
HS Brief - Equinox Portal Induction or "In-Breath" Now Completes, Brief Integrational Pause Ensues

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Thu, 03/20/2014 - 07:54

by April Bender

As you correctly intuited this morning, the "in-breath" or energetic induction phase of this colossal equinox portal is now complete/completing. Your vessel stands tall, FULL, literally filled to the brim with high frequency, full spectrum bandwidth energetics of a highly charged, transformative nature. These energies contain vast quantities of higher information, light codes, and ancestral (Star/Soul Family) memory as internally accessed, magnetized, and pulled-through by you during this most colossal portal opening.

You've done extremely well in utilizing your "inner nexus point" between worlds (chakra/spiritual centers), while staying "centered" within your solar plexus or seat/throne of divine empowerment, as you successfully "breathed in a vastness," not yet experienced or contained, into your Being.

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HS Briefing - The Bursting Open of this Colossal Equinox Portal

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Tue, 03/18/2014 - 16:02

by April Bender

I would like to take a moment today, to speak with you about how you've been feeling and to assure you that it does indeed directly relate to the opening of the Spring Equinox Portal.

This magnificently robust "opening" actually began in earnest yesterday. That is why in such a short time you've gone from feeling completely emptied/clear and utterly expansive (vessel) - to feeling uncomfortably full, bloated, and squeezed tight (energetically). Seemingly, like there is very little inner "wiggle" room. You are feeling tired, restless, irritable, rebellious, angry and/or sad, along with the typical ascension or "inner expansion" aches and pains within the body.

I wanted to assure you by clarifying for you, that with this Spring Equinox Portal comes GREAT potential for CONTACT or The Event. Because this IS such a COLOSSAL portal opening, you are naturally following your usual rhythm of energy/light INDUCTION, but this time filling your newly expanded vessel/vehicle in preparation for a MIGHTY CO-CREATIVE EXHALATION or movement, which will be a synchronized "test" or "firing up" of the grid or Web of Life and/or the Radicalization of the Collective Mind sometime on/around March 20-21.

This is THE Breath I've been attempting to prepare you for, in my previous messages up to this point, the "breath-work" that will indeed re-establish the link/awareness of your Soul/Star families and lineages back into the experience of Gaia - at a certain level of experience.

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HS Message: The Importance of Active Co-Creation at this Time

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Wed, 03/12/2014 - 07:07

Higher Self message by April Bender

First, let me clarify what I mean when I speak of co-creation, especially given the context of my last message concerning the utilization of your solar plexus chakra, or seat/throne of divine empowerment in order to travel within to various inner realms/dimensions, and how co-creation is a natural by-product or expression of such soulful adventures and integrations.

You see as part of your new vessel's "breathing process" in which you're exchanging vast quantities of energy and information between worlds/dimensional levels, one must become mindful that part of taking a "complete" breath includes a further stage of "exhalation" in order to be a whole movement or cycle - and that stage is a co-creative one.

This is taking that information, memory, knowledge, love and/or codings received while traveling/communing inwardly, letting it inform and inspire you, and then physically creating/manifesting something tangible in the external world. In this way you further solidify that higher integrated information/vibration out into the world.

HS Message: Your Active Participation is Now Requested

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Wed, 03/12/2014 - 07:01
Higher Self message by April Bender
For the last several months you've found yourself seemingly adrift in a sea of Void. Unable to move forward nor backward, as the sense or reference point of “you” in the past is no longer there, and the “you” of the future is still being defined/created, just as the future itself is.
Yes my dear, you've let go and released so very much this last year, and in doing so, have finally created a cavernously large, purified vessel that will now enable you to contain/hold ALL that you are now able to BECOME and REMEMBER on a scale never before imagined!
Let me explain. . .
Universe upon universe literally exist within you – and as you've discovered, you can easily travel down into their depths through your solar plexus chakra. To do this, you can simply allow your consciousness to focalize as a spiral shape within this center, while your inner sun blazes a brilliant and fiery yellow. You continue to allow your consciousness to be carried along this inner spiral, moving in and down. Next, you allow yourself to slow down and sense where it is you need to stop and then simply step off. 

Mythology's Guide to Ascension

Submitted by drmoe on Tue, 02/04/2014 - 17:39

The Voice - A Mythological Guide to Mankind's Ascension

Still available for Free Preview on Goodreads until February 10, 2014:


A Message from The Voice

My fellow travelers,

Once in a while you are awakened to new insights that shake up your status quo.  You get so rattled your whole world goes topsy-turvy.

Is this a bad thing?  No, not at all!  Is it a good thing?  By all means, yes!  How else can you get a good night’s sleep unless you are tired?  How else can you wake up to new realities unless your old world view is shattered?

Positive disintegration is what this is, a chance at a new start.  A world view changes as you are ready to receive the new.  It unfolds through you.  All life does this.

It’s your reality after all that needs awakening, not mine!  Ascension is clear.  From where I stand I can see you there trying your hardest.  But you are stumbling all over the place.  There’s no truth anymore to the old world order.  It has to die.  That’s how a new age  is born.  The old goes first, because it doesn’t work anymore.  It fails to meet your needs.

It’s beyond you to comprehend this fully, but it’s true nevertheless.  Old world orders disappear all the time.  Your world history holds many examples of this.

In this book, we are examining such prospects.  We are viewing change from a unique point of view, as something happening in fantasy land, but it is actually happening to you as we speak.

You are living this dream as I have described it.  You are witnessing for yourselves the power of change.  Old world orders come and go, as you please, but certain constants remain the same.

The Only Lightworker-Operated Arts and Entertainment Magazine & Ning Presents: Upcoming 2014 – The year of “Unity, Love and ‘Getting Off’ Creatively”

Submitted by JTariah on Fri, 11/22/2013 - 19:15
The Only Lightworker-Operated Arts and Entertainment Magazine & Ning Presents: Upcoming 2014 – The year of “Unity, Love and ‘Getting Off’ Creatively”
We are the only LIGHTWORKER-OPERATED Arts and Entertainment Magazine! Join our NEW Ning social networking site:
Our Ning social networking site and Magazine are geared towards the Indigo & Crystal Generation's CREATORS, including: musicians, visual artists, D.J.s, dancers, fashion designers, architects, journalists, chefs, creative writers, photographers, entertainers and students of these arts! Haule Haule Magazine globally informs about the arts - including music, media, and dance - plus entertainment today.


Upcoming 2014 – The year of “Unity, Love and ‘Getting Off’ Creatively” – What Are You Waiting For?


We – the artists, writers, and contributors of Haule Haule Magazine – are Creators. This is what we feel, breathe, think, and eat. We are the visionaries of the future, while creating in the now. Our collective productivity, in digitized print, magnifies self-expression in ourselves and others. This is what we are here for! Our shared imagination inspires productivity, thus creating a seemingly-infinite ripple effect of sharing, reflecting, and generating.


2014 – The year of “Unity, Love and ‘Getting Off’ Creatively” – is about to commence in a billion screaming colors, shapes, movements, and sounds!


Diamond Heart Chakra Cleanse Class

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Wed, 11/13/2013 - 18:49

We are holding our innovative Diamond Heart Essence Training which will cleanse the Advanced Chakra Grid on the 3rd, 4th and 5th levels of dimension on Thursday November 14, 2013 at 5 PM

Many are aware of the Hindu system of the 7 chakras that consist of the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root. These are energy centers that Western medicine does not recognize as real, much like the mythical meridians in Chinese medicine they can’t seem to locate on their modern equipment. However to much of the non-western world, and to many now within it, these energy vortexes and lines are not only real but the proper functioning and balance of them is considered as essential as breathing.

Most healers doing chakra balancing or cleansing typically work on the physical level of the 3rd dimensional body to assist healing. The Diamond Heart Essence uses spiritual Light Diamond technology on the chakras themselves but also for all the joints of the body. Using your own Light Diamonds works on the higher dimensions of the 5th and beyond to actualize those higher frequencies by giving you a new direct pathway to your I AM Presence connecting that essence to your physical body using the etheric body as the bridge.

New Earth Frequency Update ~ Transition, Transform, and Accept New Doorway of Opportunities

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Mon, 09/16/2013 - 22:06

Planetary ~ Shared by Meleriessee

We are now standing at a juncture of time that will take us into the next level of our own creation.  The power of the energies within the next week cannot be measured by any of the other transitionary moments we have received this year.  That’s a tall order since we already have been affected by the changes within Gaia, within each of us, and within the World around us.  Hold your ground steady as each of us is about to walk into a new world of existence.

Let’s start by sharing about the Full Moon energies on the 19th of September that occur at 7:31 AM Eastern, 4:31 AM Pacific, and 11:31 GMT which is within the Sun Sign of Virgo with Pisces.  The energies of this moon represent our spiritual aspirations (Pisces) and learning how to ground it within our physical world (Virgo).  The aspects of this moon include our highest visions and spiritual health.  Many individuals may have their “ascension symptoms” become more astute.  This is when we fully need to utilize the healing energy that is being sent to us and breathe into the essence.  Utilizing the Blue-Green Ray representing attraction to the Light Body is very beneficial in helping the physical body to receive the crystalline energies.

Included within the full moon energies is a Diamond structure that started its descent at the end of last week.  The diamond is creating all the dissimilar elements that we have been dealing with to come into a point of creation.  So if you have been feeling out of sorts through your emotional or mental bodies, this could be a major cause of it occurring. (

Diligence of the Light ~ Lord Metatron

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Fri, 08/23/2013 - 19:32


Metatron by Artist Tony Pinfold.

We are coming into another powerful surge of energy that is being ignited on the planet, and it is my pleasure to share some thoughts about this alignment which is the 2nd activation of the Merkabah or the Star of David means for each of you.

When these activations occur, you must understand that the information that is channeled is directed through the channel themselves.  This has always been the case but since the veil of forgetfulness and the veil between our worlds has been lifted there is so much confliction that is occurring with the information that is being presented by so many people.

And, yes, this is a channeling through Rev. Christine Meleriessee.  But let me give you a little bit of background information on her journey.

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