Submitted by AstroEyes on Tue, 11/26/2019 - 14:29

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


We have been living through some intense and interesting times…….and I believe that the “New” that we are co-creating, is only going to get more interesting. The energies have been very chaotic and unsettling…and throw in a bit of the “Wild Card” feeling…. and you have this fleeting month of November. Mercury retrograde has also been very active this month! Miss communications and troubles with Planes, trains, and everything in between….including computer and internet mess ups and problems have shown up. Mercury stationed direct last Thursday……just in time for Thanksgiving and Family celebrations. One thing to remember and meditate on during these times is….staying out of the fear!! There are a lot of Fear based things going on everywhere. Consciously stay out of all the fear in all areas and focus on surrounding yourself with others that vibrate where you vibrate….along with the higher energies of….Love and Peace!


Submitted by AstroEyes on Tue, 07/02/2019 - 20:35

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


Happy Cancer New Moon/Solar Eclipse!! Happy 4th of July in a couple days!! In the chart of the United States of America…the Sun is in Cancer…..and this powerful Cancer New Moon is sitting right on the United States Cancer Sun activating it! Making this a powerful time to make intentions and manifest for Peace and an honoring of everyone throughout the World!! Using the Cancer energies of…. Love, Nurturing, Caring and Protection. For ourselves, humanity, the Earth the World and the United States itself! What a powerful statement from the Universe on this (2 days away) anniversary of the birth of the United States!

These intense, chaotic energies that can bring in the feeling of being overwhelmed and exhausted at times…have been building for several weeks and has intensified since the Full Sagittarius Moon on June 17th and will continue through the month of July plus. We puts us at a turning point! Being aware of this is the beauty of Astrology. When you can understand about the energies that are affecting everyone in the World…it gives you the ability to work with them to your highest good. It gives you the ability to navigate them better. It is not a time to go into anxiety….but a time to be aware and navigate….with the help of your guidance.


Submitted by AstroEyes on Mon, 02/04/2019 - 18:37


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

February, the month of Love….Love is in the Air ~~ This Aquarius New Moon embodies the energies of Love….for all!  This New Moon highlights Community, our tribe, and all humanity.  It can show us the big picture of how we can make the needed changes in the world by using the power that we have within our Tribe’s, our Communities and Humanity for loving Relationships of all types…across the Earth.   Signifying that the whole is always greater the then the sum of its parts.   It is saying that our coming together in our communities etc. ….can change the world!  This Aquarius New Moon is also about movement and action!  The energies are quite chaotic and a bit volatile out there, and it is time to visualize what you want the world and your future to look like.  It is time to move….time to take action….on your own and within your communities!    

February 4th  is also the Chinese New Year (in Chinese astrology) which occurs with the first New Moon after the Sun enters Aquarius.  This is the Chinese New Year of the Pig.  All though  I am not well versed in Chinese Astrology…. I am told that the year of the pig…..highlights a steadfast patience, fertility and great tranquility.  That the Pig appreciates money and food and they are known for enjoying tangible success.  It also has a feminine influence as there is a dedication to others…feeding and nurturing in abundance….a year of Goodwill!

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