connecting to divine love

IN-Lightenment ~ Michael loves to heal!!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 12/16/2015 - 01:13

The little chapel (shrine) in Hope street, Tarpon Springs in Florida, was built in honor of St. Michael not because he needed the accolade for the healing,  but because he knew that the building of it would strengthen the woman’s faith and the faith of her son who had told his mother that St.Michael would heal him if she built this little chapel. And so the son was healed and his mother built the chapel as promised.

Furthermore, Michael’s intention was and still is for the chapel to serve as testimony to the power of Faith. The many miraculous healings that have since taken place at the site of the little chapel serve as further testimony to the healing power of Faith.

For Michael,  it’s all about Faith.

Is it is coincidence that the chapel ended up being built in Hope street? No, not at all. What is hope?  Hope forms the basis for faith because you have to have hope in order to have the faith that something will happen or come into being.

No, he doesn’t want or need the accolade. He is the most humble of Beings and he lives his life in service to humanity.

Let me let you into a secret… Archangels are powerful beings and they have individual character and personality, as do all souls.

Another thing…. BE humble in your approach to them. An attitude of humility reaches GREAT heights!

But my wish for you today is to stretch your mind a little…..push the boundaries of your previous conditioned thinking…


Have an AWESOME day BE-LOVE-d’s!

We Love You!


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The Dying of the Ego and Rebirth of the Soul Self

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 09/25/2014 - 13:16

Image – Pheonix Queen (

I have to say that Kaypatcha’s Pele report spoke to me at a very deep level just now as I watched him, and it resonates, especially the story he tells of Venus going into the underworld over the next 60 days and releasing ALL, dying actually, which I’m getting is a metaphor for the dying of the Ego Self and then there’s the re-emergence of YOU as Spirit, a SOUL, a re-birthing of your Soul SELF. Similar to the Golden Phoenix rising from the ashes, reborn again. Only this time, you are re-BORN into eternal life! No more death. No more physicality!

This is what we can expect for our own Spiritual growth and transcendence over the next 60 day period. I was told yesterday by my Higher Soul/Self that I am entering a period known as The Dark Night of the Soul. So Kaypatcha’s report is a confirmation of this. The Dark Night can be any over any period of time. It depends on how long it takes you to let go and RELEASE, or move BEyond that which is the physical YOU. It is a moving BEyond the explainable, into the unexplained, where the logic cannot go. Everything is frequency, so the ‘letting go’ and ‘releasing’, is just moving into a higher frequency of consciousness.

IN-Lightenment: Looking through the eyes of your Soul, what do you see?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 09/23/2014 - 08:05

Image by Greenberg: “Sand grains from around the world are mixed together like a pouch full of gems. The sand grains are from Maui, Hawaii, Japan, California, Ireland, Bermuda, and Minnesota.”

I was meant to write this blog yesterday but I never got around to it. I guess I’m reluctant to be on my laptop 7 days a week ….. There is something to be said for resting for at least one day a week, and there is good reason for that. It’s to help us gain perspective in our lives; it helps us focus on what is really important and that is SOUL.

On Saturday afternoon I was sitting on my usual spot on the roof after having enjoyed a leisurely lunch, and I gazed up at the sky and noticed the wispy 5D clouds.

“Those are 5D clouds” I told Michael.

“What makes you say that?” he asked.

“Because they are wispy and carefree, and they look peaceful and loving, not angry like storm clouds.”

He smiled and said, “When you look at them you see peace and love?”

“Yes I do” I replied.

“Look around you now. Do you see struggle or do you see peace and love?” He asks.

“I feel peace and love within me, but I’m not sure I see it around me.” I answer.

“Look at the trees. Do you see love manifested?” He asks me.

“Actually, I do” I reply.

“And look at the birds. Do you see love manifested?” He asks.

“I do. But how do you not see the 3D struggle also?” I ask him.

“It’s all a matter of perspective or perception. What do you choose to focus on? The struggle or the love? Your human eyes will see the struggle, but if you look through the eyes of your Soul you will only see love and peace.” He tells me.

IN-Lightenment: How to form a deeper connection to your Higher Self

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 09/13/2014 - 07:37

The time has come for many to form a deeper connection to their Higher Self. There are various reasons for this, one of them being that the energy is stronger now and a deeper connection is necessary to help with the integration of the incoming energy to enable you to feel more in balance. If you don’t integrate the energy, you may feel you are going crazy.

The high Heart, or Sacred Heart, acts as a portal to your Higher Self. It is the passageway or gateway that connects your [lower] consciousness with your higher consciousness which is known as your Higher Self. Whichever way you choose to view this part of yourself is up to you. Call it God too if you like. We don’t like labels because as Beings of Light, we are infinite and therefore cannot be defined by a word.

We have said many times that you will find everything you need within you – and the meaning of these words has been misunderstood by some, but we mean this quite literally. Within your high Heart chakra or energy center / vortex, you will find the gateway to your True Self. That’s it. Nowhere else. You have also heard that the Heart is the center of the New Reality and New Earth, and it is. We are in a sense moving out of our minds, and our false sense of self which is the ego, and into our hearts.

For some being in their heart center is achieved through meditation, for others it may be through music, art or working with animals. For some it may be through baking a cake. Generally doing whatever brings you joy is connecting you with your Heart chakra because you are BE-ing love by doing what brings you your greatest joy. And there is nothing wrong with that! Continue please, do what you love because nothing brings Spirit more joy than YOU experiencing joy! Love and Joy is food to the Soul.

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