distance reiki healing

Prepare NOW for the Solstice & 888 Gateway Alignment

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 06/07/2015 - 08:58

The past week has been BE-yond the usual as far as energy goes. Since the Full Moon on Tuesday the 2nd June, the roller coaster ride seems to have speeded up! We are now preparing for the Solstice alignment, which is going to be the biggest and most challenging alignment so far for most of us.

The only advice I can give you is to rest as much as possible, connect with Nature as often as possible, and to stay out of situations where you are susceptible to 3D drama.

In other words for the next 2 weeks BE in a space of RETREAT-ing. Make a point of BE-ing in your Heart space and you will be fine.

Let the highest expression of yourself – your True Self – help you integrate this supra- powerful energy. You do this by BE-ing in your Heart center. Sit in meditation with Self often – more than once a day.

You are going to be noticing some physical discomforts in your head, base of the neck and shoulders. You may experience headaches and dull aches in your ears and behind your eyes. This is normal, so don’t be alarmed. The usual aches, pains and tingles in your shoulders, arms and legs may also intensify as this energy is very dense and it may feel as though your skeleton is being squashed somewhat! At least that is how it feels for me. You may also feel yourself becoming very tired suddenly with the need to just lie down for a short nap. Let your body guide you in this.

Become Emotionally FREE with Reiki!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 03/26/2015 - 02:33

Become Emotionally FREE with Reiki! Body Mind Spirit is offering Personal Breakthrough Healing that will gently break through any blocks to help you make the life altering changes that have been holding you back and preventing you from experiencing a life of bliss.

Now you can become emotionally FREE with Reiki!

This Personal Breakthrough healing is achieved at a deep cellular level within the physical, emotional and mental bodies. You will:

  • Release emotional blocks that are causing you to feel stuck and are holding you back;
  • Release blocked energy that is causing ill-health, ongoing physical issues, relationship issues etc.;
  • Uncover the source of unhealthy and non-serving patterns of behavior;
  • Overcome emotional trauma and causes of depressed behavior;
  • Find the answers that you’ve been searching for and experience healing on all levels – physical, mental and emotional.

The healing energy is transmitted to you over a period of 4 weeks. You will receive the energy in the comfort of your home at a time when you are ready to receive it. There is no need for you to attend any workshops or to leave the comfort of your own space. You may choose to receive the healing when you are sleeping, or in your awakened state. The choice is always yours.

It is safe. All Reiki healing energy is of the highest and purest Divine origin, helping you to overcome every challenge in your life. When you accept this healing energy, you’re opening yourself to Divine intervention and reconnecting with your True Self.

This personal breakthrough healing is a profound energy healing that is a Spiritual experience regardless of any expectation you may have.

My ‘Double Whammy’ Crystal and Reiki Healing Experience

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 09/05/2014 - 08:47

Yesterday I had the great pleasure of experiencing a ‘double whammy’ healing which I am going to share with you. My friend Mary Gates, a crystal healing therapist, and I, offered each other a healing. She offered to do her crystal grid healing for me and in return I offered her Reiki. So yesterday we got together on Skype, she at her home in California, and me at my home in Mexico City. We just so happened to be both feeling a little in need of a healing so the timing was perfect. I’d never had the crystal grid healing before and it has been a long time since she has experienced a Reiki healing!

Mary placed crystal cards beneath the cut-out of my body on her bed; then on top of my body she placed unpolished crystals. The cards and crystals are placed above and below you in strategic positions where the energy meridians flow, so you are being ‘sandwiched’ in between their wonderful energy!

I chose to lie down during the healing and immediately I started to feel the energy working in my lower back, and I felt warmth spreading up my spine. After about 5 minutes I realized I could call in the Reiki energy for her at the same time. I heard a YES from the Masters! So since her bed was covered in crystals she decided that she would just get comfortable in her chair. I called in the Reiki energy and the two of us were literally blown away by the energy that came in. She asked me if I’d called Jesus and I said “No, but he’s here!” It’s amazing who will join in on a healing session. Our Soul Family are so eager to help and any opportunity we give them to help us is eagerly and gratefully accepted!

What is your body trying to telling you?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 08/22/2014 - 12:11

Our physical vessel is a wonderous and truly intelligent creation! It will always tell us when something needs to be fixed. In other words, it will let us know through dis-ease, and through pain and discomfort when we have dis-harmony or when we are out of balance within the Body Unit. When we experience dis-ease and pain it is best we go to the source of the problem rather than treat the symptom only.

My mother, who is almost 85 and ‘set’ in her ways, suffers from arthritic pain in her joints, and also from osteoporosis. Earlier this week when I called her she told me she is dying from the pain in her right knee and hip, and also her left hand. I told her I would send her Reiki. The next day I called and she told me she is dying from the pain in her right foot. I asked her how her right knee and hip felt, and also her left hand, and she replied, “Oh that is much better!” I told her I would send her more Reiki for her right foot. I decided I would send her some money to buy a homeopathic ointment to help ease the inflammation. Whilst I was sending her Reiki that day I was intuitively guided as to the cause of her discomfort and suffering. My intuition was confirmed when I checked her chakras and found little movement in her root, sacral and heart chakra’s.

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