Weekly Updates

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update 8~7~12 8~8 Energies Coming in with a Bang!

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 20:38


Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~ 8~8 Energies Coming in with a Bang!~




Greetings Love Beings, We are On the Eve of the 8~8~ Energies and they are already coming in with a BANG! These transformational Energies are bringing In Alot of Joy and these Are Gifts of Love from US, to All of You!!! If You are ready these Energies are Providing a Lift UP! Step In and Just Jump!!! Now Is the MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update 8~6~12 Full Steam Ahead!

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 08/06/2012 - 19:56

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~ Full Steam Ahead! ~~~


Waves of the Rainbow Love Energy Pouring Into the Planet

 Photo By Gretchen Wild Iris Hermey


Greetings Love Beings, We announced in our last update all the plans for the powers who were to further enslave Humanity into fear have now been stopped. The Violet Flame Energy of Truth, Love, Peace, and Unity have been Successfully Lit and Grounded through the Olympic Games and Events on Planet Earth=Heart. Now, Being The Love You are is The Only Mission. We Recommend for Each of You, to Live Your Lives in Love and Joy, for this is The Only Reality=The Present Moment of Now.


Mike Quinsey and Salusa:

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~8~5~12 All plans to Prevent the Light Have Been Stopped

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 08/05/2012 - 21:37

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~ All plans to Prevent the Light Have Been Stopped

Wake Up Each and Every Day With The Thought That:
"Something Wonderful Is About To Happen"

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~8~2~12 The Divine Lifeline IS Given~Unity Requested

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 08/02/2012 - 19:50

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update The Divine LifelineIS Given~Unity Requested


Cloaked Scout Craft Mt Shasta Photo By Earth Ally ANdRea


Greetings Love Beings, The Light Just Keeps Getting Brighter on Planet Earth=Heart. As this Occurs, more are awakening, while others are Stepping Forward into Their Divine Roles for this next facet of The Divine Plan. The Moments We are In Require a Full Participation from Everyone Across the Planet who Understands what is Unfolding. A Divine Lifeline has Been given, and We will See How Quickly We Can come Together to Unify and Assist the Energy to Manifest Our Inevitable Events. The Moment has Come for US ALL To Step Up and Step Forward. The Olympics this Year Has Lite the Flame of Unity and this cannot be put out.


~Join US~ Council~ Internet Love Party~ We are Lighting This Planet In Love

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 08/01/2012 - 08:52

Greetings Love Beings!!!



Join US at 10:30am Pacific for A Family of Love Council and Love Party!

We are Gonna Light this Planet Up In a Big WAY! Thank You For Participating!!!




Welcome to Today! Love Is Pouring Into this Planet, and NO ONE Can Stop this Energy! Love Is ALIVE and Love IS REAL! Today and from Now On Forward, Everyday is Love's DAY On Planet Earth=Heart!





The Lights have been turned ON ,the once darkened stage now is all Lite up and all the Masters are Being revealed on Planet Earth=heart. The last "dramas"  are being played out that were required within the "Divine Plan" to expose the Truth with Grace and Forgiveness.


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~30~12 Moment By Moment We Arrive Closer to Our Divine Events

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 07/30/2012 - 19:58

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update Moment By Moment We Arrive Closer to Our Divine Events


A New Universe By Earth Ally Will Harader


Greetings Love Beings, The Light is Growing at an intense Speed across the Planet. We have Shared in a Prior Update these next 30 days were going to be Exciting and Indeed the Energy is Building which Is pushing the Truth Straight to the Forefront.

Events beyond Humanity's wildest imaginations are getting ready to Burst Forth. Indeed Love HAS WON!


 Quoted from Ron Van Dyke"One thing is different for me this time as opposed to other times of great expectation: I am not emotionally attached. I simply know that good things are happening and hidden things will continue to manifest for those that choose the vibration of love. Whatever happens out of the ordinary, Love wins!" End Of Quote


~ Our Next Galactic Free Press Update~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 07/29/2012 - 17:20



Greetings Love Beings, We will Not have a daily update today as we are currently dealing with all the incoming energies and information about our current moments. We are processing this all and will report this to you in our Next Update for Monday July 30th, 2012. We have many Exciting events getting ready to manifest. We can share this Truth with you as We feel this along side many of You who are also feeling this. We Love You, We are In this Together! Trust Love Everyone, for this is Who You Really Are!



Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies





Amazing Awakening Sessions Available

Heal with the Whole Truth:



Galactic Truth Report:

~Internet Love Party Continues~ 1:30pm Pacific Join US as One Unified Love~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 07/28/2012 - 11:01


Picture Drawn In Yesterday's Love Party!


~ Greetings Love Beings!! Our Love Party for the Olympics was Successful. We will Be Continuing this Energy today for Our Regular Scheduled Love Party! The Upgrades are Still Coming In! Join us As One Family United In Love and In Joy! Many Exciting Events are Getting ready to Manifest as Per the Divine Plan! These Love Parties with Our Combined Energies Accelerate these Events Into Manifestation. Thank You for Participating In the Greatest Events In This Planet's History! Love WINS~

Humanity's Freedom is at Hand!


We will Begin at 1:30pm Pacific


You Can Join Us Here at this Link





~ Join us for A Live~ Love Internet Party Today~ Lets Celebrate 1pm Pacific

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 07/27/2012 - 10:22





~Greetings Love Beings Today at 1pm Pacific Time Zone we will Begin a Love Party to Assist In todays Energies and The Downloads for the Upgrades coming In.


Quoted from Our Update Last Night"  To Do our Part, We will Be Hosting a Live Love Internet Party tomorrow[Today Friday July 27th] during these events and will Be Downloading the Codes for the Upgrades.  This Event will Greatly Assist us In Our Inevitable Divine Outcome of Humanity Finally Free from pain and suffering and Home Into Reality. Our Focused Love and Joy will Really Light This Planet UP! Our craft will utilize Our Energy and those Who are Focusing On the Light to pour this into the Planet which will Open and Activate the Vortex. This is a Planet Wide Event and Requires Your Full Participation. Humanity's Destiny in Love is Arriving." End of Quote



You Can Join US at this Link Beginning at 1pm Pacific Time Zone

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