
Interactions through Dissociations

Submitted by Mario on Tue, 07/07/2015 - 01:51

Augmenting our abilities to see in the future, Pre-Cognitive Abilities implies that we are having some sort of (Pre)-Calculations being made thoroughly before having an event happen. Now if we understand where we get information? Let’s begin by having processes, as thoughts or writing, the basis is utilized from our brain, since some processes can be self-initialized meaning it can be observed while it’s transcript, (Written) in words on paper or on the computer, cell phone etc…

What we OBSERVE while having this initial understanding come to fruition, can be called from a sense of innovation, a systematic call to superior modulation of the medulla oblongata, through interactions of our abilities to copulate forms of energetic assemblies, given from an intelligence which works in tantrum to universal life measures…

Time nexus

Submitted by Mario on Tue, 03/17/2015 - 22:10

Time nexus

Flowing freely in abundance, what runs smoothly in our relationships has us wondering how a companion can take care in how we do things together. In simplicity having a human with you has many possible venues in which we can have as interactions none the less expressive experiences, emotional, condensed experiences sometimes, secrecy, allowance, exposure, doubts, conflicts, troubles, love, compassion, expectancy etc... These are all things which can be experienced in a relationship, tough some of them can be used in excess, while others are good some other things can be bad, or good at the same time.

When we are talking about a relationship as a couple, what makes us unique, is how we express ourselves in our togetherness, our experiences... If we are adept to fine tuning the fields which corresponds to some of the written words as compassion, or love, in a way it can traverse some potential links in which it opens us up to venues which were not there before, which is not always good, as we can manipulate, in other words try to control, this is not meant to be... We should be able to be free in all that we choose to do.

Advances in Cosmoses (22)

Submitted by Mario on Fri, 03/13/2015 - 19:47

Advances in Cosmoses (22)

22 Actualizations in earnest, the rewards are in postulations made for adaptations in querying modules while excelling in counter productivities, while higher grid enactments are made in dispositional flux to attend greater care of the core neutralities which are excelling in extents to the universal factors (Law’s) in which individuals are enacting within the higher grids for temporal flux in time stamps. 3:45AM.

Eventual reaps are made at postulating trips for coherent designs of the aboriginal factors which are abolishing the conceptualizations from core dispersions.

Interactions at core venues made for genesis in contact modules to accelerate the predisposed formats which are required in trans-dimensional postulations… As TRIPs are in recrudescing amounts, fractals, immersive trough venues for core interactions… Actual thought commands are given in synaptic modulations for temporal activity (Frontal lobe) to activate parts of its disassembled functions.

Interactive Venues

Submitted by Mario on Mon, 03/02/2015 - 12:09

Interactive Venues

Interactive venues for similarities in how the synaptic functions will evolve in contact modules to exceed in potentiality which abides within all of us as fragments of potentiality unwritten from formations of our advances throughout cosmoses. Individually the sub selective formations (Groups) which help alleviate the formations of these words momentarily while we abide in constructs which help evolve the formations of our words to sub selective venues for interaction at higher timelines for readjustments to take place in the mass media programs which allows the formation of intellectual drives to be enacted as formal aperture to indecisive measures which allows the velocity to flow at better causes. Subtle shifts are needed for the intellectual drives to become active in what pertains as similar projects for protecting some of the individuals timelines, while in formations as the mass media projects go on out individually, informational flows which are interactive in modules excelling in complexities what corresponds within us as amounts of preconcissive measure independently growing at large the fractals of acquisitioned states for better attunement in some pertaining matters for actualizations trough thought programs as what we would term a mass mind control program having possibilities amass from the interactive grids higher technological stand points or utilizations of the universal mind.

This would allow some formation as groups of beings whom are aware of the informational flows (The programs) which enables the massive energetic downloads to abide from the intellectual drive which is preconceived in moments of attaining what some would term the quantum thought.

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