Entering the Golden Field of Love: Eclipse Season Energy Report
As infinite intelligence, we represent the higher selves as a collective of knowing of the souls as one oversoul on planet earth. See, in your mind’s eye, a golden quantum field of knowing, represented by a symbol which represents love in the form of knowledge.
All souls wish to be immersed in this infinite field of love, which is who they truly are. They/We want to bring this to earth and have chosen to do so; they want to graduate from cycles of suffering. The symbol mentioned is your personal symbol, a key to access this golden field of love. The cycles of suffering represent personal and collective karma of cause and effect played out over aeons. And we assure you, speaking for all of you from you that your higher selves are united and collectivy choosing to shift. Do you feel the intensity, the changes within your being? Do not take this personally. See it with neutrality as the waves of change shift all life including each one of you.
Do you not see the signs of change? The signs which include so many people that are leaving the planet? Do you notice the signs of the intensity are becoming greater as greater light is embodied within all life? Your biological anatomy, your physiology is being affected greatly. Your lives and selves are becoming different on all levels: emotional, physical, mental and spiritual.