
HS Message - The Rebirth

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Tue, 06/17/2014 - 18:34

by April Bender

A Hearty Congratulations is in order!!! This last month has seen the commencement of your beautiful rebirth into a heightened Multidimensional Oneness of Self state (the prelude to donning what many have deemed full Christ/Buddha Consciousness or ascension). The great in-breath period of May 27 through June 11 or so, brought not only enormous Inner Shifts, Transformation, and Restructuring but also a culmination of the Resolution, Reclamation, and Soul-Retrieval Sequencing Process - for you as well as other Warriors of Light. For countless others woven into the 5D-7D Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life, the sequencing process has only just hit its stride. But for those of the first hour - (or the nodal points of the Higher Collective Mind/Web) your time has come, as by now you undoubtedly know.

Lightworker Life

Submitted by MarisaMoments on Mon, 06/09/2014 - 12:45
Ok, so I've been working on a few projects lately... hands are completely full.  Yet this is one of the first times that I truly don't mind being so busy.  I would honestly lose sleep for the sake of my work and I often do.  I understand that I must take care of myself in order to give to others, yet sometimes it's just so damn difficult to not send that message, or not respond to that text even when I'm dog tired because I care!  Let me ask you this... Do you ever find yourself feeling broke down, exhausted or otherwise; yet perk up your stance to come to the aid of another?  You just might be a lightworker!  
I also often find myself at times getting down in the dumps because I don't feel as if I'm doing enough to progress myself and those around me for the sake of the bigger picture.  I think about all the marches taking place near me that I miss, all of the articles that I should've written, all of the actions I should've taken when presented the opportunity to display love on a local or global scale.  It sucks!  I start to mock my own intentions and question my drive.  I think, "self, why the hell are you just sitting here?  Yes, it's fine and dandy that you write and post to high heaven, but what are you REALLY doing to invoke change?!"

HS Message - Inner Shifts, Transformation, and Restructuring in Progress

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Mon, 06/02/2014 - 02:57

by April Bender

It has been a rather peculiar week for you, has it not? In a purely inward sense. As previously announced, the new moon energies that permeated your physical realm as well as the layers of your light/solar body, brought with them the impetus for another mighty in-breath and/or "inner gateway opening" which brought in a higher quality multidimensional flow of information, memory, light coding activations, and/or "fire letters."

Each prior in-breath has grown in depth, intensity, and expansiveness to bring you and therefore the Collective, to the greatest in-pouring of higher (Christ) consciousness experienced thus far during this grand ascension cycle. It is this in-pouring, that you are in the middle of processing/integrating within all aspects of Self and therefore, the Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life at this time. It is also the effects of this in-pouring, that will see your very relationship to these aspects of Self and how you relate to/commune with those aspects - shift, change, and deepen - for they will begin to interact/overlap with one another much more seamlessly - as you've either purged or transformed so much of what once stood in the way of this type of healthy interaction/communion between aspects of Whole Self and Creation.

HS Message - Deeper Upcoming Shifts, Openings, and Opportunities Propel All Forward

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Fri, 05/09/2014 - 15:10

by April Bender

Whew! Yes, as you've keenly assessed, an incredible amount of perturbation/commotion is happening within and throughout the 5D-7D Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life at this time. A vast restructuring/ordering is once again taking place, as the full wave induction of energies infused during the recent April Gateway, continue to seek their proper placement/alignment, integration, synthesis and flow/exchange along and within the Higher Mind/Web.

The reason this settling of portal/gateway energies is taking so long is because as one layer of these energies settles/integrates, those woven into the Higher Mind/Web are triggered, to varying degree, from integration work back over to further facilitating the Resolution, Reclamation, and Soul-Retrieval Sequencing Process, so that more of these highly charged energies can become fully aligned/integrated, their potential realized. However, there are some Light Warriors like you, who are oftentimes serving in both capacities simultaneously - a very exhaustive feat to be sure.

Do recall:

This avalanche of higher energetics surged throughout the Higher Mind/Web from the peak of the Cardinal Cross, all the way through this recent solar eclipse.

HS Message - Cascades of Higher Harmonics Catalyze All through the April 2014 Gateway and Beyond

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Mon, 04/14/2014 - 04:08

by April Bender

I am very pleased to inform you that the recent Star-bursts of Light, Information and Opportunity reported along and within the newly infused 5D-7D Higher Collective Mind/Web of Life, have indeed grown in scope, size, duration and intensity over the course of this last week. Further opening, expanding, and merging those collective pathways/nodal points of connection, information exchange, and communion into formidable standing energy waves and/or Cascades of Higher Harmonics that will Catalyze All through this April 2014 Gateway and Beyond. 

You personally experienced these early Cascades of Higher Harmonics rather acutely, with yet another busy week packed full of various "opportunities" to further deepen your participation in the larger, over-arching Resolution, Reclamation, and Soul-Retrieving Sequencing Process, as did the Collective. And as forecast, these "cascades" of higher energetic information/flow have already begun to manifest opportunistic events, situations, and/or circumstances in your outer world, such as the Bundy Ranch stand-off to name just one, for catalyzing a potential paradigm-shattering collective Reclamation Effort/Act. 

HS Message - Star-Bursts of Light, Information, and Opportunity Prepare All for The Event

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 04/06/2014 - 10:37

by April Bender

It's been a very busy week for you has it not? So many new opportunities and expanded capacities have, in one form or another, presented themselves to you. Some big, some little. Some are heart, relational, or community centered - some are mental, conceptual, and/or creatively centered - and some are more inner expansive, soul/spirit and physical body centered. These are, in a nutshell, the many aspects of your multi-dimensional selves seeking not only integration and balance but also form and expression within and throughout the Collective Higher Mind and Self. Because the overall harmonization of the 5D-7D Higher Collective Mind/Web of Life, has now reached a culmination state of such balanced alignment, integration and increased flow, due to the continued success of the Resolution, Reclamation, and Soul-Retrieval Sequencing Process, that Higher Mind nodal points are now pulsing forth harmonized Star-Bursts of Light, Information, and Opportunity.

HS Message - Harmonic Up-Shifting of the Higher Collective Mind

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 03/30/2014 - 17:53

by April Bender

I am pleased to share with you that as a preliminary result of the Resolution, Reclamation, and Soul-Retrieval Sequencing Process that the Higher Collective Mind recently initiated, many of the troubled, misaligned/imbalanced nodal points or energetic pathways of connection within the newly infused 5D-7D Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life, have now begun to achieve or are moving into, some degree of right/proper alignment, exchange and/or resolution. 

That's right, the tiring and challenging work performed by you and the many other countless Warriors of Light, of anchoring, integrating, and infusing (or breathing in/out) the equinox portal energies into the Collective Higher Mind, along with your participation thus far in the early stages of the overall Sequencing Process, has allowed some measure of Harmonic Up-Shifting - or an expanded state of convergent movement, flow and magnetization within the 5D-7D Collective Higher Mind, to occur.

Even at this preliminary stage of the Sequencing Process, this has created a more harmonious and expanded state of awareness, connectivity, and receptivity that is now sweeping across the Collective Higher Mind, and therefore within You! This extra, highly-refined energetic oomph! provided, will aid you and the Collective greatly in the ease and further completion of the overall Sequencing Process. Let me briefly explain just how, under each of the 3 Sequencing Acts listed below:

HS Message - The Importance of Self-Care, Compassion, and Love During This Most Crucial Time

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Fri, 03/28/2014 - 02:25

by April Bender

I wish to discuss with you today, the importance of Self-Care, Compassion and Love. As these are the crucial qualities or energies that you should be abundantly expressing to Self at this time. Because in order for you to fully Reclaim your empowered Divine center, or seat/throne of Divine Empowerment (solar plexus), you must first believe yourself worthy of it. And this feeling of worthiness is something you need to work into your overall day, not just when things are quiet and/or you are alone.You must learn to truly BELIEVE and have FAITH in who and what YOU ARE, in every way, shape and form - even during the intensity of such expansive and therefore extremely challenging, clearing/transmutation waves. If, in your heart, you believe yourself unworthy in some way, then your inner sun cannot fully shine!

This is why you and others may be experiencing a rather dramatic ping-pong effect between states of feeling uncomfortably full, agitated, and constricted (physically, emotionally, spiritually) - and states of lightness, joy, and optimistic expectation. You are reconciling the two energies together, inducing them into a "higher" form/expression - therefore, you need to learn to stay in your "center" while these two energy streams come together. It is where you are most effective - it is the seat of your power and the point of least oscillation/motion.

HS Message: A New Genesis of Creation

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sat, 03/22/2014 - 10:58

by April Bender

Congratulations on a truly fantastic "exhalation" and therefore, "full breath" of equinox portal energies! The striking results of which, will continue to manifest for you and for All, over the coming days and weeks ahead. It is because of this glorious "movement" into Collective Communion and Co-Creative Expression that you and the collective Web of Life, shall now in reality embark upon A New Genesis of Creation.

While the "exhalation" or co-creative efforts of All did not find enough overall resonance and harmony in order to fully "activate" or "awaken" the 5D Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life (this time), what DID/IS taking place was/is beyond a doubt, truly REMARKABLE and has initiated a larger, more potent "movement" into this New Genesis of Creation.

Let me explain...

During this latest "ascension test run," the communication, exchange and communion of all individual pathways/streams contained within the 5D Web of Life/Higher Collective Mind, sourcing back to individual souls and their in-breaths, literally "lit-up." Therefore, the entire neural network of this Web became fully aglow, awash in the collective radiance (higher energies) of all who participated or were/are "linked in."

This allowed those troubled areas or "nodes" of the Web/Collective Higher Mind that were not resonate with or harmoniously linked to each other, to "stand out" or be identified and mapped. And at the same time, allowed those nodes that DID find resonance and/or balanced exchange, to deepen their experience of relationship, communion, and/or exchange of information - the effects of which will only serve to deepen your own overall experience of ascension.

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