Weekly Updates

Our "Weekly Updates", smaller updates released in conjunction with the GFP.

~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ Humanity's Destiny Unfolds~Here we GO~ The Big Changes are Arriving As Scheduled~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 03/11/2012 - 16:28

~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~11~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Humanity's Destiny Unfolds~Here we GO~ The Big Changes are Arriving As Scheduled~


Cloud Ships over the Mountains taken by Will Harader


Greetings Love Beings..Did we say Movement was occurring, aligning to the energy of Love is occurring and the Big Anticipated changes were sure to arrive. Yes, we have and Here we are! We are in the Midst of all of this right now. The Energies are Moving us all quickly to our Destination. True Peace for ALL, Well~Wholeness of Being for ALL, Abundance for ALL, Happiness and Overflowing Joy for ALL, with True Equality and Pure Unconditional Love. This is Humanity's Destiny and Here we GO! WE are Smack in the middle of these energies at the Moment, and we are Right On Schedule.


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03~11~2012... ~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 03/11/2012 - 15:48


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03~11~2012... ~

...as not seen on the mainstreem media ~



~We have been sharing for long time now about what is going on and what is going to happen and what you can expect to be facing. Especially, we have been sharing for long time that when the Shift happens, nothing that is not Love=Truth can be kept.

Often, and from every source, you’ve read and heard about letting go. Why? Because if you don’t let go you’ll face the fact that all that is not Love… will simply disappear from your life.

As simple as that.

~The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update, Update~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 03/10/2012 - 18:00


Father God and I Got back earlier from our nature trip. We got to enjoy the trees and many walks in the Sunshine! We will resume these Daily Updates beginning tomorrow as we are in another Big Alignment and adjustment Period. WE have lots going on, and many happy events that are unfolding for all of Humanity.


Our Other event that we are looking into is on facebook. Our Profile has been blocked from us, this includes all of those connections with all of Our groups. This is the second time that this has occurred. WE are working to resolve this as quickly as possible, if we can. If You are on Fb, and are not connected to the Media page, we highly recommend connecting in via this way. As We can Continue to Post to our Media Page. The rest of our staff are able to post.





We Love You, Love Mother and Father God and the GFP Staff

Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-10-2012...

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 03/10/2012 - 15:31


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-10-2012...

...as not seen on the mainstreem media


by ANdReA




Sunspot 1429 Flares Again
A strong solar flare (as someone brilliantly called it toady: Celestial waves of gamma ~~) is currently in progress around Sunspot 1429 on Saturday afternoon. This flare is currently at M8.0+.

The flair became an M8.4

~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~9~12 ~ The Speed of Love is Unstoppable ~ Everybody Ready to Shift ~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 03/09/2012 - 15:56


 ~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~9~12 ~ The Speed of Love is Unstoppable ~

Everybody Ready to Shift ~


~Time is collapsing as part of the old energy that is being released and wiped out, from Now on only NOW exists. Pack your ego luggage and through it out of the window… no more need for it, its time is over. Humanity IS FREE NOW ~


~Divine Time schedule has arrived, nothing left to hold on unless you want to make your journey to a roller coaster.


Shift is Now as Real as Humanity itself, the only thing you can choose is wheather to jump onboard or to stay where you are. LOVE’s not stopping anymore, LOVE has listened to Humanity’s call and set EveryOne Free in Love NOW. ~



Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 03/09/2012 - 01:24




The old paradigm, program, system, matrix… however you called it… Forget it! For it’s no more! It has been wiped out. Today!

Divine Decree has stated today that Humanity si Free. Now!

Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-08-2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 03/08/2012 - 15:36


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report  03-08-2012

…as not seen on the mainstream media



by ANdReA


The amazing LOVE  Energy coming from the Sun has reached Mother Earth=Heart today, and lots of Hearts were simply Ready and Open to integrate it. WonderFul!

Accepting this Love Energy is as easy as drinking a glass of water, unless you hold on on old energies… then it might be more challenging… another Great reason to let go of everything, for LOVE is UNSTOPPABLE and noone and nothing can hide from LOVE. Make it easy and SMILE… Give everything you have… so EVERYTHING will be given to You! EnJoy Your Ride LOVE!




~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~7~12 Great Joy Ahead for all, on Planet Earth=Heart The Givers Have Won~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 03/07/2012 - 18:30

~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~7~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Great Joy Ahead for all, on Planet Earth=Heart~The Givers Have Won~



~Photo Taken By Will Harader The Galactic Alignment~ Humanity as a Blue Star Nation~via Connected to All Love IS~


BREAKING NEWS - Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-06-2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 03/07/2012 - 02:33


BREAKING NEWS -  Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report


...as not seen on the mainstream news




by ANdReA



Could not wait… I told you things were silent just to give a little Rest before Upgrading again to Higher Level… And… Here IT IS!


Did we not tell you? Did we not tell you it was only the beginning? Well, it still IS the Beginning, the Beginning of The Shift. It IS Underway NOW.

Fasten your Heart Seatbelt and EnJoy the Ride… It’s a JOY RIDE into the TRUTH OF LOVE! ALL Toghether as ONE! For ONE WE ARE. 



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