reiki healing

Energy Reading from the Archangels for this Week 28th August to 3rd September 2017

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 08/28/2017 - 05:53

Energy Reading from the Archangels for this Week 28th August to 3rd September 2017

You are a luminary, a sage, a wise one, a high priestess/high priest, a wizard, and a supreme co-creator! You are a powerful, loving and creative child of God. You are very loved!

Your material needs are taken care of as you step into your power and begin to utilize the energy of Source of ALL Creation. Plug into the Source of All creation, the Source that feeds you and your material needs. It is LOVE Dear Ones! The Source of All is LOVE. Just use the power of IMAGINATION to bring this energy into your energy field daily, hourly if necessary! This infinite Source of energy exists all around you and also within you. You are walking within this energy field daily! This is the power that animates you.

As your spiritual sight awakens you are beginning to ‘see’ through new eyes, the eyes of your Creator. You are gifted with further understanding of the ‘bigger picture’ and the Power that exists behind it, back-stage so to speak.

Happy New Beginnings ~ Choosing Love over Fear

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 03/25/2016 - 22:51

Happy New Beginnings ~ Choosing Love over Fear

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My Beloved Higher Self teases me and tells me I’m becoming religious since I’ve been listening to Hillsong’s new song just released in time for Easter called Grace to Grace. I reply “I know…” He smiles. I ask him if Spirituality is becoming the ‘New Religion’, and he says no because there is no dogma in Spirituality, only Love.

Love is the Source of All That Is.

IN-Lightenment ~ Michael loves to heal!!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 12/16/2015 - 01:13

The little chapel (shrine) in Hope street, Tarpon Springs in Florida, was built in honor of St. Michael not because he needed the accolade for the healing,  but because he knew that the building of it would strengthen the woman’s faith and the faith of her son who had told his mother that St.Michael would heal him if she built this little chapel. And so the son was healed and his mother built the chapel as promised.

Furthermore, Michael’s intention was and still is for the chapel to serve as testimony to the power of Faith. The many miraculous healings that have since taken place at the site of the little chapel serve as further testimony to the healing power of Faith.

For Michael,  it’s all about Faith.

Is it is coincidence that the chapel ended up being built in Hope street? No, not at all. What is hope?  Hope forms the basis for faith because you have to have hope in order to have the faith that something will happen or come into being.

No, he doesn’t want or need the accolade. He is the most humble of Beings and he lives his life in service to humanity.

Let me let you into a secret… Archangels are powerful beings and they have individual character and personality, as do all souls.

Another thing…. BE humble in your approach to them. An attitude of humility reaches GREAT heights!

But my wish for you today is to stretch your mind a little…..push the boundaries of your previous conditioned thinking…


Have an AWESOME day BE-LOVE-d’s!

We Love You!


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The lunar energy from the powerful Blue Moon releases a Mother Lode of negative energy.

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 08/30/2015 - 02:40

This past week the lunar energy from the powerful Blue Moon has been bringing up what I call “the mother lode” of negative energy for release. While this full moon has been one of the strongest ever, the next and final Blood Moon on the 28th September promises to do a whole lot more. But more about that later.

Michael just wants to interject here and add his interpretation to my term “the mother lode”. It seems the dictionary defines this term as this:

Mother lode is a principal vein or zone of veins of gold or silver ore. The term is also used metaphorically to refer to the origin of something valuable or in great abundance.”

He is wanting me to share with you that by ridding yourself of this mother lode of negative energy you are opening yourself up to an even greater abundance, that of being closer to your Principal Greatness and Source of Being. He wants me to say that when you are closer and more connected with your Source of Being YOU ARE ABUNDANT because you are in the flow of ALL THAT IS –THE FLOW OF CREATION. He is telling me that with each huge release of negative energy you bring more of your True Self into the Light and therefore you shine forth as PURE GOLD.

Thank you Michael! (Smile)

It is easy to become despondent when releasing and all it takes is one person to stick a thorn in our proverbial flesh for us to plunge once more into our lower consciousness. Sadly this happened to me yesterday. But the blessing that came out of this experience was that I am now fully aware of when I am plunging and I can quickly ‘save myself’. I am noticing now that I become much weaker when navigating the realms of my lower consciousness, and it’s not a nice feeling.

Planetary New Year Specials from 18th July to 2nd August 2015

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 07/18/2015 - 07:52

Photo by Mitzi Coertzen ~  "A Pink Sunset Over Wilderness"

We were once so desensitized to negative energy that it felt ‘normal’ for us. It was ‘normal’ for us to live in the 3D matrix where people are playing out their victim/persecutor roles around us in this game called Life.

You will see that once you are awakened and conscious to what is going on around you, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain your current lifestyle.

You will move away from the people you once knew and even the lifestyle you used to once enjoy.

You may even find you can no longer sustain your current means of earning an income.

You will become sensitive to energy and even know when there is a negative cord attached to you.

You will learn to listen to your body and see through the eyes of your Soul.

You will realize that you have never been free, that true freedom lies within you, and ONLY within you.

You will begin to know your Self and you will fall in love with your Self, and for the first time in your life you will FEEL TRUE LOVE.

You will know a deeper sense of compassion and love for others and you will one day realize that everyone is just another you.

You will view everyone and all living things as Sacred, and you will know that you can make a difference in people’s lives just by sharing your love with them.

By this, you will know your true power, and the Magnificence of your Soul.

In celebration of the NEW that is NOW being felt on the Planet I have made the decision to relocate, as guided by my Beloved Michael, to an area that will help me support a higher frequency of vibration.

What is your body trying to telling you?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 08/22/2014 - 12:11

Our physical vessel is a wonderous and truly intelligent creation! It will always tell us when something needs to be fixed. In other words, it will let us know through dis-ease, and through pain and discomfort when we have dis-harmony or when we are out of balance within the Body Unit. When we experience dis-ease and pain it is best we go to the source of the problem rather than treat the symptom only.

My mother, who is almost 85 and ‘set’ in her ways, suffers from arthritic pain in her joints, and also from osteoporosis. Earlier this week when I called her she told me she is dying from the pain in her right knee and hip, and also her left hand. I told her I would send her Reiki. The next day I called and she told me she is dying from the pain in her right foot. I asked her how her right knee and hip felt, and also her left hand, and she replied, “Oh that is much better!” I told her I would send her more Reiki for her right foot. I decided I would send her some money to buy a homeopathic ointment to help ease the inflammation. Whilst I was sending her Reiki that day I was intuitively guided as to the cause of her discomfort and suffering. My intuition was confirmed when I checked her chakras and found little movement in her root, sacral and heart chakra’s.

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