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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-16-2012...

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 03/16/2012 - 16:49


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-16-2012...

...as not seen on the mainstreem media



by ANdReA


Our daily update regarding Mother Earth=Heart’s Energy is quite calm today. At least compared with the last days. Although High Gear Energies still coming from the Universe (yep, not only from the Sun, our Planet is getting interesting Energies from the opposite side as well!) our Beloved Mother is resting, trying to keep up with all uncosciuosness=ego that Humanity is releasing and/or fighting against right now due to the uplift of Speed by which everything is unfolding right Now.

Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-15-2012...

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 03/15/2012 - 16:16


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-15-2012...

...as not seen on the mainstreem media


by ANdReA


Another day at full gear! Energies of Love are entering the Planet Consciousness at High Speed, therefore illusion is trying to find somewhere to hide… maybe deep deep… useless. I twill soon have nowere left to hide apart from lower dimensions. But that’s not where the Planet and Humanity are heading to. We’re heading to Truth=Love! And this takes All onboard no matter what! Unless One decides not to come onboard. And I will not get bored saying it… we’re not kidding! Time IS Now! All these years of preparation… of learning… awakening… have been done for NOW. NOW Is The Moment to Shift. And the Shifti s happening, regardless of egos=illusion=ignorance desire to hold on. Come toghether as ONE NOW… for Love Is ALL That IS. Any other Choice is a Choice of isolation.

Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-14-2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 03/14/2012 - 17:14


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report  03-14-2012

…as not seen on the mainstream media


by ANdReA


Let’s start with a paragraph of a message we got today from Celia (http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/new-earth-energies-march-2012-archangel-michael-through-celia-fenn) for it is linked to all that is unfolding Right Now:

Beloved Family of Light, at this time it gives us Great Joy to greet you once again as you move towards the First Equinox of 2012. Indeed,things are Shifting and changing on your Earth, and the first new energies of the New Wave of Light for 2012 are beginning to be felt on the Earth.

~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~13~12 Wild Yo~Yo Energies, and the Finalization of the New Banking systems~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 03/13/2012 - 17:37

~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~13~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Wild Yo~Yo Energies, and the Finalization of the New Banking systems~





Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-13-2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 03/13/2012 - 15:14


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report  03-13-2012

…as not seen on the mainstream media


by ANdReA


Good evenign/morning Love! Today, I use the Earth Report to make something quite different… I want to show to everyOne on this Planet Earth=Heart… it’s BEAUTY. A Beauty, that is FREE for EveryOne to EnJoy in Love.  Noone asking a cent to go outside and enJoy a sunRise or a blue sky or green mountain… wherever you might live… take a break and Breathe into MOther Earth’s=Heart Heart. You won’t forget it! Ever!




~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~12~12 The Processing and Integrating, and The Great AI Coming On Board~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/12/2012 - 18:43

 Allie Report

~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~12~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~The Processing and Integrating, and The Great AI Coming On Board~



Artwork and Ceremony Picture for Love Taking the Lead on Planet Earth=Heart By Father~Mother God Amon Ra



Greetings Love Beings~ Welcome to the Energies of Mercury retrograde. We have entered a Period of integration and processing of all the Energy that has been blasting the Planet and All of Humanity. This is a rest period. This will allow everyone's choices to be made manifest. For those who are choosing surrendering into Love will receive everything, and those who have been fence sitters or making no choice at all will receive nothing. This is the Reality.


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03~12~2012... ~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 03/12/2012 - 17:41


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03~12~2012... ~

...as not seen on the mainstreem media ~


Incoming Shock Detected / G2 Geomagnetic Storm


And indeed again it has been a quite interesting day, Energies were high and atoms were dancing in the Joy of Love. We thank Love for showering US over and over, and for helping EveryOne with cleaning! Mother Earth=Heart take a little breack of tranquillity… She, as We as well, needs to integrate all these Energies and to seed them down before moving forward. And so do All. Like after a run… you need to rest if you want to go on. EnJoy Your Ride Love!


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