2017 energy update

Energy Update ~ Your Ticket to Freedom is at hand!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 01/08/2017 - 10:47

Don’t start out your day without checking in with the highest part of yourself, or you could find yourself having a rather bad-ish day which can end up going from bad to worse if you allow your ego any say in the matter.

Too many times we’re in a rush to get going and do whatever it is that is needing to get done and we forget what is most important in our lives. We miss the BIGGER picture, quite literally, and end up losing the plot or the sale!

At this time in your transition, you are fully aware of your multi-dimensional Self up to a certain frequency level, whether you perceive of this or not, it is true.

You are hearing the many voices of Self and you are choosing which voice you wish to listen to. Learn to block those voices that do not resonate to the highest frequency of Love and tune into those that do.

At this stage, you are learning to become the Master of your own energy field. You will need this training so that you will be able to consciously navigate the sub-planes of the 4th dimension of which there are seven, and beyond into the sub-planes of the 5th dimension.

It is in the 7th sub-plane of the 4th dimension that you are merging with your I AM Presence, the Highest Light within you.

Once you are in the clear of all the unwanted baggage you had stored within the lower, emotional and mental sub-planes of the 4th dimension, your merging will take on a higher level of Light frequency that will serve to propel you over the threshold into the lower sub-planes of the 5th dimension. This is your ‘ticket’ to freedom and it is close at hand! However, bear in mind that your dominant state of consciousness always determines your reality.

Be assured that it is your I AM Presence that is governing your transition and monitoring your progress.

Energy Update ~ What can we expect to occur in the next weeks and in 2017

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 12/16/2016 - 06:57
So now that we are in the wake of the last of the Super Full Moon’s for 2016, what can we expect for the rest of 2016 and for the first quarter of 2017?

As the energy becomes more intense with the build-up to next week’s Solstice on December 21st we are indeed integrating vast amounts of higher frequency Light coded energy which is going to perhaps cause some physical discomfort for some of you. The discomfort which may or may not be experienced could be experienced as a tightening sensation in the cranium/skull and scalp, discomfort at the base of the skull at the medulla oblongata, and thus slight headaches could occur, as well as a tightening in the muscles of the shoulders if your body becomes tense.  Also an increase in the ringing sensations in the ears and high pitch sound frequencies may also occur. None of these are cause for great concern. Continue to reassure your physical body that all is well.

Following the Solstice we are again going to be experiencing some high frequency downloads as we look forward to the 1.1.1. Gateway on the 1st January 2017.

In February we are looking forward to the Eclipses on 10/11th and 26th. The penumbral Lunar eclipse on Feb 10/11th will be visible from Europe, most of Asia, Africa, and most of North America. The typical Ring of Fire of the solar eclipse on Feb 26th will be visible in a narrow belt stretching from southern and western Africa, much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and Antarctica. In surrounding areas, a partial eclipse will be visible.

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