gabriel


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