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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~22~12 The Paradise Codes for the New Earth Have Been Activated

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 07/22/2012 - 19:37

Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update The Paradise Codes for the New Earth Have Been Activated


Thank You to Ron Head and Jennifer Farley "Message's From The Creator"


Greetings Love Beings, Yesterday we received telepathic communication from our Craft that the energies for the Opening of the Lions Gate are being released now. These Energies will be coming in, Until Everyone is Participating in the Oneness Energy, also called the Present Moment of Now.

You can read more about how we recieved this telepathic communication experience here




Today's Crop Circle 7~22~12

~Exciting and Intense Love Internet Party Today 1:30pm Pacific~ Join US for a Special Announcement

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 07/21/2012 - 10:00

 Join us Live at 1:30pm Pacific Today Saturday July 21st For Our Weekly Love Internet Party~

BYOB Bring Your Own Being


The SunDog Prophecy The Return of the White Buffalo = The Return to Peace On Earth




~Today we will Host a Very High Energy Internet Love Party with a Special Announcement from Our Craft we recieved this Morning about this Very Important Energy Day. In fact, the Moment we recieved this Message, the Computer Dinged, A Train Came by and Honked the Horn and Our Refrigerator all came on at the Same Moment. WOW, What a Synchronostic Moment of YES!~ We have Hit the Surprise, Full of Love Timeline, where everything and anything can Happen as time is entering no time! LOVE WINS!


Join us Here at this Link beginning at around 1:30pm Pacific or earlier if you like Here at

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~20~12 The Restart Into the Rainbow Of Love Energy

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 07/20/2012 - 20:06

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~20~12



Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update The Restart Into the Rainbow Of Love Energy


Double Rainbow In Dunsmuir - will - site


Greetings Love Beings, Yesterday we announced the Grace Light was going to be re~introduced to the Planet. This Grace Energy is Unique, as its arriving in Rainbow Colors which Represent a Completion Energy.



The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~19~12 We are In Exciting Moments On Planet Earth=Heart

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 07/19/2012 - 19:52


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~19~12



Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update We are In Exciting Moments On Planet Earth=Heart


Rainbow Hued Crystalline cruiser, heading south from Mt. Shasta, Photo Earth Ally Yojman


Greetings Love Beings, There are few words to describe how Excited, E"LIGHTED", we are about these Moments we are In on Planet Earth=Heart. The Reason We are Excited, as it was 4 years ago, in which we Planted the seeds of Love Everywhere Present into The Collective Consciousness, for Our Divine Events to Manifest Here On Planet Earth=Heart into Physicality.




The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~16~12 Light Breakthrough for Planet Earth=Heart

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 07/16/2012 - 18:29


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~16~12


Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update Light Breakthrough for Planet Earth=Heart




Greetings Love Beings, Tomorrow is the Anniversary Energies of the First Fire the Grid Event, where the Energies Of Heaven=JOY entered Into the Collective Consciousness on this Planet. On this Day, We Also Literally Fired the Magnetic Grid for Humanity's Awakening.This occurred 5 Years ago, and now is ripe for manifestation. For the Past 5 Years we have been Fully Participating In the Divine Plan Behind the Scenes on this Planet. The Moments we are In is for All which was accomplished to Now Manifest into Physical Reality, these are also the Divine Decree's In Manifestation.


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~15~12 Everyone is Getting an Upgrade, Love has Entered~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 07/15/2012 - 17:20

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~15~12


Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update

Everyone is Getting an Upgrade, Love has Entered~


July 14th, 2012 X Class Solar Flare


Greetings Love Beings, Yesterday Our Sun Sent Very Powerful Energy to the Planet and All on her. This ignited an intense Upgrade for everyone. For the Next 48 Hours you will be processing this energy upgrade which entered into Everyone's DNA Successfully. During this Process all which is not in alignment with the Higher Energies will be moving out~ We are in some massive clearing which will energetically open up space for the Higher Love Energies to Enter. Let GO AND JUST JUMP!


Solar Flare


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~12~12Victory for the Light is Arriving in Manifestation~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 07/12/2012 - 19:59


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~12~12



Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update

Victory for the Light is Arriving in Manifestation~


 Thank You to earthsky.org



Greetings Love Beings, In Our Last Update we shared about a 3 day event in which we participated in Bringing in Intense Amount of Love Energy. 3 of Our Scout Craft Escorted Us along with Five of Us, All Fire Signs on this Journey. Now, the Sun is Showing itself and Sharing This Energy Event.


X 1.4 Class Flare Thank You to Spaceweather.com


~ Our Next Update and The Love Party Council Meeting~ Alot is Happening~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 07/10/2012 - 19:14



Greetings Love Beings, As we announced yesterday, an Intense Amount of Love Energy has Been Released over the past 72 hours. This will be arriving to Everyone over an 8 day period leading up to the 5 Year anniversary of the First Fire the Grid Event which occurred July 17th, 2007. Since these Moments, we are now "Ripe" for Manifestation. With this Energy arriving, Many more of our Craft Are Appearing not only from the Outerskies but also from the Inner Earth.



Sunrise sky over grytviken south Georgia Found on FB Taken July 4th 2012





We felt we would share a regular update today, however the energy is so intense we have no words to share yet until we can completely process it all. Alot is Happening and the mass removals are underway behind the scenes. Just an FYI!


~The Galactic Free Press Short Update~ Intense Energy has Been Released~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 07/09/2012 - 20:12




Greetings Love Beings, We come with a short update to share with you what is Currently Unfolding. We now have a Huge Energetic Wave of an intense Energy which was released over the past 72 Hours. This Energy will be bursting forth in a very High Vibrational Rate into Your DNA. Like Red Energy bursting forth from within You.



Through Synchronostic Events in these Last 72 Hours we were guided to be in nature as this Energy was released. During these Moments, We also Had an Amazing Event With Musician Ben Harper, whose Synchronostic Music we have shared many times in Our Updates and Love Parties. He was playing at a nearby Festival. During hearing him play, 3 of our craft appeared in the sky directly ahead of US. Giving a Thumbs Up. These next 8 Days will Be Very Powerful for those Awake In the Light.


A Picture of our Campground V= Victory



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