
Collective Pulse Report: The Three Waves of Global Transformation

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 07/15/2018 - 16:16

by April Bender via Integrated Overself

It's been awhile since our last channeled forecast (Embracing Shadow: The Rise of the Collective Unconscious) but today I wish to update you on the current energetics and primary forces at play upon your world in the hopes that this information generates deeper understanding and insight within those consciously participating with the ongoing ascension and/or re-enchantment process here on Earth.


Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Wed, 08/16/2017 - 18:57
by April Bender via integrated Overself

I wish to speak with you today, regarding the increasing sense of darkness currently pervading your world. Many light-workers and way-showers, especially those who are empaths, are struggling to remain centered during this energetically intense time. I understand that by outward appearances the world seems to be falling apart . . .degrading into chaos, violence, hatred, and hopelessness. However, what you are witnessing are merely the symptoms of a larger movement happening deep down below the surface, . . .the rise of the collective unconscious.

Recovering the Soul

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Fri, 08/04/2017 - 12:50
by April Bender via integrated Overself

The soul is deep, watery, soothing, mysterious and unsettling. It is the deepest parts of the ocean, reflecting back the deepest part of self. At times calm and serene, sometimes terrifyingly tumultuous, and still other times wavy and playful. Mystical and alluring in its beauty and depth, and yet unsettling when experienced as a darkened void. The souls speaks to one through restless nights as well as blissful days, through one's deepest joys as well as their pain. It reflects one's earthy humanness, in the most exquisite shades and hues, reminding one of what it means to be truly alive.


Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 07/30/2017 - 05:23
April Bender via integrated Overself

Another year has passed, another arc on the grand spiral of time. Your (April's) spirit/essence has lengthened profoundly in breadth as well as height and depth. It has been an expansive year and one of deep integration and joyful alignment. A time of receiving from Spirit and nourishing Soul unlike any other. You are no longer you, as you have grown/expanded beyond identity, beyond human description, beyond light/dark, beyond form, beyond many such illusory boundaries – while still contained within a human vessel. You have reclaimed the knowledge, the wisdom, the truth contained within the deepest parts of Self, your ancestral blood, your connection to Gaia, Source/Creator, and your connection to worldly and otherworldly allies, seen and unseen (heavenly and planetary). You have served as a bridge, a friend, a code bringer, collaborator, and healer between worlds and as a result, have restored your sense of empowerment, strength, vitality,  inner calm, and sense of belonging on this planet.

Anchoring the Grid of Light on the Solstice

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Fri, 06/10/2016 - 18:24

A number of individuals are located around the world connect together energetically at the equinox and solstice times for meditation, all at the same time.

Many of these people I do not know but we are connected and all doing this work together. The meditation on these days are to anchor the light of the Worldwide Grid, the Grid of Light that is here to help bring forth the new paradigm. My way of seeing a new paradigm could be this: a heart based world based on more love, more equality and sharing, with more environmental awareness and respect for Mother Earth and living creatures. Many on earth, wish for peace in the world, and a new way of being and living as so many people in the world do. We, who envision a new paradigm, are dreamers and visionaries, and hold the vision of a peaceful earth within us. We know that through us as individuals becoming peaceful, then our environment and world can become peaceful.

For many, changing the world could be seen as changing the inner world vibrationally, which projects to the outer reality and shifts it. Let this be a calling for more awareness and participation in meditation, meditating together, anchoring the light and anchoring the grid. The calling can be internal as a feeling and it can be sparked by knowing others are participating as well.

Tipping Point of Light

The Resurgence of Love and Equilibrium: The Permeation of Ascended Divine Feminine Energy

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 04/10/2016 - 14:20
by April Bender (via integrated Overself)

As with each potent energy induction/portal, there is first a contraction and then a release. This latest energetic release was tremendous indeed and brought with it the arrival of a most precious gift to your overall experience of this planetary realm, the permeation of the newly ascended Divine Feminine energy!

For the glorious Bride (Gaia/Sophia/World Soul) has been painstakingly prepared, awakened, has just ascended, and now eagerly awaits the arrival of the Bridegroom (Christ consciousness/Creator Son aspect) and the great wedding feast (union) that is yet to come.

Divine Council for Planetary Service, Lighting up the Grid, and Swimming with the Cosmic Whales

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Mon, 10/19/2015 - 18:54

A Divine Council is a meeting that is in sacred space with the Councils of Light and our personal guides present. We also include the elementals, Mother Earth, and crystal and animal consciousnesses who sometimes wish to speak through us, commune with us, or communicate. If you are not familiar, it is a group meditative experience which allows those in presence and unity who attend the call to receive energetically or via vision or multidimensional sensing guidance from source in relation to the topic at hand. It is for the purpose of planetary service and assisting our own ascension process with the practice of unity and whatever guidance and activations come through. I don't often share about Divine Council but I felt the multidimensional messages and the idea of lightworker service in this fashion might be of interest to some of you.

Moving at the Speed of Love

Submitted by drmoe on Thu, 03/26/2015 - 15:05

While we're waiting for "The Event" and other actions that are to move us forward, we are reminded by Guidance that - We are Moving at the Speed of Love, even though patience is the virtue we have all just about run out of. I know I'm tapped. However, Spiritual Evolution is not tied to our clocks. So let's hang in there.


Moving at the Speed of Love

Submitted by drmoe on Thu, 03/26/2015 - 15:04

While we're waiting for "The Event" and other actions that are to move us forward, we are reminded by Guidance that - We are Moving at the Speed of Love, even though patience is the virtue we have all just about run out of. I know I'm tapped. However, Spiritual Evolution is not tied to our clocks. So let's hang in there.


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