IN-Lightenment: Looking through the eyes of your Soul, what do you see?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 09/23/2014 - 08:05

Image by Greenberg: “Sand grains from around the world are mixed together like a pouch full of gems. The sand grains are from Maui, Hawaii, Japan, California, Ireland, Bermuda, and Minnesota.”

I was meant to write this blog yesterday but I never got around to it. I guess I’m reluctant to be on my laptop 7 days a week ….. There is something to be said for resting for at least one day a week, and there is good reason for that. It’s to help us gain perspective in our lives; it helps us focus on what is really important and that is SOUL.

On Saturday afternoon I was sitting on my usual spot on the roof after having enjoyed a leisurely lunch, and I gazed up at the sky and noticed the wispy 5D clouds.

“Those are 5D clouds” I told Michael.

“What makes you say that?” he asked.

“Because they are wispy and carefree, and they look peaceful and loving, not angry like storm clouds.”

He smiled and said, “When you look at them you see peace and love?”

“Yes I do” I replied.

“Look around you now. Do you see struggle or do you see peace and love?” He asks.

“I feel peace and love within me, but I’m not sure I see it around me.” I answer.

“Look at the trees. Do you see love manifested?” He asks me.

“Actually, I do” I reply.

“And look at the birds. Do you see love manifested?” He asks.

“I do. But how do you not see the 3D struggle also?” I ask him.

“It’s all a matter of perspective or perception. What do you choose to focus on? The struggle or the love? Your human eyes will see the struggle, but if you look through the eyes of your Soul you will only see love and peace.” He tells me.

“Let’s go back to what you said about the trees being ‘love manifested’. Most people may have difficulty understanding this. Can you please explain?” I ask him.

“I told you yesterday that Mother Nature came here with the seeds of Love and she planted them, and nurtured them so that they would grow and cover the Earth with her beauty and so you would be provided with food. Have you not noticed the perfection in a single flower? I have told you also that when you can see the perfection of the Universe in a single grain of sand then you will have reached Mastery. When you look through the eyes of your Soul you will see only perfection, and you will see nothing but love, and only then will you see that everything is Sacred, including yourself. You will never be able to harm a single living thing because you will know that by doing so you are harming yourself. “

His wisdom is profound and as usual, blows my mind and expands my brain and awareness into areas I had not before been able to comprehend. If only I could remember and put down on paper everything we have talked about in the past couple years…. It will most likely make a bestseller!

Nothing struggles to grow. Creation is effort-less. Look at these words:



The letters are the same, just the C is in a different place. Choose to look through the eyes of your Soul, not your logical mind. Logic will see struggle, and react. The Soul will see Love, and create more of what it sees.

Focusing on what is going on around you is not helping you. Why? Because when you focus on struggle and strife, pain, suffering, wars, crazy weather, you name it, you are giving it your energy. And your energy, Dear One, is precious. Choose instead to look through the eyes of your Soul, and focus on Love, so that you BE-come Love and radiate Love out into the World around you. Focus instead on grounding and anchoring your Love and Light so that you BE-come the Lighthouse of Love and Light you intended to BE when you embarked upon this Earthly journey.

This is the Way of the Master.

We leave you with our Absolute Love and our Blessing.


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