andrew martin

Knowing and Belief

Submitted by AndrewMartin on Wed, 03/19/2014 - 09:30


Greetings, Dear Ones!

Today we wish to speak with you about knowing and belief. As you continue to progress upon your path of living through your heart, the distinction will become clearer and also more important to you.

Quite simply, belief is something that comes from without. A belief is something that we acquire via external sources. We are never born believing anything. Belief generally comes from another paradigm or dogmatic structure and is usually something that is thrust upon you. Belief is something that requires the validation of the rational mind, the ego and people who are external. 

The Grand Illusion

Submitted by AndrewMartin on Thu, 03/06/2014 - 09:04


Greetings Dear Ones!

We come to you today with a message about the next phase that is occurring within you at this time. The energies that have been arriving to your planet and will continue to arrive on the next lunar phase and towards the Spring Equinox are indeed sublime and magnificent! We realize that every time we speak to you about energies we remark upon the truth that the energies are of a nature that you have not experienced before. We remind you that all has arrived and occurred within the divine plan and with perfect timing. It has been indeed a subtle yet steady increase of frequency and energy designed to increase your capacity to anchor Love and Light within yourselves and upon this planet. You may find this week and in the weeks to come that your dreams and your physical symptoms once again begin to get unusual and strange. Yet we encourage you not to worry and not to fear for you are now equipped to handle that which is being delivered to you and it is only your intent to allow the influx of newness to continue to transform you which is required for this to occur.

The Truth of Who You Are

Submitted by AndrewMartin on Tue, 03/04/2014 - 14:44…


Greetings, Dear Ones!

Today we wish to speak to you about your perceptions of who you are. As you continue forward upon the path of living from your Hearts, the true nature of who you are will become clearer to you. There is so much that has been kept from you and that you have forgotten about the truth of who you are. 

There is the saying on your planet that we are very fond of: “We are all spiritual beings having a human experience”. At the core of this statement is the beautiful truth of who you really are. We know that when you go to the quiet place of contemplation and meditation that you can feel the truth in this statement. From where we stand we see you as vibrational beings of Love and Light and your physical appearance is quite secondary to your true identity. 

From our perspective you are merely another aspect of The One. We know that for many of you this is an ideal way of thinking of yourselves and that many of you strive to relate to one another in this way, and yet there is still so much importance placed upon your physical representations. 

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