
Quantum Excitement: A Detailed Update on the Energies

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 01/25/2015 - 13:52
by April Bender (via Higher Self)
As the Solstice Fires of Ascension (crystalline energies) continue to pervade every dimensional level of existence connected to and throughout your world, much of the foundational quanta or energy particles that make up these fields of existence have over these last few weeks, become more and more excited. As a result, these quantum particles are popping, morphing and/or reconfiguring themselves into yet a new field of heightened potential and expression.
This quantum “excitement” is occurring due to the following reasons / catalysts: the rapid influx of crystalline energies now entering your world, the imprinting work of the Master's on / in this energy, ongoing individual shifts into higher or unity consciousness, the collective's overall slow but steady shift in awareness, consciousness shifts taking place in other worlds connected to yours, and the inherent programming / activations stemming from the Galactic Central Sun.


I Hear You Calling My Name

Submitted by drmoe on Tue, 01/20/2015 - 08:23

This song is a prayer. It describes what is happening to us when we begin hearing, and/or paying attention to, God's Voice within ourselves. At this stage in human evolution we are waking up to that fact. Why? Because we are all Gods, sprung from the Creator like every other living thing on this planet, and now tired of playing Hide & Seek with our Divine aspect. Let's get this show on the road. Check with your heart - It is your true GPS!


I Hear You Calling My Name

Submitted by drmoe on Tue, 01/20/2015 - 08:20

This song is a prayer. It describes what is happening to us when we begin hearing, and/or paying attention to, God's Voice within ourselves. At this stage in human evolution we are waking up to that fact. Why? Because we are all Gods, sprung from the Creator like every other living thing on this planet, and now tired of playing Hide & Seek with our Divine aspect. Let's get this show on the road. Check with your heart - It is your true GPS!


The Dweller Within the Master's Temple

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 12/28/2014 - 18:14

By April Bender (via Higher Self vision)

Exploring Your Crystalline Fire of Ascension

Curiously you step into the very heart of the colossal Crystalline Fire of Ascension now ablaze within your portal / field / vessel. In an instant, you are fully engulfed by its magnificent light. You allow yourself time to simply stand and bathe in its brilliance.

After a few moments of stillness, you begin to acclimate - your consciousness begins to slowly shift and expand, unfolding like the petals of a lotus flower upon the dewy dawning of a sunlit morning. You feel an inner tingling, from head to toe, as if every molecule in your body is being stimulated, gently electrified, heightened. You notice how light and how utterly carefree you feel. The dross of the physical completely melting away.

Within your awareness, you begin to sense that this multidimensional crystalline light energy, with its quantum field of possibility, is eager to reveal a secret to you, an aspect of yourself that you are not yet aware of. Its shimmering crystalline flames seemingly beckon you to sit down, to further bask and relax within the bosom of its warm embrace. Soothing and welcoming it feels, so you quickly oblige.

Entering the Master's Temple

The Solstice Fires of Ascension: A Message for the Masters

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Tue, 12/23/2014 - 17:37

by April Bender (via Higher Self)

The flood gates are open, an explosion of light dances it's way in, the unified heartbeat of Prime Creator pulses forth.

Anchored pillars of light ignite and blaze forth colossal fires of shimmering crystalline energy, casting aglow all vessels/portals which have been painstakingly prepared. They now stand awash in brilliant crystalline fires of divine truth and divine potential – simply waiting for thy master's blueprint (thought/feeling “impressions”) to give it form, function and purpose.

Living, moving, breathing crystalline codes/glyphs dance upon invisible walls of translucent light within these portals/vessels – sustained they are by its crystalline fire. Invisible to those who see only the material, visible for those with spiritual eyes to see. They are everywhere, every several cubic feet, running from the celestial heavens above, down into the darkest underworlds of earth – illuminating all possibilities, all possible coding/matrix arrangements to the master, so that he/she may select from among these the coding of tomorrow.

HS Message - Divine Wisdom and the Collective Confrontation of Light vs. Shadow

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 07/20/2014 - 10:43

by April Bender

Before the resolution and/or reconciliation between light and shadow may take place, first the conscious acknowledgement/observance of the current interplay between the two must unfold, to a certain degree, within individual/collective awareness. This observance/acknowledgement is precisely what has been slowly bubbling, rippling and streaming across the 5-7D Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life most intensely the first half of this year (previously outlined as the Sequencing Process) and has lead to now - the culmination period (the summer solstice until the Lion's gate and beyond) of such conscious confrontation and enlightened reflection of what is, what has been, and what can be, if only a different choice and commitment of expression is made/co-created. 

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