Interactions through Dissociations

Submitted by Mario on Tue, 07/07/2015 - 01:51

Augmenting our abilities to see in the future, Pre-Cognitive Abilities implies that we are having some sort of (Pre)-Calculations being made thoroughly before having an event happen. Now if we understand where we get information? Let’s begin by having processes, as thoughts or writing, the basis is utilized from our brain, since some processes can be self-initialized meaning it can be observed while it’s transcript, (Written) in words on paper or on the computer, cell phone etc…

What we OBSERVE while having this initial understanding come to fruition, can be called from a sense of innovation, a systematic call to superior modulation of the medulla oblongata, through interactions of our abilities to copulate forms of energetic assemblies, given from an intelligence which works in tantrum to universal life measures…

Acquiring from an augmentation as (Quantum Leaps) on this Earth’s physical field. Technology which develops at greater speeds which we can get from (Reverse Engineering), which is technology that we get and disassemble and experiment, research and trace out all of its functions as to create our own by OBSERVING… Than to shall we see our consciousness adapt and be utilized for higher adaptability and senses, in remembering how we came to this life, here on Earth for the sole purpose of gathering and adapting to new life measures, as survival takes part in one of the many formations, (Structures) abiding from lower transparent modules/grades to higher telepathic immergences from intelligences which works impart to machinery, at the subatomic scale as our brain can process and change some structures of life on this planet by mere thoughts (Energetic Assembly Modules) for experiences which structures the Core Substance (Sustenance) of Analogical/Metaphysic and Morphogenetic fields, which carry in subtle forms, an exchange of subliminal contact’s which are kept “alive” (repeating in the field) as we are not beyond them, until we notice and get to change our minds, to adapt to a more subtle and refined way of thinking, which keeps a sanative, constructive and/or rejuvenating flow on cyclic loop’s.

The same way we have cycles in the solar systems, and on this Earth as we go from summer to autumn, winter and spring and back to summer as an example… Our revolutionary feats in decision making and the way we think, is in multiple cycles, which can seem as never ending loop’s, with multiple layers to it, constructing our perceptions of “reality” until we notice and adjust to new measures by finding what many have termed the “light” which is simply a higher resonance, vibration, understanding, creation and way of being etc…

Now think of dense, dense is heavy, heavy takes more energy, it’s harder to carry, and we go slower.

Light represents a higher frequency and can be explained by its speed which is said to be 1.07925285 × 109 Km/h… Now what I find interesting is that we have 5 traditional senses which is (feeling, hearing, seeing, tasting and smelling). What processes all those senses is known to be our brain, the main center which carries on what is received and transcodes it so we can experience it…

Now notice how lighter sound becomes, the less we here it… This goes both ways, ex. A drop in its density will make it lighter until we can’t here it no more, i.e. dropping down the volume lower’s the energy/density which is thinning the strength of the vibration… But there is another way, if we give the sound some density/energy as the volume gets set to let’s say 10 Db (Decibel) which is the Loudness, and make it rise in frequency which is the vibration (Hertz) “Hz” our ears can pick up from 20 Hz to 20000 Hz, 20 Hz being the low Vibration which is said to be heavy and 20000 Hz the higher/Lighter frequency, Faster Vibration which we hear as an extremely high pitch noise.

Now Imagine waves, as sines, the lower frequencies will create long waves, the waves represent the frequency of the vibration which creates the sound.

Now understand that our ears can here 20 Hz which is a wider wave length than higher frequencies, Less space in-between the time it goes up, down and back to the middle which repeats again (as a cycle) forming waves… As long as energy is assembled and holding its structure (Wave/s) it will emit a signature vibration which can be represented as an energetic assembly line by “carrying a pattern”.

This “energetic assembly line” can be morphed/disassembled, assembled, scrambled, aligned, reorganized, and shifted by adding more frequencies to it (Energetic Assembly)…

Basically it can get altered, if we understand consciousness which is the CORE as in the main receiver. By having reception of EXISTENCE we can then notice how our consciousness constantly shifts, which can create emotions, and other experiences. As we lose consciousness our traditional senses (Main reception) fades until we are unconscious. But are we ever totally unconscious? In some way or another there is always something receiving energy, interpreting our entourage even if it’s on another scale of vibration which surpasses this existence or simply put our traditional 5 senses.

This Existence can be observed by a Quantum level, which in our brains and our cells (Our Genome), the signature vibration which is carried on from our physical vessel has what we call a soul or Light Body which scientists may have found to be in “Microtubules” within the brain, which represents the microcosmic structures which are held from deep down, The Quantum Level, which has a language of its own…

Meaning a self-organizing structure which can communicate from any point in Existence. At the quantum level everything is ONE. One point in SPACE can be able to communicate with another point indifferent of the distance separating it. That may be why we can receive (Extra sensory Perceptions) which are carried on from some contact in other forms of vibrations which may be higher than what are eyes can receive as “Light”.

Now think if light speed is set to be 1.07925285 × 109 Km/h, what do you think happens to something which is going faster than light speed?

The same way our ears can hear up to 20000 Hz, we can’t here higher but it’s still there and it exists even if we don’t hear or SEE it.

What happens when we feel it? The density is concentrated from its origin which creates vibrations which is energy…

Lower frequencies will cause denser vibrations which we can feel through our body as the BASS, as denser frequencies carry on a heavier load, the energy it moves around is going to be greater than the higher frequencies which can be seen as the TREBLE which can be felt through our ears, which are more sensitive receptors (Instruments) than our body. Because the way it’s built (Our ears) they have a little bone that picks up vibrations which are lighter thus giving us wider reception to vibrations/energy…

What we mean by receptive is that the vibrations travel to our ear drums, which sends on the signal to our brain so it can transcode and give us the experience of Hearing. The same way denser energy is send on out from its origin, Thunder which the sound accelerates at 340.29m/s shakes the ground, house, our bodies etc... Its origin in this case is the contact point… Whichever place it hit’s is the main contact point…

The impact is Energy in one form traveling at light speed which creates vibrations, (as sounds) from its Origin which is the contact point. While the energy travels in one form (Lightning) it creates sound from its initiative part at contact which is Force.

Now as we know that sound can go beyond 20000 Hz, as dogs have hearing senses up to 60000 Hz… There is more to existence than we can experience which many may call supernatural or paranormal.

As the intense density of Lightning can transform at contact point into sound (Vibrations) which are initially lower than its initiative by creating FORCE, then by all means, does it not make sense that above light speed, if ever it would attain its contact point from the initiation (Denser Form/Energy) would it not transform into transparent matter which can be observed as what we can term a Hologram or the same way FORCE is created at impact from Lightning then by all means would we not be able to OBSERVE something physical from it, either by sound, visual, smell, taste or feeling?

If not did you ever notice that there are a lot of constants in the universe, by simple terms our genomes carry constants and some are simply underdeveloped and this causes us to miss out on some of the forces out there which can interact in many ways as it’s natural case, is set on out, from our CORE.

And so, we have undoubtedly found our means of survival, and now we adapt (Change) our ways of being as to simplify the process of this life on this planet which is microcosmic to the solar system or universe which can be seen as the macrocosm, for new measures to take place in accordance to simpler and adaptable ways of being with technology which can be utilized for telemetry, as in responses to our evolution of consciousness, as (Co-Creators) energy wise.

Telepathic and Metaphysic experiences, from synchronicity through higher senses, and developments, as adaptability and intelligence augments us to new levels of being can resonate with a wide variety of beings, in search of a new purpose and a strong foundation for development and receptivity/telemetry.

It’s set on out to exenterate our beings from the constant wars which deviates the formations of our understandings and keeps us in lower forms of transparencies.

Higher transparencies denotes that we are creating with multiple viewable levels of understandings from utilizations through our works, as to show you with better Clarity that which we are creating.

Intuition is a strong maintenance basis of how all my writings are done, in simplicity it works partial to constants which have been ingrained for management of these writings.

By reaching higher accessible points, (Contact Points) as achieving a metamorphosis of our perceptions, we can alter our states of being and go into self-initiative resonances which helps us understand from research and experiences… While we keep our subtle expressions in an open expanse, never getting to an end, which extrapolates the experiences which builds our understandings at incredible speeds…

Understandings develop at higher reputable tasks which is a simple way of being, which is “Creating/Utilizing” Living in general while developing and experiencing higher contact points, which shifts our perceptions and understandings by augmenting in higher transparent modules, which are subtle systems that can be engrained from simple adjustments which were made long ago by mere decisions after becoming aware of the unknown and beginning to research on things which we can choose by allowing ourselves to develop an interest in some things which seems to keep us in higher resonances and can become very interactive (Uplifting) and Constructive of our experiences which we delve into.

If you notice complications in your life, then by simple measures, develop methods to go beyond and find higher resonances. It will set you on new developments which can surpass anything and everything while allowing you to achieve, augment or create, share and meditate on what seems infinite in our understandings to higher reputable tasks (Freedom).


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Author: Mario Arseneault

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