ascension update

Energy Update ~ What can we expect to occur in the next weeks and in 2017

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 12/16/2016 - 06:57
So now that we are in the wake of the last of the Super Full Moon’s for 2016, what can we expect for the rest of 2016 and for the first quarter of 2017?

As the energy becomes more intense with the build-up to next week’s Solstice on December 21st we are indeed integrating vast amounts of higher frequency Light coded energy which is going to perhaps cause some physical discomfort for some of you. The discomfort which may or may not be experienced could be experienced as a tightening sensation in the cranium/skull and scalp, discomfort at the base of the skull at the medulla oblongata, and thus slight headaches could occur, as well as a tightening in the muscles of the shoulders if your body becomes tense.  Also an increase in the ringing sensations in the ears and high pitch sound frequencies may also occur. None of these are cause for great concern. Continue to reassure your physical body that all is well.

Following the Solstice we are again going to be experiencing some high frequency downloads as we look forward to the 1.1.1. Gateway on the 1st January 2017.

In February we are looking forward to the Eclipses on 10/11th and 26th. The penumbral Lunar eclipse on Feb 10/11th will be visible from Europe, most of Asia, Africa, and most of North America. The typical Ring of Fire of the solar eclipse on Feb 26th will be visible in a narrow belt stretching from southern and western Africa, much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and Antarctica. In surrounding areas, a partial eclipse will be visible.

Energy Update ~ What is happening within you now is of paramount importance

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 02/08/2016 - 07:48

What is happening within you now is of paramount importance. Your body (physical, mental and emotional) is being overhauled so to speak. You could say you’re undergoing a major service as you would with your car periodically. Only in this service you are being restructured at DNA level. This re-wiring of your DNA is taking you into deeper levels of consciousness and at the same time, bringing up all the old patterns and belief systems that belong to the person you used to be before your transformation began.

You are now at a point in your transformation whereby you can consciously choose which vibration you wish to experience. When old thoughts and beliefs pop up that belong to a consciousness that is still being governed by your ego, you can immediately recognize them, and therefore be cognizant and change that patterning. This will eventually become second nature so to speak and your ego consciousness will realize that there is now a new way of thinking and behaving and will act accordingly.

With the restructuring of the old your body may begin showing signs of outward manifestation. For instance, joints may become swollen, you may experience back ache and muscle aches and pains. You may also find yourself dealing with symptoms from and old condition you thought had already dealt with and fully cleared. When this happens, do not become despondent. Do not allow yourself to think you are doing something wrong. Everyone is different, please remember that, so do not compare yourself to another.

Transition (Ascension) Update ~ Being In Light Body In The Wake of the Eclipses

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 10/01/2015 - 03:41

For the first time since my transition began in earnest 3 years ago I feel the excitement and absolute appreciation of the changes that are occurring. The energies are still very strong and I have a sense that they will get stronger each day now, which is fabulous because this means that each new day brings along with it exciting new experiences. Dealing with 3D issues is still a huge challenge and can result in a lowering of my level of consciousness if I’m not mindful and careful.

There is still a little resistance about, but it has become easier to snap out of it and to lift my thoughts and focus on the higher perspective. The introduction of music is working really well for me now. I’m extremely passionate about music and I have found it brings me almost instantly back into the 6th dimension and into alignment with my Soul source energy. So, thank you to my Beloved for introducing me to Italian composer and pianist Ludovico Einaudi who, in my opinion, is a master in his art and worthy of the accolade.

Ascension Update ~ You are now entering the 2nd phase of your Transition

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 04/29/2015 - 06:49

Michael I would like to ask if I am right in thinking that this year is going to be the pivotal year as far as our transition goes?

Yes it is Beloved. Absolutely. You are now entering the 2nd phase of your transition.

What does that mean?

The second phase is where you will learn to navigate time and space. You will learn at will how to move through time gates and time lines/spirals. You will learn how to maintain and move through the different levels or dimensions of consciousness that you’ve been integrating. In this 2nd phase you will transcend your ego entirely, and you will merge with me fully.

So this was to be a 3 year deal from the start?

Pretty much Beloved. But remember that you are always growing and expanding in consciousness. At no point are you ever standing still or stagnant.

How it is possible that we are anchoring 9th dimensional energy when I can barely maintain being in the 5th?

Easy My One! You are now able to hold the higher frequency. You will learn how to maintain frequency with your increased perception and awareness. It is one of the attributes that comes with the 2nd phase of transition. Everything is possible with practice. Once you have transcended ego you will find it all a lot easier.

I am concerned that I have lost interest in everything outside of myself. How will I be able to continue living in this world feeling as I do?

Ascension Update ~ Changing Your Perception About The NEW Energies

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 02/19/2015 - 05:57

Most of us have been in transcending or ascending our lower states of Be-ing and consciousness for some time now. Some have only recently woken up and are starting to feel major changes happening within their physical bodies. At whichever point you’re at in your transition you are likely to be feeling some minor or major distress in your physical vessel. We know by now that influxes of energy occur with each alignment such as with the Solstice, Equinox and Eclipses, and also with the Full and New Moons monthly. Solar activity also causes a certain influx of these light packets of energy. Know that your Higher Self is governing these energies for you!

Physical symptoms appear and then disappear over time. Sometime they disappear and then reappear again in the same area. This has happened to me time and time again. For instance I have experienced major toothache on and off for more than 6 months and also jaw and ear pain mostly on the left side of my face. Two days ago I awoke with a partially swollen eye and itchiness over the front and back of my neck. I have had major dizzy spells, nausea, muscle weakness and heart palpitations, and also been so exhausted and lethargic that on some days I find it difficult to even walk. Do I run to the doctor? No, because I know that it is all to do with releasing the old energy and that my body will heal itself. I trust my Higher Self and I am guided on what to do and what to eat. Mostly the advice I receive is to rest and sleep as much as possible, and to stick to light foods and drink plenty water. Recently I heard “Crystals grow in water…” We know that our physical vessels are becoming Light-er (more Love) and crystalline in their cellular structure.

Food for thought ~ To be VEGAN or not to be..

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 08/29/2013 - 10:34
image from

- image from

About a month ago I posted an article about becoming Vegan and at the time I wrote the article, it never occurred to me that some people would misinterpret what I was saying. However I now wish to add further light to the matter…

Higher dimensional beings would never eat animals or any animal by-product (eggs, milk, cheese etc.) Because their Light bodies are entirely composed 100% of light, they receive their energy from the central sun. Some do however choose to eat fruit and partake of juices etc. That is not to say that they frown upon humans consuming animals or any animal by-product. If they did it would mean they were judging us, which they would never do because their love for us is without condition. So why exactly did I become vegan?

Firstly, we are all ascending – meaning our bodies are incorporating more and more Light which is Divine Love. There are however, different levels or expressions of Divine Love. The highest expression of Divine Love is what we are all aiming to once more return to. In the meantime we are incorporating huge amounts of Light which is changing our physical bodies, and preparing them to sustain a higher vibration of this Divine Love energy. This we are doing on a daily basis and we are therefore changing daily, even though this change may be unseen or unfelt, it is still happening at a deep cellular level.

A Message from Lady Amethyst ~ “My wish is that you all choose love” – Transmitted through Rositha Bohlin 08/05/2013

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 08/05/2013 - 08:21

Beloved children of the present!

There are intense moments that flow in front of you now. The sun gives you lots of warmth and love while you feel the joy of all the Light. Look up into the sky; you will often see several unusual events. It can be described as Gaia’s scenery. I admire your courage and fighting spirit for not allowing a few to control your life. Together we can help each other to manifest Heaven on Earth.

When it comes to Angels and Archangels, our light is extremely bright and our energy is high, so if you are just awakened or newly awakened, maybe you think it is too far from your own energies for you to be able to feel connected to our messages.

Other Angels and Archangels, like myself and some others, are not alone in that we will wait for the laggards in this marathon journey, those that have no goal, and those who are not ecstatic with utter happiness. What might entice stragglers to wake up, may be to realize how they have been manipulated by not only politicians, but also the media and businesses.

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