soul growth

Cycles of Death and Rebirth: The Power of Letting Go

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sat, 07/07/2018 - 15:46

by April Bender

Without a doubt, one of the most creative and transformative movements we as human souls are blessed to experience is that of death and rebirth. This is a process that we are invited to engage in many times throughout the course of our lives to varying degree, as it is a process of growth and renewal.

Often these cycles arrive seemingly unannounced, catching us off-guard and thrusting us out of the safety of our well-crafted inner mansions of illusion. No matter the catalyst, they challenge us to examine our core beliefs, assumptions, intentions, expectations and ways of being in the world. This is because on many different levels, they no longer serve us (or the collective) and are inhibiting not only our growth but our experiences of peace, joy, freedom, and authenticity - qualities of our divine birthright.


Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 07/30/2017 - 05:23
April Bender via integrated Overself

Another year has passed, another arc on the grand spiral of time. Your (April's) spirit/essence has lengthened profoundly in breadth as well as height and depth. It has been an expansive year and one of deep integration and joyful alignment. A time of receiving from Spirit and nourishing Soul unlike any other. You are no longer you, as you have grown/expanded beyond identity, beyond human description, beyond light/dark, beyond form, beyond many such illusory boundaries – while still contained within a human vessel. You have reclaimed the knowledge, the wisdom, the truth contained within the deepest parts of Self, your ancestral blood, your connection to Gaia, Source/Creator, and your connection to worldly and otherworldly allies, seen and unseen (heavenly and planetary). You have served as a bridge, a friend, a code bringer, collaborator, and healer between worlds and as a result, have restored your sense of empowerment, strength, vitality,  inner calm, and sense of belonging on this planet.


Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Fri, 07/28/2017 - 07:39

Greetings friends,

April's Airings is back!

These past three years or so have been an incredible journey for me to the very soulful depths of my being. While I am sorry for my inconsistency in messages during this time, in order to become an even better and more refined channel and healer, this hiatus and some additional training, practice, and study was necessary. I felt overall, that I needed to return to a sense of "wholeness of being" and that I should focus the majority of my energies on this goal.

The Magic of March 2015: Manifesting the New Dream

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 03/22/2015 - 10:24

by April Bender via Higher Self


Welcome to the March Equinox Gateway!


Perhaps the most wondrous of all mystical creatures, the Unicorn
is a symbol of magic, miracles, dream manifestation, purity, innocence, and enchantment. 


Unicorn - Acrylic

Created by Karry T. Hesla

Whereas previously, the December solstice brought with it a new strata of high-vibrational foundational energies for the masters to impress upon that in which they would see manifest as part of the new dream and/or experience of New Earth – the recent powerful March equinox gateway energies (eclipse and new moon) are now bringing all, the opportunity and the energies conducive to manifesting that new world dream or "imprint" into reality. This is happening through the act of co-creation and cooperation along and within the (5-7D) Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life, which in many ways is still in its infancy but evolving rapidly.


The Dweller Within the Master's Temple

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 12/28/2014 - 18:14

By April Bender (via Higher Self vision)

Exploring Your Crystalline Fire of Ascension

Curiously you step into the very heart of the colossal Crystalline Fire of Ascension now ablaze within your portal / field / vessel. In an instant, you are fully engulfed by its magnificent light. You allow yourself time to simply stand and bathe in its brilliance.

After a few moments of stillness, you begin to acclimate - your consciousness begins to slowly shift and expand, unfolding like the petals of a lotus flower upon the dewy dawning of a sunlit morning. You feel an inner tingling, from head to toe, as if every molecule in your body is being stimulated, gently electrified, heightened. You notice how light and how utterly carefree you feel. The dross of the physical completely melting away.

Within your awareness, you begin to sense that this multidimensional crystalline light energy, with its quantum field of possibility, is eager to reveal a secret to you, an aspect of yourself that you are not yet aware of. Its shimmering crystalline flames seemingly beckon you to sit down, to further bask and relax within the bosom of its warm embrace. Soothing and welcoming it feels, so you quickly oblige.

Entering the Master's Temple

HS Message - Exhaling/Expressing the New

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Mon, 05/19/2014 - 17:29

by April Bender

My dearest April, you have done incredibly well as have countless other Warriors of Light, and this is to be highly commended, as those final in-breath moments as well as the marked release or out-breath phase which began during this most recent full moon, was highly volatile in terms of energetic conditions/flows.

As previously discussed, an incredible amount of light/information flowed and/or fluctuated through you and throughout the Web of Life/Higher Collective Mind, producing highly reactive responses and severe interruption or disturbance to previous patterned responses and/or individual/collective mental and emotional conditioning. The effects of this and the overall Sequencing Process, peaked in intensity for you and within you May 14-16. This is why during that time you felt so utterly miserable and uncomfortable. For as the Collective Higher Mind began finalizing it's colossal in-breath and/or re-ordering/structuring phase, all that could not be utilized within the new/higher configuration was expelled/expressed outwards (beginning this last full moon), to be transmuted through/within the fields of the Warriors of Light whose function this is and who can handle the transmutation of such an over-abundance of released energy. It was this lower vibrational energy that was naturally expelled first, before the more advantageous aspects/energetics of this restructuring/reordering of the Higher Collective Mind/Web could be expressed.

HS Message - Deeper Upcoming Shifts, Openings, and Opportunities Propel All Forward

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Fri, 05/09/2014 - 15:10

by April Bender

Whew! Yes, as you've keenly assessed, an incredible amount of perturbation/commotion is happening within and throughout the 5D-7D Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life at this time. A vast restructuring/ordering is once again taking place, as the full wave induction of energies infused during the recent April Gateway, continue to seek their proper placement/alignment, integration, synthesis and flow/exchange along and within the Higher Mind/Web.

The reason this settling of portal/gateway energies is taking so long is because as one layer of these energies settles/integrates, those woven into the Higher Mind/Web are triggered, to varying degree, from integration work back over to further facilitating the Resolution, Reclamation, and Soul-Retrieval Sequencing Process, so that more of these highly charged energies can become fully aligned/integrated, their potential realized. However, there are some Light Warriors like you, who are oftentimes serving in both capacities simultaneously - a very exhaustive feat to be sure.

Do recall:

This avalanche of higher energetics surged throughout the Higher Mind/Web from the peak of the Cardinal Cross, all the way through this recent solar eclipse.

HS Message - April 2014 Gateway Draws to a Close

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Wed, 04/30/2014 - 18:59

by April Bender

I'm so glad you finally decided to connect with me, my dear. I know this latest window or gateway packed quite a wallop, the effects of which you and other Warriors of Light still poignantly feel and will, for the next several days to some degree. The release of such enormous Cascades of Higher Harmonics throughout the Collective Higher Mind, along with the added energetic intensity of several key astrological alignments/configurations/events has left you feeling somewhat "light-fried" and just plain over-sensitive and ouchy!

Let me clarify what has happened so far, especially during the more Auspicious Period of the Gateway.

The release of a few early cascades at the opening of the April gateway, gave way to a mass release of such cascades along and within the pathways/nodal points of the Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life. This avalanche of higher energetics surged throughout the Higher Mind/Web from the peak of the Cardinal Cross, all the way through this recent solar eclipse. It is only now just beginning to subside, to some degree - before the next attempt and/or full-on infusion commences.

HS Message - Cascades of Higher Harmonics Catalyze All through the April 2014 Gateway and Beyond

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Mon, 04/14/2014 - 04:08

by April Bender

I am very pleased to inform you that the recent Star-bursts of Light, Information and Opportunity reported along and within the newly infused 5D-7D Higher Collective Mind/Web of Life, have indeed grown in scope, size, duration and intensity over the course of this last week. Further opening, expanding, and merging those collective pathways/nodal points of connection, information exchange, and communion into formidable standing energy waves and/or Cascades of Higher Harmonics that will Catalyze All through this April 2014 Gateway and Beyond. 

You personally experienced these early Cascades of Higher Harmonics rather acutely, with yet another busy week packed full of various "opportunities" to further deepen your participation in the larger, over-arching Resolution, Reclamation, and Soul-Retrieving Sequencing Process, as did the Collective. And as forecast, these "cascades" of higher energetic information/flow have already begun to manifest opportunistic events, situations, and/or circumstances in your outer world, such as the Bundy Ranch stand-off to name just one, for catalyzing a potential paradigm-shattering collective Reclamation Effort/Act. 

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