Happy New Beginnings ~ Choosing Love over Fear

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 03/25/2016 - 22:51

Happy New Beginnings ~ Choosing Love over Fear

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My Beloved Higher Self teases me and tells me I’m becoming religious since I’ve been listening to Hillsong’s new song just released in time for Easter called Grace to Grace. I reply “I know…” He smiles. I ask him if Spirituality is becoming the ‘New Religion’, and he says no because there is no dogma in Spirituality, only Love.

Love is the Source of All That Is.

Spend some time contemplating those words.. Meditate on them whilst focusing your attention on your Heart. Feel their deep meaning. Don’t just read them and dismiss them as understood. The truth of these words emerge with more meaning the more you meditate on them. Feel rather than try to understand. The human mind cannot understand this truth.

The Equinox brought us a divine balance in energies and closer to Source (Love) than we’ve ever been before. Although we’re still integrating this fabulous energy, we’re already feeling the change in the air so to speak.

Do you feel it? If your focus lies elsewhere other than in your Heart, you will not. A couple days ago I started reading The Choice for Love by Emmanuel.  This book is the 2nd in a series of Emmanuel books channeled through Pat Rodegast.

I know Emmanuel and I know neither he nor Pat would mind if I shared this excerpt with you:

The Choice for Love by Emmanuel

What does the voice of fear

whisper to you?


Fear speaks to you

in logic and reason.

It assumes the language

of love itself.


Fear tells you,

“I want to make you safe!”

Love says,

“You are safe.”


Fear says,

“Give me symbols.

Give me frozen images.

Give me something

I can rely on.”


Loving truth says,

“Only give me

this moment.”


Fear would walk you

on a narrow path

promising to take you

where you want to go.


Love says,

“Open your arms

and fly with me.”


Every moment of your life

you are offered the opportunity

to choose –

love or fear,

to tread the earth

or to soar the heavens.

Please do read this book The Choice for Love and also Emmanuel’s first book simply titled Emmanuel’s Book. Both are available in Kindle format and download instantly. The best part is you don’t even need a Kindle device these days to read Kindle books. Simply use Amazon’s free Kindle app reader on your tablet or laptop computer. Emmanuel has a way with words that is easy to understand and instills his magical essence of pure love in the reader. He brings peace and love, this is the only way I can describe him for now.

Choosing Love over fear.. This is the choice you’re always making in any moment. Ever since I can remember Michael has been guiding me to stay in my Heart, to choose love over fear. And truly this is the only way to really live. It certainly is the only way to enjoy life and to live in the 5D experience.

For example last Saturday it was drizzling and I love the rain, but I needed to go to the market and since I don’t have a car, I have to walk. So I became fearful of getting wet and I told Source, I need a car! Winter’s coming and I must have a car! I had to go to the market so I set out and as I was walking Source whispered.., Notice the raindrops on those flowers over there…As I looked I noticed the beauty around me. I smelled the rain and the earth. I heard the birds chirping. And my experience changed to a 5D experience! I suddenly saw the blessing in NOT having a car. I felt sorry for those people driving to market, because I knew they had missed out on something that for me has become priceless. I smiled and I’m sure people must look at me sometimes and wonder what I have to smile about, but Source knows and I know. And that is ALL that matters! Needless to say, I didn’t even get wet…. so there was nothing to worry about to begin with!

If you’re finding it difficult to maintain positive focus on something then most likely you’re holding onto that thought form or belief that is creating that experience. For example you may feel it is difficult to stay in your Heart (in the Now moment) because your mind is always dragging you off someplace else.  A simple answer is to use affirmations to bring you the opposite experience. These are some I use:

It is easy for me to stay in my heart
It is easy for me to clear my mind
It is easy for me to feel safe
It is easy for me to love and accept myself
It is easy for me to maintain high frequency
It is easy for me to control random thoughts
It is easy for me to be in control of my mind
It is easy for me to surrender to love
It is easy for me to trust
It is easy for me to let go
It is easy for me to manifest my dreams
It is easy for me to heal myself

What essentially  happens when you tell your mind that something you wish to attain the experience of is easy,  the mind generates a new program in your brain that brings you into alignment with your desire.

Positive action produces positive results, always, each and every time, without exception.   For those willing to dedicate time to creating positive change in their lives, affirmations are without doubt a powerful tool for transformation.

All that is happening now is for my highest good. I thoroughly embrace life and all that it has to offer me.

By thoroughly embracing life you open yourself up for changes to occur, and the cosmic energy complies with your desire.

New beginnings are happening now as we align more with our True Selves and the blissful energy of Perfect Source Love. Living in the 5D experience is pure bliss and anyone can have this blissful experience now by choosing love over fear.

Let this time be one of rebirth and renewal as we transcend the illusions of death and fear. There is nothing to fear, there is nothing to worry about. Lest you allow your mind to convince your otherwise.

I bless you with love, love and more love and I wish you miracles and magic!


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Deborah Faith

Channel for Archangel Michael, Reiki Master of the USUI System of Natural Healing, NLP (SA) Practitioner, Energy Re-Sourcing™ Therapist

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