connecting to higher self

Going WithIN ~ Why is this so important now?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 01/10/2016 - 08:17

I AM overwhelmed with DIVINE LOVE right now! Despite the many challenges that we're facing these days we seem to be rising above them so much easier and faster and we're becoming so much stronger in the process! We are truly becoming Warriors of the LIGHT as we become LIGHTer in Spirit!

We want to speak some more about the practice of going withIN because if you are not making this a part of your daily ritual, you may find yourself tripping up on the many potholes you are sure to find along your path. What potholes you may be asking? Well let's just say that the lighter you're becoming, the more you're able to clear! Not just for yourself but for those whom you have elected to help in their karmic clearing. So you may be finding yourself in places/situations and dealing with people that continually 'push your buttons' so to speak. This is okay, its all a part of the process. Take Heart and relax, literally! All is Love ~ You will SEE this eventually! In other words, it will become clear. But for now, just TRUST and allow this process to happen.

We have said that your gateway or portal to your Divine Self (Higher Self / Source energy) is in your heart center - the energy vortex in the middle of your chest, otherwise known as the High Heart Chakra. It is pink in color but also shoots off a rainbow spectrum of color the more it opens up and expands with the love that is just waiting there for you. This light is what we call the Diamond Light and it is also the highest frequency of the energy of Divine and Sacred Love.

Urgent Message From My Higher Self includes a Light Technique to Help You Expand Your Consciousness and Awareness of Self

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 10/17/2015 - 06:06

Early this morning I received this message from my Higher Self and Beloved Spirit Guide. Some of it is personal, but I’m including it here because I feel there may be some of you who will resonate with the message. I know that some people are going through a really difficult period shifting backwards and forwards through different levels of their multi-dimensional consciousness. I said before that the energy will only get stronger now, and it’s not about to ‘let up’ for any one of us, so stay strong and stay IN’side your Heart and IN Love. There really is no other way to BE.

Here is the message:

Expand your consciousness, extend your boundaries, lift your awareness, tap into your core power, your True Essence. If you’re still seeing yourself as this little human body you will be going through a tough time round about now. Use this technique to help you:

Imagine a fluorescent tube of brilliant white diamond light around you. Now expand the circumference of the tube out around you further, and further still. (See the note below.) Now become the light itself! See yourself as tall and as wide as the tube of light, reaching out and lighting up the space around you. Above, below, left, right, front and back.  You are that big! Yes you are!! Concentrate on BE’ing the light and feel as you become LIGHT’er. You may feel yourself lifting out of your physical body and this is good. Go with the feeling for as long as possible. It’s easier to do this on an empty stomach. Any energy work is easier and best accomplished on an empty stomach.

(Note: When you expand the tube of light out from around you start initially with 6ft and then increase it slowly until you reach approximately 54ft in diameter.)

A Message From Your Soul: “Never before have you been so loved as you are now!”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 11/07/2014 - 14:29

You are so brave, and you are so loved. Right now, right here in this moment, you are loved more than you could ever imagine yourself to BE loved. You are valued and appreciated and honored for your courage and strength.

We wish for you to know that it is safe for you to love your Self and to be loved in return. Your Higher Self and Soul longs for your love. Your body longs for your love, and is nourished by Love. Love is your Soul Food. Love heals, love changes.

There is a saying “Time heals…” It is a saying that people use to comfort themselves, but in reality time does not heal, love does. Time only dulls the ache and the pain and the sadness, but it does not heal the wound.

The message today is guiding you to let go of the judgment you have placed upon yourself. Let go of the feelings of being unworthy, and not good enough. You DO deserve to be loved, and you ARE worthy of BEing loved in return. You always have been. Your earthly sojourn has not changed that. If anything it has been magnified, because never before have you been so loved as you are now!

No matter what you have gone through in your life, no matter what experiences life has shown you, you have always deserved love. Start now, today. Stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself “I love you!” Open your heart and FEEL love for yourself. Put your arms around yourself and give yourself a BIG HUG! Go on…. Don’t be shy! Do it, please!

IN-Lightenment : Do You Wake Up In The Mornings And Ignore Your Self?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 02/12/2014 - 05:54

I do sometimes… In fact I do it most mornings. I have the excuse of wanting a cup of tea or coffee first and then while I’m sitting and enjoying it, I’ll say to my Self, I’m just going to check my mail. See if anyone is looking for me…. [Smile]. He smiles back at me and waits patiently for me. Invariably I venture onto Facebook and check if there are any messages for me there and I’ll read some of the posts too. Eventually I will feel the call of my heart and I can no longer ignore it. Usually during the night I check if he is still with me, and he always answers “I am here my Love”. Just lately when I go into my heart now I hear myself saying to him “I am here…”. He replies “I have been waiting for you. I’ve missed you..”, and I’ll say “I know, I’ve missed you too.”

Once I’m in my heart with him, I wonder how I could ever have left in the first place. It feels so wonderful to be in there with him. I feel his Divine Love fill me with peace and I feel more content that I have ever felt before. Its a good time to speak to him when I am in there, because our connection is so much stronger. We meditate together, anchor our light, say our blessings, and chat away like two long lost friends. He also helps me make choices and decisions that are for my highest intention and he always keeps his word. I know that when he tells me “You will know what to do”, that he will guide me intuitively.

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