HS Brief - You've Now Entered the Most Auspicious Period of the April 2014 Gateway

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Mon, 04/21/2014 - 13:01

By April Bender

This is just a quick update to confirm that yes, as of yesterday  you and the Collective Higher Mind crossed the threshold into the more auspicious period (April 20-26) of this larger April 2014 Gateway and/or window of catalytic opportunity. 
You experienced this palpably yesterday, as on an energetic level it felt like you were being softly encompassed and then gently lifted by the first substantial wave or inundation of Unity/Christ Consciousness as it moved throughout the entire 5D-7D Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life. This wave or cascade of higher harmonics unleashed, seemingly thrust you upwards – way up, into a higher state and/or elevation of being, integration and flow.  Like the eagle soaring high above in the sky, this grand movement or light induction has gifted you and other Warriors of Light, a much greater field of vision and space for unhindered, joyful co-creative flight. 
In fact in the days leading up to yesterday, you felt a progressive lightening, shifting, and overall change in energetic environment or landscape. It literally seemed as if each day you woke up somewhere different – you’re “normal” life/environment feeling very much different, "off" somehow, though you couldn’t put your finger on it. This is indicative of the many timelines, experiences and information you are naturally merging within Self and within the Higher Mind/Web through the deepening of the overall Sequencing Process. Your dreams have also been rather vivid and engaging leading into this period, another indication of such activity. Also worth noting is that your breath has expanded dramatically – so much so that it oftentimes feels to you now as if there is no inner and outer you – but instead, only a thin membrane in which the two energies of in-breath/out-breath meet, and this is an indication that you're vehicle (soul/spirit/energy body) is in the process of expanding/upgrading once again.

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